2,958,308 research outputs found
Cell Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes
Acknowledgements The work described in this review was supported by a grant from the MRC. K.R.M. is supported by a fellowship from the Scottish Translational Medicines and Therapeutics Initiative through the Wellcome Trust.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Pluripotency factors functionally premark cell-type-restricted enhancers in ES cells.
Enhancers for embryonic stem (ES) cell-expressed genes and lineage-determining factors are characterized by conventional marks of enhancer activation in ES cells1-3, but it remains unclear whether enhancers destined to regulate cell-type-restricted transcription units might also have distinct signatures in ES cells. Here we show that cell-type-restricted enhancers are 'premarked' and activated as transcription units by the binding of one or two ES cell transcription factors, although they do not exhibit traditional enhancer epigenetic marks in ES cells, thus uncovering the initial temporal origins of cell-type-restricted enhancers. This premarking is required for future cell-type-restricted enhancer activity in the differentiated cells, with the strength of the ES cell signature being functionally important for the subsequent robustness of cell-type-restricted enhancer activation. We have experimentally validated this model in macrophage-restricted enhancers and neural precursor cell (NPC)-restricted enhancers using ES cell-derived macrophages or NPCs, edited to contain specific ES cell transcription factor motif deletions. DNA hydroxyl-methylation of enhancers in ES cells, determined by ES cell transcription factors, may serve as a potential molecular memory for subsequent enhancer activation in mature macrophages. These findings suggest that the massive repertoire of cell-type-restricted enhancers are essentially hierarchically and obligatorily premarked by binding of a defining ES cell transcription factor in ES cells, dictating the robustness of enhancer activation in mature cells
Cell-type specific H+-ATPase activity enables root K+ retention and mediates acclimation to salinity
While the importance of cell-type specificity in plant adaptive responses is widely accepted, only a limited number of studies have addressed this issue at the functional level. We have combined electrophysiological, imaging, and biochemical techniques to reveal physiological mechanisms conferring higher sensitivity of apical root cells to salinity in barley. We show that salinity application to the root apex arrests root growth in a highly tissue- and treatment-specific manner. Although salinity-induced transient net Na+ uptake was about 4-fold higher in the root apex compared with the mature zone, mature root cells accumulated more cytosolic and vacuolar Na+ suggesting that higher sensitivity of apical cells to salt is not related to either enhanced Na+ exclusion or sequestration inside the root. Rather, the above differential sensitivity between the two zones originates from a 10-fold difference in K+ efflux between the mature zone and the apical region (much poorer in the root apex) of the root. Major factors contributing to this poor K+ retention ability are: (1) an intrinsically lower H+-ATPase activity in the root apex; (2) greater salt-induced membrane depolarization and (3) a higher ROS production under NaCl and a larger density of ROS-activated cation currents in the apex. Salinity treatment increased (2 to 5 fold) the content of 10 (out of 25 detected) amino acids in the root apex but not in the mature zone and changed the organic acid and sugar contents. The causal link between observed changes in the root metabolic profile and regulation of transporters activity is discussed
BayesCCE: a Bayesian framework for estimating cell-type composition from DNA methylation without the need for methylation reference.
We introduce a Bayesian semi-supervised method for estimating cell counts from DNA methylation by leveraging an easily obtainable prior knowledge on the cell-type composition distribution of the studied tissue. We show mathematically and empirically that alternative methods which attempt to infer cell counts without methylation reference only capture linear combinations of cell counts rather than provide one component per cell type. Our approach allows the construction of components such that each component corresponds to a single cell type, and provides a new opportunity to investigate cell compositions in genomic studies of tissues for which it was not possible before
Kinetics and cellular site of glycolipid loading control
CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells (NKT cells) possess a wide range of effector and regulatory
activities that are related to their ability to secrete both T helper 1 (Th1) cell- and Th2 cell-type
cytokines. We analyzed presentation of NKT cell activating α galactosylceramide (αGalCer) analogs
that give predominantly Th2 cell-type cytokine responses to determine how ligand structure controls
the outcome of NKT cell activation. Using a monoclonal antibody specific for αGalCer-CD1d
complexes to visualize and quantitate glycolipid presentation, we found that Th2 cell-type cytokinebiasing
ligands were characterized by rapid and direct loading of cell-surface CD1d proteins.
Complexes formed by association of these Th2 cell-type cytokine-biasing αGalCer analogs with
CD1d showed a distinctive exclusion from ganglioside-enriched, detergent-resistant plasma
membrane microdomains of antigen-presenting cells. These findings help to explain how subtle
alterations in glycolipid ligand structure can control the balance of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory
activities of NKT cells
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Cell-type-specific resolution epigenetics without the need for cell sorting or single-cell biology.
