12,829 research outputs found
Skating on slippery ice
The friction of a stationary moving skate on smooth ice is investigated, in
particular in relation to the formation of a thin layer of water between skate
and ice. It is found that the combination of ploughing and sliding gives a
friction force that is rather insensitive for parameters such as velocity and
temperature. The weak dependence originates from the pressure adjustment inside
the water layer. For instance, high velocities, which would give rise to high
friction, also lead to large pressures, which, in turn, decrease the contact
zone and so lower the friction. The theory is a combination and completion of
two existing but conflicting theories on the formation of the water layer.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures Posted at SciPos
Reptation in the Rubinstein-Duke model: the influence of end-reptons dynamics
We investigate the Rubinstein-Duke model for polymer reptation by means of
density-matrix renormalization group techniques both in absence and presence of
a driving field. In the former case the renewal time \tau and the diffusion
coefficient D are calculated for chains up to N=150 reptons and their scaling
behavior in N is analyzed. Both quantities scale as powers of N: and with the asymptotic exponents z=3 and x=2, in agreement
with the reptation theory. For an intermediate range of lengths, however, the
data are well-fitted by some effective exponents whose values are quite
sensitive to the dynamics of the end reptons. We find 2.7 <z< 3.3 and 1.8 <x<
2.1 for the range of parameters considered and we suggest how to influence the
end reptons dynamics in order to bring out such a behavior. At finite and not
too small driving field, we observe the onset of the so-called band inversion
phenomenon according to which long polymers migrate faster than shorter ones as
opposed to the small field dynamics. For chains in the range of 20 reptons we
present detailed shapes of the reptating chain as function of the driving field
and the end repton dynamics.Comment: RevTeX 12 Pages and 14 figure
Tumbling of a rigid rod in a shear flow
The tumbling of a rigid rod in a shear flow is analyzed in the high viscosity
limit. Following Burgers, the Master Equation is derived for the probability
distribution of the orientation of the rod. The equation contains one
dimensionless number, the Weissenberg number, which is the ratio of the shear
rate and the orientational diffusion constant. The equation is solved for the
stationary state distribution for arbitrary Weissenberg numbers, in particular
for the limit of high Weissenberg numbers. The stationary state gives an
interesting flow pattern for the orientation of the rod, showing the interplay
between flow due to the driving shear force and diffusion due to the random
thermal forces of the fluid. The average tumbling time and tumbling frequency
are calculated as a function of the Weissenberg number. A simple cross-over
function is proposed which covers the whole regime from small to large
Weissenberg numbers.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure
A model for the dynamics of extensible semiflexible polymers
We present a model for semiflexible polymers in Hamiltonian formulation which
interpolates between a Rouse chain and worm-like chain. Both models are
realized as limits for the parameters. The model parameters can also be chosen
to match the experimental force-extension curve for double-stranded DNA. Near
the ground state of the Hamiltonian, the eigenvalues for the longitudinal
(stretching) and the transversal (bending) modes of a chain with N springs,
indexed by p, scale as lambda_lp ~ (p/N)^2 and lambda_tp ~ p^2(p-1)^2/N^4
respectively for small p. We also show that the associated decay times tau_p ~
(N/p)^4 will not be observed if they exceed the orientational time scale tau_r
~ N^3 for an equally-long rigid rod, as the driven decay is then washed out by
diffusive motion.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure
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