62 research outputs found

    KMP VERSUS KIH; Implikasi Ketatanegaraan Perseteruan Dua Kubu Dalam Dimensi Etika Politik

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    Abstract: KMP Versus KIH: Constitutional Implication of the Dispute of Two Parties in Etical and Political Dimension. Ethics is an important element of social interaction. Good deeds will produce good things and vice versa. However, in politics, it’s not always the same. The Dispute between two side “KMP” and “KIP”, is started with the dispute between Presidential Candidates. This quarrel affect our constitutional system as the change of system of governor/mayor’s election, mechanism on the nomination of heads of Parliament and the other issues promulgated in the Act. This quarrel can be ended if the politicians can put priority on ethics matters, compared to personal and political parties’ interests.Key Words: dispute, etics in politics and Constitutional implication Abstrak: KMP Versus KIH; Implikasi Ketatanegaraan Perseteruan Dua Kubu Dalam Dimensi Etika Politik. Persoalan etika merupakan hal yang sangat vital dalam interaksi sosial, karena setiap perbuatan manusia menimbulkan dampak sesuai dengan apa yang dilakukan. Perbuatan yang baik menghasilkan dampak yang baik, begitupun sebaliknya. Meskipun terkadang di lapangan khususnya ranah politik praksis, perbuatan yang baik kerap berdampak buruk dan begitu sebaliknya. Begitu pula hanya perseteruan dua kubu yang terjadi antara kubu Koalisi Merah Putih dan Kubu Indonesia Hebat yang bermula dari perseteruan dua kubu pemenangan calon presiden; Jokowi-Jk dan Prabowo-Hatta. Akibat perseteruan ini berimplikasi ketatanegaraan seperti adanya perubahan sistem pemilihan umum kepala daerah, mekanisme pemilihan Pimpinan DPR dan Pimpinan MPR, dan beberapa produk legislasi lainnya. Perseteruan ini dapat berakhir apabila para praktisi politik di negeri ini mampu mengedepankan etika politik di atas kepentingan pribadi, partai, dan golongan.Kata Kunci: Perseteruan, Etika Politik, Ketatanegaraan DOI: 10.15408/sjsbs.v2i1.224

    Russia's Legal Policy Against Diaspora Marriages in Muslim Communities

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    This article discusses the politics of marriage law in the Russian Muslim diaspora. The Muslim community in Russia faces challenges in carrying out their marriage according to the principles of the Islamic religion amidst the legal regulations in force. This article analyzes the political development of marriage law in the Russian Muslim diaspora, including the recognition of Islamic marriage law, the settlement of legal conflicts between Islamic marriage and state law, and the role of Islamic organizations in safeguarding Muslim marriage rights. This article also presents case studies, examples of legal marriage practices in the Russian Muslim diaspora, and obstacles and solutions encountered in dealing with different legal regulations. This study uses normative research methods. Conceptual, literary and sociological approaches are used in normative or doctrinal research. Data analysis in this study used qualitative analysis methods. The results of the study state that there are political implications of the marriage law of the Russian Muslim diaspora, in addition to the challenges and opportunities in fulfilling the elements of the rights of the Muslim community in Russia. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to broadening the understanding of the politics of marriage law in the Russian Muslim diaspora and exploring issues related to Muslim marriage rights in the context of that country


