21 research outputs found

    Unique Pseudo-Expectations for Hereditarily Essential C∗C^*-Inclusions

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    The C∗C^*-inclusion A⊆B\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{B} is said to be hereditarily essential if for every intermediate C∗C^*-algebra A⊆C⊆B\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathcal{B} and every non-zero ideal {0}≠J⊴C\{0\} \neq \mathcal{J} \unlhd \mathcal{C}, we have that J∩A≠{0}\mathcal{J} \cap \mathcal{A} \neq \{0\}. That is, A\mathcal{A} detects ideals in every intermediate C∗C^*-algebra A⊆C⊆B\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathcal{B}. By a result of Pitts and Zarikian, a unital C∗C^*-inclusion A⊆B\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{B} is hereditarily essential if and only if every pseudo-expectation θ:B→I(A)\theta:\mathcal{B} \to I(\mathcal{A}) for A⊆B\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{B} is faithful. A decade-old open question asks whether hereditarily essential C∗C^*-inclusions must have unique pseudo-expectations? In this note, we answer the question affirmatively for some important classes of C∗C^*-inclusions, in particular those of the form A⊆A⋊α,rσG\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{A} \rtimes_{\alpha,r}^\sigma G, for a twisted C∗C^*-dynamical system (A,G,α,σ)(\mathcal{A},G,\alpha,\sigma). On the other hand, we settle the general question negatively by exhibiting C∗C^*-irreducible inclusions of the form Cr∗(G)⊆C(X)⋊α,rGC_r^*(G) \subseteq C(X) \rtimes_{\alpha,r} G with multiple conditional expectations. Our results leave open the possibility that the question might have a positive answer for regular hereditarily essential C∗C^*-inclusions.Comment: 11 pages, comments welcom

    Unique Pseudo-Expectations for C∗C^*-Inclusions

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    Given an inclusion D ⊆\subseteq C of unital C*-algebras, a unital completely positive linear map Φ\Phi of C into the injective envelope I(D) of D which extends the inclusion of D into I(D) is a pseudo-expectation. The set PsExp(C,D) of all pseudo-expectations is a convex set, and for abelian D, we prove a Krein-Milman type theorem showing that PsExp(C,D) can be recovered from its extreme points. When C is abelian, the extreme pseudo-expectations coincide with the homomorphisms of C into I(D) which extend the inclusion of D into I(D), and these are in bijective correspondence with the ideals of C which are maximal with respect to having trivial intersection with D. Natural classes of inclusions have a unique pseudo-expectation (e.g., when D is a regular MASA in C). Uniqueness of the pseudo-expectation implies interesting structural properties for the inclusion. For example, when D ⊆\subseteq C ⊆\subseteq B(H) are W*-algebras, uniqueness of the pseudo-expectation implies that D' ∩\cap C is the center of D; moreover, when H is separable and D is abelian, we characterize which W*-inclusions have the unique pseudo-expectation property. For general inclusions of C*-algebras with D abelian, we characterize the unique pseudo-expectation property in terms of order structure; and when C is abelian, we are able to give a topological description of the unique pseudo-expectation property. Applications include: a) if an inclusion D ⊆\subseteq C has a unique pseudo-expectation Φ\Phi which is also faithful, then the C*-envelope of any operator space X with D ⊆\subseteq X ⊆\subseteq C is the C*-subalgebra of C generated by X; b) for many interesting classes of C*-inclusions, having a faithful unique pseudo-expectation implies that D norms C. We give examples to illustrate the theory, and conclude with several unresolved questions.Comment: 26 page

    Bimodules over Cartan MASAs in von Neumann Algebras, Norming Algebras, and Mercer's Theorem

