23,933 research outputs found

    Editorial for the First Workshop on Mining Scientific Papers: Computational Linguistics and Bibliometrics

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    The workshop "Mining Scientific Papers: Computational Linguistics and Bibliometrics" (CLBib 2015), co-located with the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI 2015), brought together researchers in Bibliometrics and Computational Linguistics in order to study the ways Bibliometrics can benefit from large-scale text analytics and sense mining of scientific papers, thus exploring the interdisciplinarity of Bibliometrics and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The goals of the workshop were to answer questions like: How can we enhance author network analysis and Bibliometrics using data obtained by text analytics? What insights can NLP provide on the structure of scientific writing, on citation networks, and on in-text citation analysis? This workshop is the first step to foster the reflection on the interdisciplinarity and the benefits that the two disciplines Bibliometrics and Natural Language Processing can drive from it.Comment: 4 pages, Workshop on Mining Scientific Papers: Computational Linguistics and Bibliometrics at ISSI 201

    Usage Bibliometrics

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    Scholarly usage data provides unique opportunities to address the known shortcomings of citation analysis. However, the collection, processing and analysis of usage data remains an area of active research. This article provides a review of the state-of-the-art in usage-based informetric, i.e. the use of usage data to study the scholarly process.Comment: Publisher's PDF (by permission). Publisher web site: books.infotoday.com/asist/arist44.shtm

    Comment: Bibliometrics in the Context of the UK Research Assessment Exercise

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    Research funding and reputation in the UK have, for over two decades, been increasingly dependent on a regular peer-review of all UK departments. This is to move to a system more based on bibliometrics. Assessment exercises of this kind influence the behavior of institutions, departments and individuals, and therefore bibliometrics will have effects beyond simple measurement. [arXiv:0910.3529]Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS285A the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Comparing People with Bibliometrics

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    Bibliometric indicators, citation counts and/or download counts are increasingly being used to inform personnel decisions such as hiring or promotions. These statistics are very often misused. Here we provide a guide to the factors which should be considered when using these so-called quantitative measures to evaluate people. Rules of thumb are given for when begin to use bibliometric measures when comparing otherwise similar candidates.Comment: to appear in Proceedings of Library and Information Science in Astronomy VIII (LISA-8

    INSDOC’S contribution to bibliometrics

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    Traces the history of bibliometric research, training and activities in INSDOC. Describes briefly the objectives, facilities, services, research activities, and publications of National Centre on Bibliometrics

    Bibliometrics : an overview

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    Research support is an expanding area of activity for libraries in the HE sector. At the University of Hull, the recent reorganisation of Library and Learning Innovation involved a redistribution of expertise to meet the changing needs of the University, its staff and students. As part of this, a new Research Services Team was created to meet the needs of the research community and so contribute to a key strategic aim of increasing the quantity and quality of research outputs
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