High costs and technical limitations of cell sorting and single-cell techniques currently restrict the collection of large-scale, cell-type-specific DNA methylation data. This, in turn, impedes our ability to tackle key biological questions that pertain to variation within a population, such as identification of disease-associated genes at a cell-type-specific resolution. Here, we show mathematically and empirically that cell-type-specific methylation levels of an individual can be learned from its tissue-level bulk data, conceptually emulating the case where the individual has been profiled with a single-cell resolution and then signals were aggregated in each cell population separately. Provided with this unprecedented way to perform powerful large-scale epigenetic studies with cell-type-specific resolution, we revisit previous studies with tissue-level bulk methylation and reveal novel associations with leukocyte composition in blood and with rheumatoid arthritis. For the latter, we further show consistency with validation data collected from sorted leukocyte sub-types
Cell-type specific potent Wnt signaling blockade by bispecific antibody.
Cell signaling pathways are often shared between normal and diseased cells. How to achieve cell type-specific, potent inhibition of signaling pathways is a major challenge with implications for therapeutic development. Using the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway as a model system, we report here a novel and generally applicable method to achieve cell type-selective signaling blockade. We constructed a bispecific antibody targeting the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 (the effector antigen) and a cell type-associated antigen (the guide antigen) that provides the targeting specificity. We found that the bispecific antibody inhibits Wnt-induced reporter activities with over one hundred-fold enhancement in potency, and in a cell type-selective manner. Potency enhancement is dependent on the expression level of the guide antigen on the target cell surface and the apparent affinity of the anti-guide antibody. Both internalizing and non-internalizing guide antigens can be used, with internalizing bispecific antibody being able to block signaling by all ligands binding to the target receptor due to its removal from the cell surface. It is thus feasible to develop bispecific-based therapeutic strategies that potently and selectively inhibit signaling pathways in a cell type-selective manner, creating opportunity for therapeutic targeting
The impact of species and cell type on the nanosafety profile of iron oxide nanoparticles in neural cells
Background: While nanotechnology is advancing rapidly, nanosafety tends to lag behind since general mechanistic insights into cell-nanoparticle (NP) interactions remain rare. To tackle this issue, standardization of nanosafety assessment is imperative. In this regard, we believe that the cell type selection should not be overlooked since the applicability of cell lines could be questioned given their altered phenotype. Hence, we evaluated the impact of the cell type on in vitro nanosafety evaluations in a human and murine neuroblastoma cell line, neural progenitor cell line and in neural stem cells. Acute toxicity was evaluated for gold, silver and iron oxide (IO) NPs, and the latter were additionally subjected to a multiparametric analysis to assess sublethal effects.
Results: The stem cells and murine neuroblastoma cell line respectively showed most and least acute cytotoxicity. Using high content imaging, we observed cell type-and species-specific responses to the IONPs on the level of reactive oxygen species production, calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial integrity and cell morphology, indicating that cellular homeostasis is impaired in distinct ways.
Conclusions: Our data reveal cell type-specific toxicity profiles and demonstrate that a single cell line or toxicity end point will not provide sufficient information on in vitro nanosafety. We propose to identify a set of standard cell lines for screening purposes and to select cell types for detailed nanosafety studies based on the intended application and/or expected exposure
Digit-Type Mechanisms in Cell Differentiation Process: a Theoretical Study
According to inductive conception, the interference of neighboring cells causes a production of broken spatial symmetry in an initially homogenous system (cell differentiation process) during embryo development. A concentration gradient of a specific substance (morphogen), which serves as an analog-type control signal, is proposed as an agent to provide this process. It is known fact, that genes’ activity are of a discreet-type (digit) and, therefore, cell differentiation mechanism based on the control digit-type signals in comparison with the analog-type signals is more or less probable.
A model presented here simulates the cell differentiation process. The model is based on the assumption that only the digit-type interactions take place between adjacent cells (not analog-type interactions that are typical for the concentration gradient field). Within model assumptions, the genes’ interaction algorithms and boundary condition are postulated.
Under the model assumptions, the cell differentiation process starts with the homogeneous blastula formation and comprises three consecutive stages. 1) The loop-like inhomogeneous cell formation development and corresponding set of the self-blocking genes activation - the set of the asymmetric pattern genes governs the process. 2) The line-type inhomogeneous cell formations, with their origins at different cells of the loop-type formation, development and corresponding self-blocking genes activation - the sets of the symmetric pattern genes govern the process. 3) The variety of the function genes activation in the complex inhomogeneous cell formation - the sets of the self-blocking genes govern the process. Under model assumptions the multi level tree-type inhomogeneous cell structures creation is possible. The number of the pattern genes limits the complexity of the inhomogeneous structure. According to the model, in order to provide the further blastula development process, the concentration gradient fields may appear after the initial stages of the cell differentiation process.
As simulated by the model, results qualitatively coincide with some of the experimental facts
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