241 research outputs found

    Achievability of Nonlinear Degrees of Freedom in Correlatively Changing Fading Channels

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    A new approach toward the noncoherent communications over the time varying fading channels is presented. In this approach, the relationship between the input signal space and the output signal space of a correlatively changing fading channel is shown to be a nonlinear mapping between manifolds of different dimensions. Studying this mapping, it is shown that using nonlinear decoding algorithms for single input-multiple output (SIMO) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, extra numbers of degrees of freedom (DOF) are available. We call them the nonlinear degrees of freedom

    A Coordinate System for Gaussian Networks

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    This paper studies network information theory problems where the external noise is Gaussian distributed. In particular, the Gaussian broadcast channel with coherent fading and the Gaussian interference channel are investigated. It is shown that in these problems, non-Gaussian code ensembles can achieve higher rates than the Gaussian ones. It is also shown that the strong Shamai-Laroia conjecture on the Gaussian ISI channel does not hold. In order to analyze non-Gaussian code ensembles over Gaussian networks, a geometrical tool using the Hermite polynomials is proposed. This tool provides a coordinate system to analyze a class of non-Gaussian input distributions that are invariant over Gaussian networks

    Writing on Fading Paper and Causal Transmitter CSI

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    A wideband fading channel is considered with causal channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter and no receiver CSI. A simple orthogonal code with energy detection rule at the receiver (similar to [6]) is shown to achieve the capacity of this channel in the limit of large bandwidth. This code transmits energy only when the channel gain is large enough. In this limit, this capacity without any receiver CSI is the same as the capacity with full receiver CSI--a phenomenon also true for dirty paper coding. For Rayleigh fading, this capacity (per unit time) is proportional to the logarithm of the bandwidth. Our coding scheme is motivated from the Gel'fand-Pinsker [2,3] coding and dirty paper coding [4]. Nonetheless, for our case, only causal CSI is required at the transmitter in contrast with dirty-paper coding and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding, where non-causal CSI is required. Then we consider a general discrete channel with i.i.d. states. Each input has an associated cost and a zero cost input "0" exists. The channel state is assumed be to be known at the transmitter in a causal manner. Capacity per unit cost is found for this channel and a simple orthogonal code is shown to achieve this capacity. Later, a novel orthogonal coding scheme is proposed for the case of causal transmitter CSI and a condition for equivalence of capacity per unit cost for causal and non-causal transmitter CSI is derived. Finally, some connections are made to the case of non-causal transmitter CSI in [8]

    Linear Information Coupling Problems

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    Many network information theory problems face the similar difficulty of single letterization. We argue that this is due to the lack of a geometric structure on the space of probability distribution. In this paper, we develop such a structure by assuming that the distributions of interest are close to each other. Under this assumption, the K-L divergence is reduced to the squared Euclidean metric in an Euclidean space. Moreover, we construct the notion of coordinate and inner product, which will facilitate solving communication problems. We will also present the application of this approach to the point-to-point channel and the general broadcast channel, which demonstrates how our technique simplifies information theory problems.Comment: To appear, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, July, 201

    The Linear Information Coupling Problems

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    Many network information theory problems face the similar difficulty of single-letterization. We argue that this is due to the lack of a geometric structure on the space of probability distribution. In this paper, we develop such a structure by assuming that the distributions of interest are close to each other. Under this assumption, the K-L divergence is reduced to the squared Euclidean metric in an Euclidean space. In addition, we construct the notion of coordinate and inner product, which will facilitate solving communication problems. We will present the application of this approach to the point-to-point channel, general broadcast channel, and the multiple access channel (MAC) with the common source. It can be shown that with this approach, information theory problems, such as the single-letterization, can be reduced to some linear algebra problems. Moreover, we show that for the general broadcast channel, transmitting the common message to receivers can be formulated as the trade-off between linear systems. We also provide an example to visualize this trade-off in a geometric way. Finally, for the MAC with the common source, we observe a coherent combining gain due to the cooperation between transmitters, and this gain can be quantified by applying our technique.Comment: 27 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Fundamental Limits of Communication with Low Probability of Detection

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    This paper considers the problem of communication over a discrete memoryless channel (DMC) or an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel subject to the constraint that the probability that an adversary who observes the channel outputs can detect the communication is low. Specifically, the relative entropy between the output distributions when a codeword is transmitted and when no input is provided to the channel must be sufficiently small. For a DMC whose output distribution induced by the "off" input symbol is not a mixture of the output distributions induced by other input symbols, it is shown that the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted under this criterion scales like the square root of the blocklength. The same is true for the AWGN channel. Exact expressions for the scaling constant are also derived.Comment: Version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; minor typos in v2 corrected. Part of this work was presented at ISIT 2015 in Hong Kon

    On Non-coherent MIMO Channels in the Wideband Regime: Capacity and Reliability

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    We consider a multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) wideband Rayleigh block fading channel where the channel state is unknown to both the transmitter and the receiver and there is only an average power constraint on the input. We compute the capacity and analyze its dependence on coherence length, number of antennas and receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per degree of freedom. We establish conditions on the coherence length and number of antennas for the non-coherent channel to have a "near coherent" performance in the wideband regime. We also propose a signaling scheme that is near-capacity achieving in this regime. We compute the error probability for this wideband non-coherent MIMO channel and study its dependence on SNR, number of transmit and receive antennas and coherence length. We show that error probability decays inversely with coherence length and exponentially with the product of the number of transmit and receive antennas. Moreover, channel outage dominates error probability in the wideband regime. We also show that the critical as well as cut-off rates are much smaller than channel capacity in this regime

    Probabilistic Clustering Using Maximal Matrix Norm Couplings

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    In this paper, we present a local information theoretic approach to explicitly learn probabilistic clustering of a discrete random variable. Our formulation yields a convex maximization problem for which it is NP-hard to find the global optimum. In order to algorithmically solve this optimization problem, we propose two relaxations that are solved via gradient ascent and alternating maximization. Experiments on the MSR Sentence Completion Challenge, MovieLens 100K, and Reuters21578 datasets demonstrate that our approach is competitive with existing techniques and worthy of further investigation.Comment: Presented at 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 201
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