150 research outputs found
A simple proof of Jordan normal form
In this note, a simple proof Jordan normal form and rational form of matrices
over a field is given
Gr\"obner-Shirshov Bases and Hilbert Series of Free Dendriform Algebras
In this paper, we give a Gr\"obner-Shirshov basis of the free dendriform
algebra as a quotient algebra of an -algebra. As applications, we obtain a
normal form of the free dendriform algebra. Moreover, Hilbert series and
Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of finitely generated free dendriform algebras are
obtained.Comment: 12 page
Free differential Lie Rota-Baxter algebras and Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases
We establish the Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases theory for differential Lie
-algebras. As an application, we give a linear basis of a free
differential Lie Rota-Baxter algebra on a set.Comment: 19 page
Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases for associative conformal modules
We construct free modules over an associative conformal algebra. We establish
Composition-Diamond lemma for associative conformal modules. As applications,
Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases of the Virasoro conformal module and module over the
semidirect product of Virasoro conformal algebra and current algebra are given
respectively.Comment: 33 page
On formulas and some combinatorial properties of Schubert Polynomials
By applying a Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov basis of the symmetric group , we
give two formulas for Schubert polynomials, either of which involves only
nonnegative monomials. We also prove some combinatorial properties of Schubert
polynomials. As applications, we give two algorithms to calculate the structure
constants for Schubert polynomials, one of which depends on Monk's formula.Comment: 32 page
Some remarks for the Akivis algebras and the Pre-Lie algebras
In this paper, by using the Composition-Diamond lemma for non-associative
algebras invented by A. I. Shirshov in 1962, we give Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases
for free Pre-Lie algebras and the universal enveloping non-associative algebra
of an Akivis algebra, respectively. As applications, we show I.P. Shestakov's
result that any Akivis algebra is linear and D. Segal's result that the set of
all good words in forms a linear basis of the free Pre-Lie algebra
generated by the set . For completeness, we give the details of
the proof of Shirshov's Composition-Diamond lemma for non-associative algebras
A new Composition-Diamond lemma for associative conformal algebras
Let be the free associative conformal algebra generated by a set
with a bounded locality . Let be a subset of . A
Composition-Diamond lemma for associative conformal algebras is firstly
established by Bokut, Fong, and Ke in 2004 \cite{BFK04} which claims that if
(i) is a Gr\"obner-Shirshov basis in , then (ii) the set of
-irreducible words is a linear basis of the quotient conformal algebra
, but not conversely. In this paper, by introducing some new
definitions of normal -words, compositions and compositions to be trivial,
we give a new Composition-Diamond lemma for associative conformal algebras
which makes the conditions (i) and (ii) equivalent. We show that for each ideal
of , has a unique reduced Gr\"obner-Shirshov basis. As
applications, we show that Loop Virasoro Lie conformal algebra and Loop
Heisenberg-Virasoro Lie conformal algebra are embeddable into their universal
enveloping associative conformal algebras.Comment: 49 page
Gr\"obner-Shirshov basis for the finitely presented algebras defined by permutation relations of symmetric type
In this paper, we give a Gr\"obner-Shirshov basis for the finitely presented
semigroup algebra defined by permutation relations of
symmetric type. As an application, by the Composition-Diamond Lemma, we obtain
normal forms of elements of momoid , which gives an answer to an
open problem posted by F. Ced\'o, E. Jespers and J. Okni\'nski [7] for the
symmetric group case.Comment: 17 page
Extensions of associative and Lie algebras via Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases method
Let be algebras over a field .
Then is an extension of by if
is an ideal of and is isomorphic
to the quotient algebra . In this paper, by using
Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases theory for associative (resp. Lie) algebras, we give
complete characterizations of associative (resp. Lie) algebra extensions of
by , where is presented by
generators and relations.Comment: 25 page
Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases for Lie -algebras and free Rota-Baxter Lie algebras
In this paper, we generalize the Lyndon-Shirshov words to Lyndon-Shirshov
-words on a set and prove that the set of all non-associative
Lyndon-Shirshov -words forms a linear basis of the free Lie
-algebra on the set . From this, we establish Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov
bases theory for Lie -algebras. As applications, we give
Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases for free -Rota-Baxter Lie algebras, free
modified -Rota-Baxter Lie algebras and free Nijenhuis Lie algebras and
then linear bases of such three free algebras are obtained.Comment: 27 page
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