3,633 research outputs found

    Latest CHORUS and NOMAD results

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    The final result of the NOMAD searches on \nmu - \ntau oscillations as well as the current status of CHORUS are described. The \nmune analysis of NOMAD excludes the parameter region of LSND in the range \delm >10eV2>10 eV^2 . New results on charm physics from both experiments are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps-figures, Inv. Talk at XXXVII Recontres de Moriond, Electroweak interactions and Unified Theories, Les Arcs, March 9-16, 200

    Status of neutrino oscillation searches

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    The current status of neutrino oscillation searches with reactors and accelerators is reviewed. An outlook, especially on future long baseline neutrino oscillation projects, is given.Comment: 7 pages, 4 eps-figures included, needs sprocl.sty. To appear in Proc. COSMO'97, Ambleside (UK), Sep. 199

    Long term prospects for double beta decay

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    In rather general terms the long term perspective of double beta decay is discussed. All important experimental parameters are investigated as well as the status of nuclear matrix element issues. The link with other neutrino physics results and options to disentangle the underlying physics process are presented.Comment: Presented at the "European Strategy For Future Neutrino Physics" Workshop, CERN, Oct. 1-3 2009, to appear as Yellow Report, 7 pages,5 figure

    Non-accelerator neutrino mass searches

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    The current status of non-accelerator based searches for effects of a non-vanishing neutrino mass is reviewed. Beside the direct kinematical methods this includes searches for magnetic moments and a discussion of the solar neutrino problem. Double beta decay is not included.Comment: 8 pages, 4 eps-figures. Plenary talk presented at 3rd Int. Workshop on particle physics and the early universe (COSMO'99), Trieste, Sep. 199
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