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    Abstract, State assets in the form of shares of business entities are not state assets, but have been transformed into business entity assets. Likewise, government officials who become Directors/Commissioners and other shareholders have an equal position with private shareholders. The Board of Directors in carrying out their duties and authorities has the authority and protection in every business decision making, but this does not escape supervision through the BJR (Business Judgment Rule) principle, as contained in the Limited Liability Company Law. This study uses a qualitative research method with a statutory approach. The purpose of this study is to understand the criteria for state finances in SOEs and the legal consequences of financial losses and supervision of SOEs. The results of the study stated that the implementation of BJR on the Board of Directors of SOEs could be carried out after fulfilling the terms and conditions of the enactment of BJR. BJR can be implemented because a legal entity is actually subject to the Limited Liability Company law. Keywords: Supervision of SOEs ion; Business Judgment Rules; State Finance   Intisari: Kekayaan negara yang berbentuk saham dari badan usaha bukan merupakan kekayaan negara, tetapi telah bertransformasi menjadi kekayaan badan usaha. Demikian terhadap pejabat pemerintah yang menjadi Direksi/Komisaris dan pemegang saham lainnya memiliki kedudukan yang setara dengan pemegang saham swasta. Direksi dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenang memiliki kewenangan dan perlindungan dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan bisnis, namun ini tak luput dari pengawasan melalui prinsip BJR (Business Judgment Rule), sebagaimana termuat dalam Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Tujuan penelitian untuk dapat memahami kriteria keuangan negara pada BUMN dan akibat hukum kerugian keuangan dan pengawasan pada BUMN. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa implementasi BJR terhadap Direksi BUMN dapat dilakukan setelah memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan berlakunya BJR. BJR dapat diimplementasikan karena badan usaha berbadan hukum sejatinya tunduk pada undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas. Kata Kunci: Pengawasan BUMN; Business Judgment Rule; Kuangan Negar

    Aktualisasi Demokrasi Pancasila dalam Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara

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    Democracy, as well as a fundamental principle in virtually all countries, has also become principles in the country. Several typologies of democracy indicates a new pattern generated from the basic theory of democracy. Pancasila Democracy is essentially the norms regulating the conduct of the people’s sovereignty and the running state government, in the political, economic, social, cultural, and defense, for every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, both at central and regional levels. The concept of Pancasila democracy excavated from the original values of the society that developed in Indonesia. Pancasila Democracy is a middle path that must be addressed wisely because it is a unifying alternative between Indonesia multicultural society. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/sd.v2i2.281

    State Policies and Islamic Law Regarding Juvenile Punishment for Theft

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    The development of an increasingly sophisticated era certainly has an impact on children, both positive and negative impacts. Due to the absence of maximum direction and assistance to children, children can at any time do disgraceful acts. When children are involved in the crime of theft, they will be faced with the law and processed. Therefore, there is a need for special guidance and assistance from parents and parties whose status and roles have been recognized as external companions for these children. In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research method with normative juridical research type. The analysis was conducted to determine the form of state and Islamic protection against children who are perpetrators of the crime of theft. The results of the study state that the judge can give a decision on the case of a child crime case of theft. However, legal protection is needed for children who do not commit the crime of theft, considering that they are still underage and still need to be given more maximum attention and guidance. The state protects children because their future is also the future of the state. Every level of society in Indonesia is obligated to provide moral support and guarantee that children in dispute with the law are not excluded from the social environment and society, and that they continue to obtain an appropriate education so that their futures are secure. So that youngsters affected by this law do not feel alienated, continued enjoyment of the nation's youth is possible


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    Action 212 and Great 212's reunion were often discussed as a phenomenon of Muslims in Indonesia nowadays. Various labeling arose from Islamic identity politics in Indonesia, the rise of Muslims in Indonesia, even the manifestation of transnationalism in global politics. This paper aims to understand the real phenomenon of the emergence of action 212 that are not static, and continue to take a role in political government in Indonesia which is considered less than optimal in implementing rule of law in legal law in Indonesia. Pancasila democracy was the main foundation in assessing the reunion action that was held several months ago, so that there was relevance between the Grand Reunion movement 212 and the Pancasila ideology as the fundamental basis of Indonesia

    Kecebong Versus Kampret; Slogan Negatif Dalam Komunikasi Politik Pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019

