2,987 research outputs found

    Single soft gluon emission at two loops

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    We study the single soft-gluon current at two loops with two energetic partons in massless perturbative QCD, which describes, for example, the soft limit of the two-loop amplitude for gg→Hggg\to Hg. The results are presented as Laurent expansions in ϵ\epsilon in D=4−2ϵD=4-2\epsilon spacetime dimension. We calculate the expansion to order ϵ2\epsilon^2 analytically, which is a necessary ingredient for Higgs production at hadron colliders at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in the soft-virtual approximation. We also give two-loop results of the single soft-gluon current in N=4{\cal N}=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory, and find that it has uniform transcendentality. By iteration relation of splitting amplitudes, our calculations can determine the three-loop single soft-gluon current to order ϵ0\epsilon^0 in N=4{\cal N}=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory in the limit of large NcN_c.Comment: typos corrected; journal versio

    Diphoton excess at 750 GeV: gluon-gluon fusion or quark-antiquark annihilation?

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    Recently, ATLAS and CMS collaboration reported an excess in the diphoton events, which can be explained by a new resonance with mass around 750 GeV. In this work, we explored the possibility of identifying if the hypothetical new resonance is produced through gluon-gluon fusion or quark-antiquark annihilation, or tagging the beam. Three different observables for beam tagging, namely the rapidity and transverse momentum distribution of the diphoton, and one tagged bottom-jet cross section, are proposed. Combining the information gained from these observables, a clear distinction of the production mechanism for the diphoton resonance is promising.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Light quark Yukawa couplings from Higgs kinematics

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    We show that the normalized Higgs production pTp_T and yhy_h distributions are sensitive probes of Higgs couplings to light quarks. For up and/or down quark Yukawa couplings comparable to the SM bb quark Yukawa the uˉu\bar u u or dˉd\bar d d fusion production of the Higgs could lead to appreciable softer pTp_T distribution than in the SM. The rapidity distribution, on the other hand, becomes more forward. We find that, owing partially to a downward fluctuation, one can derive competitive bounds on the two couplings using ATLAS measurements of normalized pTp_T distribution at 8\,TeV. With 300 fb−1{}^{-1} at 13\,TeV LHC one could establish flavor non-universality of the Yukawa couplings in the down sector.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; v2: add clarifications, plot and refs. conclusion unchanged; v3: matched to the published versio

    Top-Quark Decay at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order in QCD

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    We present the complete calculation of the top-quark decay width at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD, including next-to-leading electroweak corrections as well as finite bottom quark mass and WW boson width effects. In particular, we also show the first results of the fully differential decay rates for top-quark semileptonic decay t→W+(l+ν)bt\to W^+(l^+\nu)b at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. Our method is based on the understanding of the invariant mass distribution of the final-state jet in the singular limit from effective field theory. Our result can be used to study arbitrary infrared-safe observables of top-quark decay with the highest perturbative accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Collinear factorization violation and effective field theory

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    The factorization of amplitudes into hard, soft and collinear parts is known to be violated in situations where incoming particles are collinear to outgoing ones. This result was first derived by studying limits where non-collinear particles become collinear. We show that through an effective field theory framework with Glauber operators, these factorization-violating effects can be reproduced from an amplitude that is factorized before the splitting occurs. We confirm results at one-loop, through single Glauber exchange, and at two-loops, through double Glauber exchange. To approach the calculation, we begin by reviewing the importance of Glauber scaling for factorization. We show that for any situation where initial state and final state particles are not collinear, the Glauber contribution is entirely contained in the soft contribution. The contributions coming from Glauber operators are necessarily non-analytic functions of external momentum, with the non-analyticity arising from the rapidity regulator. The non-analyticity is critical so that Glauber operators can both preserve factorization when it holds and produce factorization-violating effects when they are present.Comment: 55 Pages, 5 figure

    Isospin symmetry breaking of K and K* mesons

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    We use the method of QCD sum rules to investigate the isospin symmetry breaking of K and K* mesons. The electromagnetic effect, difference between up and down current-quark masses and difference between up and down quark condensates are important. We perform sum rule analyses of their masses and decay constant differences, which are consistent with experimental values. Our results yield Delta f_K = f_{K^0} - f_{K^\pm} = 1.5 MeV.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, one reference adde
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