956 research outputs found
Supernova Constraints on Massive (Pseudo)Scalar Coupling to Neutrinos
In this paper we derive constraints on the emission of a massive
(pseudo)scalar from annihilation of neutrinos in the core of supernovae
through the dimension-4 coupling , as well as the effective
dimension-5 operator . While most of earlier
studies have focused on massless or ultralight scalars, our analysis involves
scalar with masses of order which can be copiously produced
during the explosion of supernovae, whose core temperature is generally of
order MeV. From the luminosity and deleptonization
arguments regarding the observation of SN1987A, we exclude a large range of
couplings for the
dimension-4 case, depending on the neutrino flavours involved and the scalar
mass. In the case of dimension-5 operator, for a scalar mass from MeV to 100
MeV the coupling get constrained from to ,
with the cutoff scale explicitly set TeV. We finally show that if
the neutrino burst of a nearby supernova explosion is detected by
Super-Kamiokande and IceCube, the constraints will be largely reinforced.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in JCA
Vacuum Stability and Higgs Diphoton Decay Rate in the Zee-Babu Model
Although recent Higgs data from ATLAS and CMS are compatible with a Standard
Model (SM) signal at level, both experiments see indications for an
excess in the diphoton decay channel, which points to new physics beyond the
SM. Given such a low Higgs mass , another sign
indicating the existence of new physics beyond the SM is the vacuum stability
problem, i.e., the SM Higgs quartic coupling may run to negative values at a
scale below the Planck scale. In this paper, we study the vacuum stability and
enhanced Higgs diphoton decay rate in the Zee-Babu model, which was used to
generate tiny Majorana neutrino masses at two-loop level. We find that it is
rather difficult to find overlapping regions allowed by the vacuum stability
and diphoton enhancement constraints. As a consequence, it is almost inevitable
to introduce new ingredients into the model, in order to resolve these two
issues simultaneously.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure
TeV Scale Universal Seesaw, Vacuum Stability and Heavy Higgs
We discuss the issue of vacuum stability of standard model by embedding it
within the TeV scale left-right universal seesaw model (called SLRM in the
text). This model has only two coupling parameters in
the Higgs potential and only two physical neutral Higgs bosons . We
explore the range of values for for which the light
Higgs boson mass GeV and the vacuum is stable for all values of the
Higgs fields. Combining with the further requirement that the scalar self
couplings remain perturbative till typical GUT scales of order GeV,
we find (i) an upper and lower limit on the second Higgs mass to be
within the range: , where the is the
parity breaking scale and (ii) that the heavy vector-like top, bottom and
partner fermions () mass have an upper bound . We discuss some phenomenological aspects of the model
pertaining to LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, some typos corrected and references updated,
accepted for publication in JHE
LHC Accessible Second Higgs Boson in the Left-Right Model
A second Higgs doublet arises naturally as a parity partner of the standard
model (SM) Higgs, once SM is extended to its left-right symmetric version
(LRSM) to understand the origin of parity violation in weak interactions as
well as to accommodate small neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism. The
flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) effects in the minimal version of this
model (LRSM), however, push the second Higgs mass to more than 15 TeV making it
inaccessible at the LHC. Furthermore since the second Higgs mass is directly
linked to the mass, discovery of a "low" mass (
TeV) at the LHC would require values for some Higgs self couplings larger than
one. In this paper we present an extension of LRSM by adding a vector-like
quark doublet which weakens the FCNH constraints allowing the second
Higgs mass to be near or below TeV and a third neutral Higgs below 3 TeV for a
mass below 5 TeV. It is then possible to search for these heavier Higgs
bosons at the LHC, without conflicting with FCNH constraints. A right handed
mass in the few TeV range is quite natural in this class of models
without having to resort to large scalar coupling parameters. The CKM mixings
are intimately linked to the vector-like quark mixings with the known quarks,
which is the main reason why the constraints on the second Higgs mass is
relaxed. We present a detailed theoretical and phenomenological analysis of
this extended LR model and point out some tests as well as its potential for
discovery of a second Higgs at the LHC. Two additional features of the model
