98,148 research outputs found
Focal plane tuning in wide-field-of-view microscope with Talbot pattern illumination
We have developed a focal plane tuning technique for use in focus-grid-based wide-field-of-view microscopy (WFM). In WFM, the incidence of a collimated beam on a mask with a two-dimensional grid of aperture produced the Talbot images of the aperture grid. The Talbot pattern functioned as a focus grid and was used to illuminate the sample. By scanning the sample across the focus grid and collecting the transmission, we can generate a microscopy image of the sample. By tuning the wavelength of the laser, we can tune the focal plane of the WFM and acquire images of different depth into the sample. Images of a green algae microscope slide were acquired at different focal planes for demonstration
Higher superconducting transition temperature by breaking the universal pressure relation
By investigating the bulk superconducting state via dc magnetization
measurements, we have discovered a common resurgence of the superconductive
transition temperatures (Tcs) of the monolayer Bi2Sr2CuO6+{\delta} (Bi2201) and
bilayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} (Bi2212) to beyond the maximum Tcs (Tc-maxs)
predicted by the universal relation between Tc and doping (p) or pressure (P)
at higher pressures. The Tc of under-doped Bi2201 initially increases from 9.6
K at ambient to a peak at ~ 23 K at ~ 26 GPa and then drops as expected from
the universal Tc-P relation. However, at pressures above ~ 40 GPa, Tc rises
rapidly without any sign of saturation up to ~ 30 K at ~ 51 GPa. Similarly, the
Tc for the slightly overdoped Bi2212 increases after passing a broad valley
between 20-36 GPa and reaches ~ 90 K without any sign of saturation at ~ 56
GPa. We have therefore attributed this Tc-resurgence to a possible
pressure-induced electronic transition in the cuprate compounds due to a charge
transfer between the Cu 3d_(x^2-y^2 ) and the O 2p bands projected from a
hybrid bonding state, leading to an increase of the density of states at the
Fermi level, in agreement with our density functional theory calculations.
Similar Tc-P behavior has also been reported in the trilayer
Br2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+{\delta} (Bi2223). These observations suggest that higher Tcs
than those previously reported for the layered cuprate high temperature
superconductors can be achieved by breaking away from the universal Tc-P
relation through the application of higher pressures.Comment: 13 pages, including 5 figure
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