103,200 research outputs found
Variations in radiocarbon ages of various organic fractions in core sediments from Erhai Lake, SW China
Radiocarbon dating was performed for the extracted organic fractions (cellulose-rich and humic acid fractions of plant fragment; fulvic acid, humic acid and humin fractions of humus substance) and shell from core sediments of the Erhai Lake, SW China. The C-14 dating results reveal that there are considerable differences, but there apparently is a humic acid less than or equal to humin < fulvic acid fraction sequence of C-14 age increase. The variability in radiocarbon ages of organic fraction of lake sediment suggests that special caution is necessary when radiocarbon ages of bulk sediments are used.
The linear correlation between C-14 age of allochthonous terrestrial macrofossil (plant fragment and shell) and depth indicates roughly a constant sedimentation rate of ca. 0.7 rum yr(-1) in central Erhai Lake since 4500 yr BP. The C-14 ages of the autochthonous humic acid fraction are 210similar to4800 yr shift from "the true C-14 age" obtained by interpolating the corresponding horizontal level to the above C-14 age-depth correlation. Such age difference may be alternatively attributed to a uniform reservoir effect (most likely ca. 300 yr). The period with large C-14 age shift synchronizes with the period of changes in (delta(13)C and ARM intensity and ARM/susceptibility values
Quantifying and Transferring Contextual Information in Object Detection
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On the Weak Computability of Continuous Real Functions
In computable analysis, sequences of rational numbers which effectively
converge to a real number x are used as the (rho-) names of x. A real number x
is computable if it has a computable name, and a real function f is computable
if there is a Turing machine M which computes f in the sense that, M accepts
any rho-name of x as input and outputs a rho-name of f(x) for any x in the
domain of f. By weakening the effectiveness requirement of the convergence and
classifying the converging speeds of rational sequences, several interesting
classes of real numbers of weak computability have been introduced in
literature, e.g., in addition to the class of computable real numbers (EC), we
have the classes of semi-computable (SC), weakly computable (WC), divergence
bounded computable (DBC) and computably approximable real numbers (CA). In this
paper, we are interested in the weak computability of continuous real functions
and try to introduce an analogous classification of weakly computable real
functions. We present definitions of these functions by Turing machines as well
as by sequences of rational polygons and prove these two definitions are not
equivalent. Furthermore, we explore the properties of these functions, and
among others, show their closure properties under arithmetic operations and
Study on SPH Viscosity Term Formulations
For viscosity-dominated flows, the viscous effect plays a much more important role. Since the viscosity term in SPH-governing (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) equations involves the discretization of a second-order derivative, its treatment could be much more challenging than that of a first-order derivative, such as the pressure gradient. The present paper summarizes a series of improved methods for modeling the second-order viscosity force term. By using a benchmark patch test, the numerical accuracy and efficiency of different approaches are evaluated under both uniform and non-uniform particle configurations. Then these viscosity force models are used to compute a documented lid-driven cavity flow and its interaction with a cylinder, from which the most recommended viscosity term formulation has been identified
Phase transitions in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice
Two recently developed theoretical approaches are applied to the
Shastry-Sutherland lattice, varying the ratio between the couplings on
the square lattice and on the oblique bonds. A self-consistent perturbation,
starting from either Ising or plaquette bond singlets, supports the existence
of an intermediate phase between the dimer phase and the Ising phase. This
existence is confirmed by the results of a renormalized excitonic method. This
method, which satisfactorily reproduces the singlet triplet gap in the dimer
phase, confirms the existence of a gapped phase in the interval
Comment: Submited for publication in Phys. Rev.
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