288 research outputs found
Randomized Tensor Ring Decomposition and Its Application to Large-scale Data Reconstruction
Dimensionality reduction is an essential technique for multi-way large-scale
data, i.e., tensor. Tensor ring (TR) decomposition has become popular due to
its high representation ability and flexibility. However, the traditional TR
decomposition algorithms suffer from high computational cost when facing
large-scale data. In this paper, taking advantages of the recently proposed
tensor random projection method, we propose two TR decomposition algorithms. By
employing random projection on every mode of the large-scale tensor, the TR
decomposition can be processed at a much smaller scale. The simulation
experiment shows that the proposed algorithms are times faster than
traditional algorithms without loss of accuracy, and our algorithms show
superior performance in deep learning dataset compression and hyperspectral
image reconstruction experiments compared to other randomized algorithms.Comment: ICASSP submissio
Generative Adversarial Positive-Unlabelled Learning
In this work, we consider the task of classifying binary positive-unlabeled
(PU) data. The existing discriminative learning based PU models attempt to seek
an optimal reweighting strategy for U data, so that a decent decision boundary
can be found. However, given limited P data, the conventional PU models tend to
suffer from overfitting when adapted to very flexible deep neural networks. In
contrast, we are the first to innovate a totally new paradigm to attack the
binary PU task, from perspective of generative learning by leveraging the
powerful generative adversarial networks (GAN). Our generative
positive-unlabeled (GenPU) framework incorporates an array of discriminators
and generators that are endowed with different roles in simultaneously
producing positive and negative realistic samples. We provide theoretical
analysis to justify that, at equilibrium, GenPU is capable of recovering both
positive and negative data distributions. Moreover, we show GenPU is
generalizable and closely related to the semi-supervised classification. Given
rather limited P data, experiments on both synthetic and real-world dataset
demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. With infinite
realistic and diverse sample streams generated from GenPU, a very flexible
classifier can then be trained using deep neural networks.Comment: 8 page
Temporal and Spatial Features of Single-Trial EEG for Brain-Computer Interface
Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems create a novel communication channel from the brain to an output device bypassing conventional motor output pathways of nerves and muscles. Modern BCI technology is essentially based on techniques for the classification of single-trial brain signals. With respect to the topographic patterns of brain
rhythm modulations, the common spatial patterns (CSPs) algorithm has been proven to be very useful to produce
subject-specific and discriminative spatial filters; but it didn't consider temporal structures of event-related potentials which may be very important for single-trial EEG classification. In this paper, we propose a new framework of
feature extraction for classification of hand movement imagery EEG. Computer simulations on real experimental data
indicate that independent residual analysis (IRA) method can provide efficient temporal features. Combining IRA
features with the CSP method, we obtain the optimal spatial and temporal features with which we achieve the best
classification rate. The high classification rate indicates that the proposed method is promising for an EEG-based
brain-computer interface
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