124 research outputs found
Persistent Cohomology and Circular Coordinates
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) algorithms such as Isomap, LLE and
Laplacian Eigenmaps address the problem of representing high-dimensional
nonlinear data in terms of low-dimensional coordinates which represent the
intrinsic structure of the data. This paradigm incorporates the assumption that
real-valued coordinates provide a rich enough class of functions to represent
the data faithfully and efficiently. On the other hand, there are simple
structures which challenge this assumption: the circle, for example, is
one-dimensional but its faithful representation requires two real coordinates.
In this work, we present a strategy for constructing circle-valued functions on
a statistical data set. We develop a machinery of persistent cohomology to
identify candidates for significant circle-structures in the data, and we use
harmonic smoothing and integration to obtain the circle-valued coordinate
functions themselves. We suggest that this enriched class of coordinate
functions permits a precise NLDR analysis of a broader range of realistic data
sets.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the ACM
Symposium on Computational Geometry 200
Metrics for generalized persistence modules
We consider the question of defining interleaving metrics on generalized
persistence modules over arbitrary preordered sets. Our constructions are
functorial, which implies a form of stability for these metrics. We describe a
large class of examples, inverse-image persistence modules, which occur
whenever a topological space is mapped to a metric space. Several standard
theories of persistence and their stability can be described in this framework.
This includes the classical case of sublevelset persistent homology. We
introduce a distinction between `soft' and `hard' stability theorems. While our
treatment is direct and elementary, the approach can be explained abstractly in
terms of monoidal functors.Comment: Final version; no changes from previous version. Published online Oct
2014 in Foundations of Computational Mathematics. Print version to appea
Persistence stability for geometric complexes
In this paper we study the properties of the homology of different geometric
filtered complexes (such as Vietoris-Rips, Cech and witness complexes) built on
top of precompact spaces. Using recent developments in the theory of
topological persistence we provide simple and natural proofs of the stability
of the persistent homology of such complexes with respect to the
Gromov--Hausdorff distance. We also exhibit a few noteworthy properties of the
homology of the Rips and Cech complexes built on top of compact spaces.Comment: We include a discussion of ambient Cech complexes and a new class of
examples called Dowker complexe
The observable structure of persistence modules
In persistent topology, q-tame modules appear as a natural and large class of
persistence modules indexed over the real line for which a persistence diagram
is definable. However, unlike persistence modules indexed over a totally
ordered finite set or the natural numbers, such diagrams do not provide a
complete invariant of q-tame modules. The purpose of this paper is to show that
the category of persistence modules can be adjusted to overcome this issue. We
introduce the observable category of persistence modules: a localization of the
usual category, in which the classical properties of q-tame modules still hold
but where the persistence diagram is a complete isomorphism invariant and all
q-tame modules admit an interval decomposition
The U.S. Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1976 - a Plan for Diplomatic Action
We propose a new framework for the experimental study of periodic, quasi- periodic and recurrent dynamical systems. These behaviors express themselves as topological features which we detect using persistent cohomology. The result- ing 1-cocycles yield circle-valued coordinates associated to the recurrent behavior. We demonstrate how to use these coordinates to perform fundamental tasks like period recovery and parameter choice for delay embeddings. QC 20121221TOPOSY
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