66,646 research outputs found
Conditions for Nondistortion Interrogation of Quantum System
Under some physical considerations, we present a universal formulation to
study the possibility of localizing a quantum object in a given region without
disturbing its unknown internal state. When the interaction between the object
and probe wave function takes place only once, we prove the necessary and
sufficient condition that the object's presence can be detected in an initial
state preserving way. Meanwhile, a conditioned optimal interrogation
probability is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 1 figures, Presentation improved, corollary 1 added.
To appear in Europhysics Letter
The Gentlest Ascent Dynamics
Dynamical systems that describe the escape from the basins of attraction of
stable invariant sets are presented and analyzed. It is shown that the stable
fixed points of such dynamical systems are the index-1 saddle points.
Generalizations to high index saddle points are discussed. Both gradient and
non-gradient systems are considered. Preliminary results on the nature of the
dynamical behavior are presented
A fracture mechanics-based method for prediction of cracking of circular and elliptical concrete rings under restrained shrinkage
A new experimental method, utilizing elliptical ring specimens, is developed for assessing the likelihood of cracking and cracking age of concrete subject to restrained shrinkage. To investigate the mechanism of this new ring test, a fracture mechanics-based numerical approach is proposed to predict crack initiation in restrained concrete rings by using the R-curve method. It has been found that numerical results accord well with experimental results in terms of cracking ages for both circular and elliptical concrete rings, indicating that the proposed fracture mechanics-based numerical approach is reliable for analyzing cracking in concrete ring specimens subject to restrained condition.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under the grant of EP/I031952/1, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the grant of NSFC 51121005/5110902
On utilization of elliptical rings in assessing cracking tendency of concrete
A new experimental method by utilizing elliptical rings to replace circular rings recommended by ASTM and AASHTO was explored for assessing cracking potential of concrete and other cement-based materials under restrained condition. A series of thin and thick elliptical concrete rings were tested alongside circular ones until cracking. Cracking age, position, and propagation were carefully examined. It is found that thin elliptical rings with appropriate geometry can initiate cracks quicker than circular ones, which is desirable for accelerating the ring test. However, thick elliptical rings seem not to exhibit a desirable geometry effect of accelerating ring test compared with circular ones. There were multiple visible cracks that occurred in an elliptical ring and some cracks were initiated but did not propagate through the ring wall. In comparison, there was only one crack in the circular rings. Finally, the features of multiple cracks in restrained elliptical rings were examined and their impact on interpreting elliptical ring test results was elaborated. © 2014 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures
Finite dimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems associated with DSI equation by Bargmann constraints
The Davey-Stewartson I equation is a typical integrable equation in 2+1
dimensions. Its Lax system being essentially in 1+1 dimensional form has been
found through nonlinearization from 2+1 dimensions to 1+1 dimensions. In the
present paper, this essentially 1+1 dimensional Lax system is further
nonlinearized into 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems by taking the Bargmann
constraints. It is shown that the resulting 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems
are completely integrable in Liouville sense by finding a full set of integrals
of motion and proving their functional independence.Comment: 10 pages, in LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001
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