355 research outputs found

    好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株のK^+ : 促進ATPaseについて

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    1.好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株の生育にとってK^+は必須であった.2.K^+-濃度を制限した培地(1.5mMK^+)で生育させた細胞の膜画分に, K^+により促進されるATPase活性が認められた.3.K^+促進ATPaseは, 動力学的特性及びウワバイン, NaN_3, PCMBに対する感受件において, 同菌株のH^+-ATPaseと明らかに異なっていた.1. K^+ was essential for the growth of an alkalophilic Bacillus A-007. 2. Membrane fraction, which was prepared from the cells grown in K^+ -limited medium (1.5mM K^+), showed K^+ -stimulated ATPase activity. 3. The K^+ -stimulated ATPase was clearly different from H^+ -ATPase on kinetical profile and ouabain-, NaN_3- and PCMB-sensvtivity

    New Ways Of Sharing: A Relational Approach To Understanding The Groundwork For Sino-Japanese Repatriation

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    A large amount of Chinese cultural relics have been scattered globally through illegal and unethical approaches, including war plunder, illegal excavation, illicit export and burglary, from the war era (1840-1949) to contemporary China (1949-). Chinese-Japanese repatriation is one of the most complicated issues, which contains a broad framework of disputes including a complex historical background, sensitive political relations, a host of legal disputes and a web of ethical dilemmas. This thesis explores three potential models with relevance for Sino-Japanese repatriation: creating a long-term system of short-term physical access (through international exchange); sharing physical access (through a repatriation agreement that loans the object back to the repatriating nation at regular intervals), sharing digital access (through international digitisation). It argues that these small but significant steps of sharing cultural heritage, particularly in environments with a long history of mistrust such as the Sino-Japanese situation, can create trust and mutual understanding needed to overcome paralysis and lay the ground work for what could be a more open, sustainable process of negotiating repatriation based on reciprocity

    Three-dimensional stability range of system.

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    In this study, the dynamic effects of new product supply chain cooperation behavior on optimal government subsidies and supply chain decision-making are studied by establishing a nonlinear discrete inventory decision system; In this system, the government subsidizes authorized remanufacturers to promote remanufacturing, and cooperative behavior exists in the supply chain of new products. The research method is modeling and simulation of a supply chain system based on nonlinear system dynamics theory. The complexity analysis includes the stability analysis of the decision system, the path of the system into chaos, the change of entropy of the system and the performance in chaos system. Our findings indicate that the optimal government subsidy in the cooperative model is lower than that in the non-cooperative model. Consumer surplus is the main reason for the subsidy difference between the two models. In comparison with the cooperative supply chain, the stability of the non-cooperative supply chain is more easily affected by government subsidies. Further, the market is more likely to enter chaos due to improper adjustment of the new products’ inventory with cooperative behavior in the supply chain of new products. When the system enters chaos, the new product supply chain’s profit in the cooperative system is more likely to be far lower than the equilibrium profit. This study provides a theoretical reference for supply chain inventory management and government subsidy remanufacturer decision-making from the perspective of dynamic systems science.</div

    The impact <i>α</i><sub>2</sub> and <i>α</i><sub>3</sub> on average profits of supply chain.

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    The impact α2 and α3 on average profits of supply chain.</p

    The impact of <i>α</i><sub>4</sub> on average profits of supply chain.

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    The impact of α4 on average profits of supply chain.</p

    Impact of government subsidies.

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    (a) The consumer surplus vary with the subsidy. (b) Carbon taxes vary with subsidies. (c) Effect of government subsidies on subsidy costs. (d) Effect of government subsidies on supply chain profits.</p

    Influence of <i>α</i><sub>4</sub> on multi-cycle decision-making.

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    (a) Bifurcation diagram with α4. (b) The largest Lyapunov exponent with α4.</p

    Fig 10 -

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    Diagram of attractor: (a) model N with α2 = 4.5 and α3 = 7.8. (b) Model C with α2 = 6.4 and α3 = 5.5.</p

    S1 File -

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    In this study, the dynamic effects of new product supply chain cooperation behavior on optimal government subsidies and supply chain decision-making are studied by establishing a nonlinear discrete inventory decision system; In this system, the government subsidizes authorized remanufacturers to promote remanufacturing, and cooperative behavior exists in the supply chain of new products. The research method is modeling and simulation of a supply chain system based on nonlinear system dynamics theory. The complexity analysis includes the stability analysis of the decision system, the path of the system into chaos, the change of entropy of the system and the performance in chaos system. Our findings indicate that the optimal government subsidy in the cooperative model is lower than that in the non-cooperative model. Consumer surplus is the main reason for the subsidy difference between the two models. In comparison with the cooperative supply chain, the stability of the non-cooperative supply chain is more easily affected by government subsidies. Further, the market is more likely to enter chaos due to improper adjustment of the new products’ inventory with cooperative behavior in the supply chain of new products. When the system enters chaos, the new product supply chain’s profit in the cooperative system is more likely to be far lower than the equilibrium profit. This study provides a theoretical reference for supply chain inventory management and government subsidy remanufacturer decision-making from the perspective of dynamic systems science.</div

    Structure of decision system.

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    In this study, the dynamic effects of new product supply chain cooperation behavior on optimal government subsidies and supply chain decision-making are studied by establishing a nonlinear discrete inventory decision system; In this system, the government subsidizes authorized remanufacturers to promote remanufacturing, and cooperative behavior exists in the supply chain of new products. The research method is modeling and simulation of a supply chain system based on nonlinear system dynamics theory. The complexity analysis includes the stability analysis of the decision system, the path of the system into chaos, the change of entropy of the system and the performance in chaos system. Our findings indicate that the optimal government subsidy in the cooperative model is lower than that in the non-cooperative model. Consumer surplus is the main reason for the subsidy difference between the two models. In comparison with the cooperative supply chain, the stability of the non-cooperative supply chain is more easily affected by government subsidies. Further, the market is more likely to enter chaos due to improper adjustment of the new products’ inventory with cooperative behavior in the supply chain of new products. When the system enters chaos, the new product supply chain’s profit in the cooperative system is more likely to be far lower than the equilibrium profit. This study provides a theoretical reference for supply chain inventory management and government subsidy remanufacturer decision-making from the perspective of dynamic systems science.</div