124 research outputs found
Dynamics of an Open System for Repeated Harmonic Perturbation
We use the Kossakowski-Lindblad-Davies formalism to consider an open system
defined as the Markovian extension of one-mode quantum oscillator S, perturbed
by a piecewise stationary harmonic interaction with a chain of oscillators C.
The long-time asymptotic behaviour of various subsystems of S+C are obtained in
the framework of the dual W-dynamical system approach
The second critical point for the Perfect Bose gas in quasi-one-dimensional traps
We present a new model of quasi-one-dimensional trap with some unknown
physical predictions about a second transition, including about a change in
fractions of condensed coherence lengths due to the existence of a second
critical temperature Tm < Tc. If this physical model is acceptable, we want to
challenge experimental physicists in this regard
Quasi-Sectorial Contractions
We revise the notion of the quasi-sectorial contractions. Our main theorem
establishes a relation between semigroups of quasi-sectorial contractions and a
class of m-sectorial generators. We discuss a relevance of this kind of
contractions to the theory of operator-norm approximations of strongly
continuous semigroups
Random point field approach to analysis of anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensations
Position distributions of constituent particles of the perfect Bose-gas
trapped in exponentially and polynomially anisotropic boxes are investigated by
means of the boson random point fields (processes) and by the spatial random
distribution of particle density. Our results include the case of
\textit{generalised} Bose-Einstein Condensation. For exponentially anisotropic
quasi two-dimensional system (SLAB), we obtain \textit{three} qualitatively
different particle density distributions. They correspond to the
\textit{normal} phase, the quasi-condensate phase (type III generalised
condensation) and to the phase when the type III and the type I Bose
condensations co-exist. An interesting feature is manifested by the type II
generalised condensation in one-directional polynomially anisotropic system
(BEAM). In this case the particle density distribution rests truly random even
in the \textit{macroscopic} scaling limit
On ergodic states, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Bogoliubov quasi-averages
It is shown that Bogoliubov quasi-averages select the pure or ergodic states
in the ergodic decomposition of the thermal (Gibbs) state. Our examples include
quantum spin systems and many-body boson systems. As a consequence, we
elucidate the problem of equivalence between Bose-Einstein condensation and the
quasi-average spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) discussed for continuous
boson systems. The multi-mode extended van den Berg-Lewis-Pul\'{e} condensation
of type III demonstrates that the only physically reliable quantities are those
that defined by Bogoliubov quasi-averages
Lieb-Robinson Bounds and Existence of the Thermodynamic Limit for a Class of Irreversible Quantum Dynamics
We prove Lieb-Robinson bounds and the existence of the thermodynamic limit
for a general class of irreversible dynamics for quantum lattice systems with
time-dependent generators that satisfy a suitable decay condition in space.Comment: Added 3 references and comments after Theorem 2; corrected typo
Remarks on the operator-norm convergence of the Trotter product formula
We revise the operator-norm convergence of the Trotter product formula for a
pair {A,B} of generators of semigroups on a Banach space. Operator-norm
convergence holds true if the dominating operator A generates a holomorphic
contraction semigroup and B is a A-infinitesimally small generator of a
contraction semigroup, in particular, if B is a bounded operator. Inspired by
studies of evolution semigroups it is shown in the present paper that the
operator-norm convergence generally fails even for bounded operators B if A is
not a holomorphic generator. Moreover, it is shown that operator norm
convergence of the Trotter product formula can be arbitrary slow.Comment: 12 page
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