39 research outputs found
Statistics of unigene assembly qualities.
<p>All sizes of the Unigenes were calculated.</p
Validation of candidate unigenes and miRNAs in <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i> by qRT-PCR.
<p>(a) Five candidate unigenes show differential expression patterns by qRT-PCR in <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i>. (b) Four candidate miRNAs show differential expression patterns by qRT-PCR in <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i>.</p
<i>De Novo</i> Transcriptome and Small RNA Analyses of Two Amorphophallus Species
<div><p>Konjac is one of the most important glucomannan crops worldwide. The breeding and genomic researches are largely limited by the genetic basis of <i>Amorphophallus</i>. In this study, the transcriptomes of <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i> were constructed using a high-throughput Illumina sequencing platform. All 108,651 unigenes with average lengths of 430 nt in A. konjac and 119,678 unigenes with average lengths of 439 nt were generated from 54,986,020 reads and 52,334,098 reads after filtering and assembly, respectively. A total of 54,453 transcripts in <i>A. konjac</i> and 55,525 in <i>A. bulbifier</i> were annotated by comparison with Nr, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, and COG databases after removing exogenous contaminated sequences. A total of 80,332 transcripts differentially expressed between <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer.</i> The majority of the genes that are associated with konjac glucomannan biosynthetic pathway were identified. Besides, the small RNAs in <i>A. konjac</i> leaves were also obtained by deep sequencing technology. All of 5,499,903 sequences of small RNAs were obtained with the length range between 18 and 30 nt. The potential targets for the miRNAs were also predicted according to the konjac transcripts. Our study provides a systematic overview of the konjac glucomannan biosynthesis genes that are involved in konjac leaves and should facilitate further understanding of the crucial roles of carbohydrate synthesis and other important metabolism pathways in <i>Amorphophallus</i>.</p></div
GO categories of the unigenes.
<p>The unigenes were annotated in three categories: biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions.</p
Additional file 1: of Genomic selection of agronomic traits in hybrid rice using an NCII population
Table S1. Multiple comparisons of six prediction methods for eight traits. (DOCX 16Â kb
High expressed transcripts in A. konjac and A. bulbifer.
<p>High expressed transcripts in A. konjac and A. bulbifer.</p
Comparison of the unigenes from <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i>.
<p>Comparison of the unigenes from <i>A. konjac</i> and <i>A. bulbifer</i>.</p
Statistics of Glucomannan and starch biosynthesis related genes in Amorphophallus.
<p>Statistics of Glucomannan and starch biosynthesis related genes in Amorphophallus.</p
Additional file 4: of Genomic selection of agronomic traits in hybrid rice using an NCII population
Table S5. Estimated variances and predictabilities under additive model and additive-dominance model. (DOCX 14Â kb