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    In a 1991 paper, R. Mercer asserted that a Cartan bimodule isomorphism between Cartan bimodule algebras A_1 and A_2 extends uniquely to a normal *-isomorphism of the von Neumann algebras generated by A_1 and A_2 [13, Corollary 4.3]. Mercer's argument relied upon the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules of Muhly, Saito and Solel [15, Theorem 2.5]. Unfortunately, the arguments in the literature supporting [15, Theorem 2.5] contain gaps, and hence Mercer's proof is incomplete. In this paper, we use the outline in [16, Remark 2.17] to give a proof of Mercer's Theorem under the additional hypothesis that the given Cartan bimodule isomorphism is weak-* continuous. Unlike the arguments contained in [13, 15], we avoid the use of the Feldman-Moore machinery from [8]; as a consequence, our proof does not require the von Neumann algebras generated by the algebras A_i to have separable preduals. This point of view also yields some insights on the von Neumann subalgebras of a Cartan pair (M,D), for instance, a strengthening of a result of Aoi [1]. We also examine the relationship between various topologies on a von Neumann algebra M with a Cartan MASA D. This provides the necessary tools to parametrize the family of Bures-closed bimodules over a Cartan MASA in terms of projections in a certain abelian von Neumann algebra; this result may be viewed as a weaker form of the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules, and is a key ingredient in the proof of our version of Mercer's theorem. Our results lead to a notion of spectral synthesis for weak-* closed bimodules appropriate to our context, and we show that any von Neumann subalgebra of M which contains D is synthetic. We observe that a result of Sinclair and Smith shows that any Cartan MASA in a von Neumann algebra is norming in the sense of Pop, Sinclair and Smith.Comment: 21 pages, paper is a completely reworked and expanded version of an earlier preprint with a similar titl

    One-Sided Projections on C*-algebras

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    In [BEZ] the notion of a complete one-sided M-ideal for an operator space X was introduced as a generalization of Alfsen and Effros' notion of an M-ideal for a Banach space [AE72]. In particular, various equivalent formulations of complete one-sided M-projections were given. In this paper, some sharper equivalent formulations are given in the special situation that X=AX = \mathcal{A}, a C∗C^*-algebra (in which case the complete left M-projections are simply left multiplication on A\mathcal{A} by a fixed orthogonal projection in A\mathcal{A} or its multiplier algebra). The proof of the first equivalence makes use of a technique which is of interest in its own right--a way of ``solving'' multi-linear equations in von Neumann algebras. This technique is also applied to show that preduals of von Neumann algebras have no nontrivial complete one-sided M-ideals. In addition, we show that in a C∗C^*-algebra, the intersection of finitely many complete one-sided M-summands need not be a complete one-sided M-summand, unlike the classical situation

    Exotic Ideals in Free Transformation Group C∗C^*-Algebras

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    Let Γ\Gamma be a discrete group acting freely via homeomorphisms on the compact Hausdorff space XX and let C(X)⋊ηΓC(X) \rtimes_\eta \Gamma be the completion of the convolution algebra Cc(Γ,C(X))C_c(\Gamma,C(X)) with respect to a C∗C^*-norm η\eta. A non-zero ideal J⊴C(X)⋊ηΓJ \unlhd C(X) \rtimes_\eta \Gamma is exotic if J∩C(X)={0}J \cap C(X) = \{0\}. We show that exotic ideals are present whenever Γ\Gamma is non-amenable and there is an invariant probability measure on XX. This fact, along with the recent theory of exotic crossed product functors, allows us to provide answers to two questions of K. Thomsen. Using the Koopman representation and a recent theorem of Elek, we show that when Γ\Gamma is a countably-infinite group having property (T) and XX is the Cantor set, there exists a free and minimal action of Γ\Gamma on XX and a C∗C^*-norm η\eta on Cc(Γ,C(X))C_c(\Gamma, C(X)) such that C(X)⋊ηΓC(X)\rtimes_\eta\Gamma contains the compact operators as an exotic ideal. We use this example to provide a positive answer to a question of A. Katavolos and V. Paulsen. The opaque and grey ideals in C(X)⋊ηΓC(X)\rtimes_\eta \Gamma have trivial intersection with C(X)C(X), and a result from arXiv:1901.09683 shows they coincide when the action of Γ\Gamma is free, however the problem of whether these ideals can be non-zero was left unresolved. We present an example of a free action of Γ\Gamma on a compact Hausdorff space XX along with a C∗C^*-norm η\eta for which these ideals are non-trivial, in particular, they are exotic ideals.Comment: Article is totally rewritten, reorganized, and has a new title (former title: "Exotic Ideals in Represented Free Transformation Groups") Includes some new results. 16 page