13,534 research outputs found

    Repeated divergent selection on pigmentation genes in a rapid finch radiation

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    Instances of recent and rapid speciation are suitable for associating phenotypes with their causal genotypes, especially if gene flow homogenizes areas of the genome that are not under divergent selection. We study a rapid radiation of nine sympatric bird species known as capuchino seedeaters, which are differentiated in sexually selected characters of male plumage and song. We sequenced the genomes of a phenotypically diverse set of species to search for differentiated genomic regions. Capuchinos show differences in a small proportion of their genomes, yet selection has acted independently on the same targets in different members of this radiation. Many divergent regions contain genes involved in the melanogenesis pathway, with the strongest signal originating from putative regulatory regions. Selection has acted on these same genomic regions in different lineages, likely shaping the evolution of cis-regulatory elements, which control how more conserved genes are expressed and thereby generate diversity in classically sexually selected traits.Fil: Campagna, Leonardo. Cornell University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Repenning, Márcio. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia; BrasilFil: Silveira, Luís Fábio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Fontana, Carla Suertegaray. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Tubaro, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Lovette, Irby. Cornell University; Estados Unido

    La Plaza de Capuchinos de Córdoba. El origen de un espacio emblemático

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    La Plaza de Capuchinos es uno de los espacios más representativos de la ciudad de Córdoba. Al igual que muchas de las plazas que forman el trazado urbano de la ciudad, es un espacio que surge a raíz de los acuerdos establecidos entre las comunidades que la configuran. Por un lado, el hospital de San Jacinto y por el otro lado, el convento del Santo Ángel de padres capuchinos. Ambas congregaciones llegaron a unos acuerdos que concluyeron con la apertura de lo que hoy día denominamos como Plaza de Capuchinos. A partir de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII, dicho espacio va a quedar plasmado en el trazado urbano y va a ir forjándose como uno de los lugares más emblemáticos y de mayor representación de toda la ciudad. Este estudio pretende mostrar dichos acuerdos y analizar el proceso que llevaron a cabo ambas comunidades hasta concluir con la apertura de la plaza.The square Plaza de Capuchinos is one of the most representative places of Córdoba. Just as many of the other squares that make up the urban layout of the city, this is an environment that arises from the agreements established between the communities that formed part of it. On the one hand, the Hospital of San Jacinto; and on the other hand, the Capuchin Friars’ convent of Santo Ángel. Both congregations reached to some agreements that concluded on the opening of the current square Plaza de Capuchinos. From the first half of the 18th century, this square has formed part of the urban layout of Córdoba, and it has configured itself as one of the most emblematic and representative places of the city. This research study describes the before mentioned agreements and analyses the process followed by both communities until the opening of the square

    Making use of Capuchins’ behavioral propensities to obtain hair samples for DNA analyses

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    Genotyping wild and captive capuchins has become a priority and hair bulbs have high quality DNA. Here, we describe a method to non-invasively collect fresh-plucked strands of hair that exploits capuchins’ manual dexterity and propensity to grasp and extract food. The apparatus consists of a transparent tube baited with food. Its extraction requires the monkey to place its forearm in contact with double-sided tape applied on the inner surface of the tube entrance. The “tube” method, successfully implemented with captive (N=23) and wild (N=21) capuchins, allowed us to obtain hair bulbs from most individuals and usable genomic DNA was extracted even from a single bulb

    Antonio Valiente Romero (coord.). Los capuchinos y la capilla de San José: un siglo de convivencia (1916-2016) [Reseña]

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    Reseña completa: Antonio Valiente Romero (coord.). Los capuchinos y la capilla de San José: un siglo de convivencia (1916-2016). Sevilla: Editorial Vitela, 2016, 208 pp. ISBN: 978-84-944659-3-2

    La lengua escrita en algunos documentos cumanaqueños de misioneros aragoneses en la Venezuela de los siglos XVII y XVIII: aspectos gráficos y léxicos

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    In 1658, Aragonese Capuchinos were licensed as missionaries in Caracas and Cumana (Venezuela). It was an issue of insuffi cient amounts of missionaries who were needed to cover the extensive Spanish territories in Venezuela. Immigrants who settled in America, originating from Aragon, were never numerous, and soon after they looked to Andalucian Capuchinos for help in their evangelical missionary work in Venezuela. However, the differences between these two groups of Spanish missionaries tended to increase over time, fi nally leading to a split division of missionary work in both Caracas and Cumana. The presence of the Aragonese in Cumaná and their contact with Native Americans, creoles and immigrants from otherareas of Spain, is what leads us to carry out a descriptive study of their documents. This examination will study the graphic and lexical aspects and discover the differences and similarities between them.Los capuchinos aragoneses obtuvieron licencia real para misionar en Caracas y Cumaná en 1658. Se trataba de un contingente insufi ciente para la extensión del territorio, los emigrados a Indias procedentes de Aragón nunca fueron numerosos, y pronto se tuvo que recurrir a capuchinos andaluces que ayudaran en la labor evangélica; aunque las diferencias entre los dos grupos hizo que no tendieran a mezclarse entre ellos y fi nalizó por dividir la misión en dos (Caracas y Cumaná).La presencia de estos aragoneses en territorio americano y su contacto con nativos, criollos y emigrantes de otras áreas peninsulares es lo que nos lleva a realizar un estudio descriptivo de sus documentos, en este caso de los aspectos gráfi cos y léxicos, y hallar las divergencias y semejanzas entre ellos

    Frantzisko Santuaren Irugarren Ordenako ikasbidea.

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    Dialecto : texto en euskera central -- guipuzcoanoS. XX -- Periodo : último euskera modernoEuskalkia : erdialdekoa -- gipuzkeraXX. md. -- Aroa : azken euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 2008Rústic

    El Real Seminario de misioneros capuchinos para Indias de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

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    Tomo II ; págs. 175-20

    Los capuchinos de Andalucía y el proceso emancipador en Hispanoamerica

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    Tomo I ; págs. 51-8