are: (i) a 5/3 charged quark and (ii) a fermionic top partner with masses in
the TeV range.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, lots of stuff moved to the appendices, errors
and typos corrected, version to appear in PR
Displaced vertex signatures of doubly charged scalars in the type-II seesaw and its left-right extensions
The type-II seesaw mechanism with an isospin-triplet scalar
provides one of the most compelling explanations for the observed smallness of
neutrino masses. The triplet contains a doubly-charged component
, which dominantly decays to either same-sign dileptons or to a
pair of bosons, depending on the size of the triplet vacuum expectation
value. However, there exists a range of Yukawa couplings of the triplet
to the charged leptons, wherein a relatively light tends to be
long-lived, giving rise to distinct displaced-vertex signatures at the
high-energy colliders. We find that the displaced vertex signals from the
leptonic decays could probe a
broad parameter space with and 45.6
GeV GeV at the high-luminosity LHC. Similar
sensitivity can also be achieved at a future 1 TeV collider. The mass
reach can be extended to about 500 GeV at a future 100 TeV proton-proton
collider. Similar conclusions apply for the right-handed triplet
in the TeV-scale left-right symmetric models, which provide a natural embedding
of the type-II seesaw. We show that the displaced vertex signals are largely
complementary to the prompt same-sign dilepton pair searches at the LHC and the
low-energy, high-intensity/precision measurements, such as neutrinoless double
beta decay, charged lepton flavor violation, electron and muon anomalous
magnetic moments, muonium oscillation and M{\o}ller scattering.Comment: 49 pages, 25 figures and 2 tables, minor changes, version to appear
in JHE
Prospects for Triple Gauge Coupling Measurements at Future Lepton Colliders and the 14 TeV LHC
The production is the primary channel to directly probe the triple gauge
couplings. We first analyze the process at the
future lepton collider, China's proposed Circular Electron-Positron Collider
(CEPC). We use the five kinematical angles in this process to constrain the
anomalous triple gauge couplings and relevant dimension six operators at the
CEPC up to the order of magnitude of . The most sensible information
is obtained from the distributions of the production scattering angle and the
decay azimuthal angles. We also estimate constraints at the 14 TeV LHC, with
both 300 fb and 3000 fb integrated luminosity from the leading
lepton and azimuthal angle difference distributions in
the di-lepton channel. The constrain is somewhat weaker, up to the order of
magnitude of . The limits on the triple gauge couplings are
complementary to those on the electroweak precision observables and Higgs
couplings. Our results show that the gap between sensitivities of the
electroweak and triple gauge boson precision can be significantly decreased to
less than one order of magnitude at the 14 TeV LHC, and that both the two
sensitivities can be further improved at the CEPC.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, 8 tables, version to appear in JHE
CP violation effects in the diphoton spectrum of heavy scalars
In a class of new physics models, an extended Higgs sector and new
CP-violating sources are simultaneously present in order to explain the baryon
asymmetry in the Universe. The aim of this work is to study the implications of
beyond the Standard Model (SM) CP violation for the searches of heavy scalars
at the LHC. In particular, we focus on the diphoton channel searches in the
CP-violating two-Higgs-doublet model (CPV 2HDM). To have a sizable CPV in the
scalar sector, the two heavy neutral scalars in 2HDM tend to be nearly
degenerate. The theoretical constraints of unitarity, perturbativity and vacuum
stability are considered, which requires that the heavy scalars TeV in a large region of the parameter space. The experimental limits are
also taken into account, including the direct searches of heavy neutral scalars
in the final state of the SM , and bosons, the differential
data, those from the charged scalar sector which is implied by the
oblique parameter, as well as the precise measurements of the electric
dipole moments of electron and mercury. The quantum interference effects
between the resonances and the SM background are crucially important for the
diphoton signals, and the CPV mixing of the quasi-degenerate heavy scalars
could enhance significantly the resonance peak. With an integrated luminosity
of 3000 fb at the LHC, almost the whole parameter space of CPV 2HDM
could be probed in the diphoton channel, and the CPV could also be directly
detected via the diphoton spectrum.Comment: 32 pages (two columns), 20 figures, 1 table, minor changes, version
to appear in PR
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