4,629 research outputs found
Wave Function Engineering for Spectrally-Uncorrelated Biphotons in the Telecommunication Band based on a Machine-Learning Framework
Indistinguishable single photons are key ingredient for a plethora of quantum
information processing applications ranging from quantum communications to
photonic quantum computing. A mainstream platform to produce indistinguishable
single photons over a wide spectral range is based on biphoton generation
through spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in nonlinear crystals.
The purity of the SPDC biphotons, however, is limited by their spectral
correlations. Here, we present a design recipe, based on a machine-learning
framework, for the engineering of biphoton joint spectrum amplitudes over a
wide spectral range. By customizing the poling profile of the KTiOPO (KTP)
crystal, we show, numerically, that spectral purities of 99.22%, 99.99%, and
99.82% can be achieved, respectively, in the 1310-nm, 1550-nm, and 1600-nm
bands after applying a moderate 8-nm filter. The machine-learning framework
thus enables the generation of near-indistinguishable single photons over the
entire telecommunication band without resorting to KTP crystal's
group-velocity-matching wavelength window near 1582 nm
Jacobson’s lemma for the generalized Drazin inverse
Abstract0truemm0truemm We study properties of elements in a ring which admit the generalized Drazin inverse. It is shown that the element 1-ab is generalized Drazin invertible if and only if so is 1-ba and a formula for the generalized Drazin inverse of 1-ba in terms of the generalized Drazin inverse and the spectral idempotent of 1-ab is provided. Further, recent results relating to the Drazin index can be recovered from our theorems
Why torus-unstable solar filaments experience failed eruption?
To investigate the factors that control the success and/or failure of solar
eruptions, we study the magnetic field and 3-Dimensional (3D) configuration of
16 filament eruptions during 2010 July - 2013 February. All these events, i.e.,
erupted but failed to be ejected to become a coronal mass ejection (CME), are
failed eruptions with the filament maximum height exceeding . The
magnetic field of filament source regions is approximated by a potential field
extrapolation method. The filament 3D configuration is reconstructed from three
vantage points by the observations of STEREO Ahead/Behind and SDO spacecraft.
We calculate the decay index at the apex of these failed filaments and find
that in 7 cases, their apex decay indexes exceed the theoretical threshold
() of the torus instability. We further determine the
orientation change or rotation angle of each filament top during the eruption.
Finally, the distribution of these events in the parameter space of rotation
angle versus decay index is established. Four distinct regimes in the parameter
space are empirically identified. We find that, all the torus-unstable cases
(decay index ), have a large rotation angles ranging from . The possible mechanisms leading to the rotation and failed eruption
are discussed. These results imply that, besides the torus instability, the
rotation motion during the eruption may also play a significant role in solar
What do seller manipulations of online product reviews mean to consumers?
There is growing evidence that consumers are influenced by online product reviews when making a variety of purchase decisions. Firms are therefore tempted to monitor and manipulate online product reviews on the company\u27s website or forum to influence consumer perceptions by anonymously posting positive reviews, hiding or deleting unfavorable reviews, or offering rewards to consumers who post favorable reviews. Our review of the literature has revealed a surprising shortage of work directed at the development of an integrative theoretical framework or rigorous empirical studies on the effectiveness and the exact impact of such activities on the payoffs to various parties. This study fills a void in the online marketing and information manipulation literature by studying consumers\u27 suspicion, awareness and evaluation of specific manipulation tactics through in-depth interviews with 16 experienced online shoppers in China. We adopt a grounded theory approach to analyze the qualitative data and end up with a series of research propositions (research framework) for further testing and verification. The findings about consumers\u27 views of online manipulations would provide valuable insights to industry associations and policy makers on whether and how to regulate online manipulation activities to ensure the healthy development of the e-commerce
Deterministic microwave-optical transduction based on quantum teleportation
The coherent transduction between microwave and optical frequencies is
critical to interconnect superconducting quantum processors over long
distances. However, it is challenging to establish such a quantum interface
with high efficiency and small added noise based on the standard direct
conversion scheme. Here, we propose a transduction scheme based on
continuous-variable quantum teleportation. Reliable quantum information
transmission can be realized with an arbitrarily small cooperativity, in
contrast to the direct conversion scheme which requires a large minimum
cooperativity. We show that the teleportation-based scheme maintains a
significant rate advantage robustly for all values of cooperativity. We further
investigate the performance in the transduction of complex quantum states such
as cat states and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill(GKP) states and show that a higher
fidelity or success probability can be achieved with the teleportation-based
scheme. Our scheme significantly reduces the device requirement, and makes
quantum transduction between microwave and optical frequencies feasible in the
near future.Comment: 5+9 pages, 9 figure
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