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    As the largest democratic party in any region, presidential elections are often followed by campaigns as a means of political socialization in general elections. Likewise what happened in the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the campaign found some negative propaganda through the slogans of each of the supporters of the two candidate pairs. Ironically, this slogan seems to divide the Indonesian people into two big camps with the name of an animal that is not suitable for humans. The term "Kecebong" for supporters of the Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amien camp and the term "Kampret" for supporters of the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Shalahuddin Uno camp. The negative slogan "Kecebong Versus Kampret" was heard massively during the 2019 presidential election process. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection based on some existing literature and mass media. The results show that this slogan is very familiar to the Indonesian public, especially on several social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on. This is clearly not in accordance with the norms of life of the Indonesian people when viewed from the perspective of Indonesian public ethics based on the Pancasila ideology.Keywords: Negative Slogan; The 2019 Presidential Election; Political Communication Abstrak:Sebagai pesta demokrasi terbesar di setiap Negara, pemilihan umum presiden senantiasa disertai kampanye sebagai bentuk sosialisasi politik dalam pemilihan umum. Begitu juga yang terjadi dalam pemilihan umum presiden 2019 di Indonesia. Sayangnya, dalam kampanye ditemukan beberapa propaganda negatif melalui slogan dari masing-masing pendukung kedua pasangan kandidat. Ironinya, slogan ini seakan membelah rakyat Indonesia menjadi dua kubu besar dengan nama hewan yang tak layak disematkan pada manusia. Sebutan “Kecebong” bagi pendukung kubu Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amien dan sebutan “Kampret” bagi pendukung kubu Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Shalahuddin Uno. Slogan negative “Kecebong Versus Kampret” begitu massif didengar selama proses pemilihan umum presiden 2019 berlangsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan pada beberapa literatur dan media massa yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa slogan ini sangat familiar di telinga masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya pada beberapa media sosial seperti facebook, Instagram, twitter dan lain sebagainya. Hal tersebut jelas tidak sesuai dengan norma kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia jika ditinjau berdasarkan perspektif etika publik bangsa Indonesia yang berlandaskan Ideologi Pancasila.Kata Kunci: Slogan Negatif; Pilpres 2019; Komunikasi Politi


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    AbstractThis study aims to explain and study the other sideof IbnSina as the expert in Islamic economics.This is important because so far IbnSina hasalways been identified as a doctor, chemist, andphilosopher of Islam, and such identification isvery far from economic ideas. While manyeconomic ideas were originated from IbnSina. Hisworks such as as-Syifa and Risalah as-Siyasahhave sufficiently discussed about the economy.This study used a literature approach to describeand analyze the object of the research, namelyreading and reviewing various sources of thetopic, analyzing and finally drawing a conclusionwhich was further presented in the form of awritten report. The results of this study indicatedthat IbnSina was not only a well-known andworldwide physician, chemist, and philosopher,but also an Islamic economics thinker. Many ideasabout the economy were born from his works, as-Syifa and Risalah as-Siyasah, such the discussionsare about humans as economic agents; economicrevolutions as the main foundation of economicdevelopment; and welfare as well as prosperity asthe main goals of economic practice and stateadministratio

    Criminal Acts of Hate Speech Through Social Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The rise of social media has facilitated communication between people, but it has also made it simpler to spread false information, which can lead to hate speech. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, all public gatherings were canceled, and people stayed home. Due to the ease with which information may be shared and disseminated and the difficulty in determining the authenticity of user claims, online hate speech is commonplace. The author incorporates legal research methods from qualitative and normative perspectives into this paper. As the results show, social media use has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic due to government restrictions on activities that can be carried out outside the home. Thus, many people like spending time on social media, and some even deliberately post remarks that amount to hate speech.Keywords: Crime; Hate Speech; Social media Abstrak Maraknya media sosial telah memfasilitasi komunikasi antar manusia, tetapi juga mempermudah penyebaran informasi palsu, yang dapat mengarah pada ujaran kebencian. Pada puncak pandemi COVID-19, semua pertemuan publik dibatalkan, dan orang-orang tetap tinggal di rumah. Karena mudahnya informasi dibagikan dan disebarluaskan serta sulitnya menentukan keaslian klaim yang dibuat oleh pengguna, ujaran kebencian online menjadi hal yang lumrah. Penulis memasukkan metode penelitian hukum baik dari perspektif kualitatif maupun normatif ke dalam makalah ini. Hasilnya, penggunaan media sosial meroket di masa pandemi COVID-19 sebagai akibat dari pembatasan pemerintah terhadap aktivitas yang boleh dilakukan di luar rumah. Sehingga, banyak orang yang suka menghabiskan waktu di media sosial, bahkan ada yang sengaja memposting ucapan yang berbau ujaran kebencian.Kata Kunci: Tindak Pidana; Ujaran Kebencian; Media Sosia
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