30,284 research outputs found
Two-Loop Superstrings in Hyperelliptic Language III: the Four-Particle Amplitude
We compute explicitly the four-particle amplitude in superstring theories by
using the hyperelliptic language and the newly obtained chiral measure of
D'Hoker and Phong. Although the algebra of the intermediate steps is a little
bit involved, we obtain a quite simple expression for the four-particle
amplitude. As expected, the integrand is independent of all the insertion
points. As an application of the obtained result, we show that the perturbative
correction to the term in type II superstring theories is vanishing
point-wise in (even) moduli space at two loops.Comment: v1, LaTex file, 33 pages; v2, 34 pages, add references and minor
A De Giorgi Iteration-based Approach for the Establishment of ISS Properties for Burgers' Equation with Boundary and In-domain Disturbances
This note addresses input-to-state stability (ISS) properties with respect to
(w.r.t.) boundary and in-domain disturbances for Burgers' equation. The
developed approach is a combination of the method of De~Giorgi iteration and
the technique of Lyapunov functionals by adequately splitting the original
problem into two subsystems. The ISS properties in -norm for Burgers'
equation have been established using this method. Moreover, as an application
of De~Giorgi iteration, ISS in -norm w.r.t. in-domain disturbances
and actuation errors in boundary feedback control for a 1- {linear}
{unstable reaction-diffusion equation} have also been established. It is the
first time that the method of De~Giorgi iteration is introduced in the ISS
theory for infinite dimensional systems, and the developed method can be
generalized for tackling some problems on multidimensional spatial domains and
to a wider class of nonlinear {partial differential equations (PDEs)Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication by IEEE Trans. on
Automatic Control, and is available at
http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2018.2880160. arXiv admin note: substantial
text overlap with arXiv:1710.0991
Bayesian Matrix Completion via Adaptive Relaxed Spectral Regularization
Bayesian matrix completion has been studied based on a low-rank matrix
factorization formulation with promising results. However, little work has been
done on Bayesian matrix completion based on the more direct spectral
regularization formulation. We fill this gap by presenting a novel Bayesian
matrix completion method based on spectral regularization. In order to
circumvent the difficulties of dealing with the orthonormality constraints of
singular vectors, we derive a new equivalent form with relaxed constraints,
which then leads us to design an adaptive version of spectral regularization
feasible for Bayesian inference. Our Bayesian method requires no parameter
tuning and can infer the number of latent factors automatically. Experiments on
synthetic and real datasets demonstrate encouraging results on rank recovery
and collaborative filtering, with notably good results for very sparse
matrices.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201
In-domain control of a heat equation: an approach combining zero-dynamics inverse and differential flatness
This paper addresses the set-point control problem of a heat equation with
in-domain actuation. The proposed scheme is based on the framework of zero
dynamics inverse combined with flat system control. Moreover, the set-point
control is cast into a motion planing problem of a multiple-input, multiple-out
system, which is solved by a Green's function-based reference trajectory
decomposition. The validity of the proposed method is assessed through
convergence and solvability analysis of the control algorithm. The performance
of the developed control scheme and the viability of the proposed approach are
confirmed by numerical simulation of a representative system.Comment: Preprint of an original research pape
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