1,909 research outputs found
Large-Scale Mass Power Spectrum from Peculiar Velocities
This is a brief progress report on a long-term collaborative project to
measure the power spectrum (PS) of mass density fluctuations from the Mark III
and the SFI catalogs of peculiar velocities. The PS is estimated by applying
maximum likelihood analysis, using generalized CDM models with and without COBE
normalization. The application to both catalogs yields fairly similar results
for the PS. The robust result is a relatively high PS, with
P(k)\Omega^{1.2}=(4.5+/-2.0)X10^3 (Mpc/h)^3 at k=0.1 h/Mpc. An extrapolation to
smaller scales using the different CDM models gives
\sigma_8\Omega^{0.6}=0.85+/-0.2. The general constraint on the combination of
cosmological parameters is of the sort \Omega \h_{50}^{\mu}
n^{\nu}=0.75+/-0.25, where \mu=1.3 and \nu=3.7,2.0 for \Lambda CDM models with
and without tensor fluctuations respectively. For open CDM, without tensor
fluctuations, the powers are \mu=0.9 and \nu=1.4.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, uses mprocl.sty. To appear in Proceedings of the
Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meetin
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