453 research outputs found
Weight Space Structure and Internal Representations: a Direct Approach to Learning and Generalization in Multilayer Neural Network
We analytically derive the geometrical structure of the weight space in
multilayer neural networks (MLN), in terms of the volumes of couplings
associated to the internal representations of the training set. Focusing on the
parity and committee machines, we deduce their learning and generalization
capabilities both reinterpreting some known properties and finding new exact
results. The relationship between our approach and information theory as well
as the Mitchison--Durbin calculation is established. Our results are exact in
the limit of a large number of hidden units, showing that MLN are a class of
exactly solvable models with a simple interpretation of replica symmetry
breaking.Comment: 12 pages, 1 compressed ps figure (uufile), RevTeX fil
Sign problem in the Bethe approximation
We propose a message-passing algorithm to compute the Hamiltonian expectation
with respect to an appropriate class of trial wave functions for an interacting
system of fermions. To this end, we connect the quantum expectations to average
quantities in a classical system with both local and global interactions, which
are related to the variational parameters and use the Bethe approximation to
estimate the average energy within the replica-symmetric approximation. The
global interactions, which are needed to obtain a good estimation of the
average fermion sign, make the average energy a nonlocal function of the
variational parameters. We use some heuristic minimization algorithms to find
approximate ground states of the Hubbard model on random regular graphs and
observe significant qualitative improvements with respect to the mean-field
approximation.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, one figure adde
Message passing algorithms for non-linear nodes and data compression
The use of parity-check gates in information theory has proved to be very
efficient. In particular, error correcting codes based on parity checks over
low-density graphs show excellent performances. Another basic issue of
information theory, namely data compression, can be addressed in a similar way
by a kind of dual approach. The theoretical performance of such a Parity Source
Coder can attain the optimal limit predicted by the general rate-distortion
theory. However, in order to turn this approach into an efficient compression
code (with fast encoding/decoding algorithms) one must depart from parity
checks and use some general random gates. By taking advantage of analytical
approaches from the statistical physics of disordered systems and SP-like
message passing algorithms, we construct a compressor based on low-density
non-linear gates with a very good theoretical and practical performance.Comment: 13 pages, European Conference on Complex Systems, Paris (Nov 2005
A rigorous analysis of the cavity equations for the minimum spanning tree
We analyze a new general representation for the Minimum Weight Steiner Tree
(MST) problem which translates the topological connectivity constraint into a
set of local conditions which can be analyzed by the so called cavity equations
techniques. For the limit case of the Spanning tree we prove that the fixed
point of the algorithm arising from the cavity equations leads to the global
optimum.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
Inference and learning in sparse systems with multiple states
We discuss how inference can be performed when data are sampled from the
non-ergodic phase of systems with multiple attractors. We take as model system
the finite connectivity Hopfield model in the memory phase and suggest a cavity
method approach to reconstruct the couplings when the data are separately
sampled from few attractor states. We also show how the inference results can
be converted into a learning protocol for neural networks in which patterns are
presented through weak external fields. The protocol is simple and fully local,
and is able to store patterns with a finite overlap with the input patterns
without ever reaching a spin glass phase where all memories are lost.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.
Ferromagnetic ordering in graphs with arbitrary degree distribution
We present a detailed study of the phase diagram of the Ising model in random
graphs with arbitrary degree distribution. By using the replica method we
compute exactly the value of the critical temperature and the associated
critical exponents as a function of the minimum and maximum degree, and the
degree distribution characterizing the graph. As expected, there is a
ferromagnetic transition provided < \infty. However, if the fourth
moment of the degree distribution is not finite then non-trivial scaling
exponents are obtained. These results are analyzed for the particular case of
power-law distributed random graphs.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur
Encoding for the Blackwell Channel with Reinforced Belief Propagation
A key idea in coding for the broadcast channel (BC) is binning, in which the
transmitter encode information by selecting a codeword from an appropriate bin
(the messages are thus the bin indexes). This selection is normally done by
solving an appropriate (possibly difficult) combinatorial problem. Recently it
has been shown that binning for the Blackwell channel --a particular BC-- can
be done by iterative schemes based on Survey Propagation (SP). This method uses
decimation for SP and suffers a complexity of O(n^2). In this paper we propose
a new variation of the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm, named Reinforced BP
algorithm, that turns BP into a solver. Our simulations show that this new
algorithm has complexity O(n log n). Using this new algorithm together with a
non-linear coding scheme, we can efficiently achieve rates close to the border
of the capacity region of the Blackwell channel.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ISIT 200
Large deviations of cascade processes on graphs
Simple models of irreversible dynamical processes such as Bootstrap
Percolation have been successfully applied to describe cascade processes in a
large variety of different contexts. However, the problem of analyzing
non-typical trajectories, which can be crucial for the understanding of the
out-of-equilibrium phenomena, is still considered to be intractable in most
cases. Here we introduce an efficient method to find and analyze optimized
trajectories of cascade processes. We show that for a wide class of
irreversible dynamical rules, this problem can be solved efficiently on
large-scale systems
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