302 research outputs found

    Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss

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    We present an algorithm which combines the quantum trajectory approach to open quantum systems with a density-matrix renormalization group scheme for infinite one-dimensional lattice systems. We apply this method to investigate the long-time dynamics in the Bose-Hubbard model with local particle loss starting from a Mott-insulating initial state with one boson per site. While the short-time dynamics can be described even quantitatively by an equation of motion (EOM) approach at the mean-field level, many-body interactions lead to unexpected effects at intermediate and long times: local particle currents far away from the dissipative site start to reverse direction ultimately leading to a metastable state with a total particle current pointing away from the lossy site. An alternative EOM approach based on an effective fermion model shows that the reversal of currents can be understood qualitatively by the creation of holon-doublon pairs at the edge of the region of reduced particle density. The doublons are then able to escape while the holes move towards the dissipative site, a process reminiscent---in a loose sense---of Hawking radiation

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    As environmental problems continue to intensify, public environmental awareness and participation have become key forces in a modernized environmental governance system. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Using statistical and internet search data from 284 prefecture-level cities between 2011 and 2020, the study finds that a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in pollution. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Moreover, regional heterogeneity analysis reveals a stronger effect of public environmental concern in cities facing low economic pressure. The findings of the study provide a reference for the construction of a coordinated and sustainable environmental governance model in China as well as in developing countries.</div

    Analytical framework and research hypotheses.

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    As environmental problems continue to intensify, public environmental awareness and participation have become key forces in a modernized environmental governance system. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Using statistical and internet search data from 284 prefecture-level cities between 2011 and 2020, the study finds that a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in pollution. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Moreover, regional heterogeneity analysis reveals a stronger effect of public environmental concern in cities facing low economic pressure. The findings of the study provide a reference for the construction of a coordinated and sustainable environmental governance model in China as well as in developing countries.</div

    Variable description and summarized statistics.

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    As environmental problems continue to intensify, public environmental awareness and participation have become key forces in a modernized environmental governance system. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Using statistical and internet search data from 284 prefecture-level cities between 2011 and 2020, the study finds that a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in pollution. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Moreover, regional heterogeneity analysis reveals a stronger effect of public environmental concern in cities facing low economic pressure. The findings of the study provide a reference for the construction of a coordinated and sustainable environmental governance model in China as well as in developing countries.</div

    The interaction between public environmental concern and government environmental regulation on environmental pollution.

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    The interaction between public environmental concern and government environmental regulation on environmental pollution.</p

    Results of regional heterogeneity.

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    As environmental problems continue to intensify, public environmental awareness and participation have become key forces in a modernized environmental governance system. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Using statistical and internet search data from 284 prefecture-level cities between 2011 and 2020, the study finds that a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in pollution. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Moreover, regional heterogeneity analysis reveals a stronger effect of public environmental concern in cities facing low economic pressure. The findings of the study provide a reference for the construction of a coordinated and sustainable environmental governance model in China as well as in developing countries.</div

    Results of robustness test estimation.

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    As environmental problems continue to intensify, public environmental awareness and participation have become key forces in a modernized environmental governance system. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Using statistical and internet search data from 284 prefecture-level cities between 2011 and 2020, the study finds that a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in pollution. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Moreover, regional heterogeneity analysis reveals a stronger effect of public environmental concern in cities facing low economic pressure. The findings of the study provide a reference for the construction of a coordinated and sustainable environmental governance model in China as well as in developing countries.</div

    Real-Time Dark-Field Scattering Microscopic Monitoring of the <i>in Situ</i> Growth of Single Ag@Hg Nanoalloys

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    A comprehensive understanding of the growth mechanism of nanoalloys is beneficial in designing and synthesizing nanoalloys with precisely tailored properties to extend their applications. Herein, we present the investigation in this aspect by real-time monitoring of the <i>in situ</i> growth of single Ag@Hg nanoalloys, through direct amalgamation of Ag nanoparticles with elemental mercury, by dark-field scattering microscopy. Four typically shaped Ag nanoparticles, such as rods, triangular bipyramids, cubes, and spheres, were used as seeds for studying the growth of Ag@Hg nanoalloys. The scattered light of Ag nanoparticles of different shapes, on exposure to the growth solution, exhibited a noticeable blue-shift followed by a red-shift, suggesting the growth of Ag@Hg nanoalloys. The formation of Ag@Hg nanoalloys was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmit electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and elemental mapping and line scanning. Further analysis of the time-dependent spectral data and morphological change of single nanoparticles during the growth led to the visual identification of the growth mechanism of single Ag@Hg nanoalloys. Three important steps were involved: first, rapid adsorption of Hg atoms onto Ag nanoparticles; second, initial diffusion of Hg atoms into Ag nanoparticles, rounding or shortening the particles; third, further diffusion of Hg atoms leading to the formation of spherical Ag@Hg nanoalloys. On the basis of these results, Ag@Hg nanoalloys with given optical properties can be synthesized. Moreover, dark-field scattering microscopy is expected to be a powerful tool used for real-time monitoring of the <i>in situ</i> growth of other metal nanoparticles

    Real-Time Dark-Field Scattering Microscopic Monitoring of the <i>in Situ</i> Growth of Single Ag@Hg Nanoalloys

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    A comprehensive understanding of the growth mechanism of nanoalloys is beneficial in designing and synthesizing nanoalloys with precisely tailored properties to extend their applications. Herein, we present the investigation in this aspect by real-time monitoring of the <i>in situ</i> growth of single Ag@Hg nanoalloys, through direct amalgamation of Ag nanoparticles with elemental mercury, by dark-field scattering microscopy. Four typically shaped Ag nanoparticles, such as rods, triangular bipyramids, cubes, and spheres, were used as seeds for studying the growth of Ag@Hg nanoalloys. The scattered light of Ag nanoparticles of different shapes, on exposure to the growth solution, exhibited a noticeable blue-shift followed by a red-shift, suggesting the growth of Ag@Hg nanoalloys. The formation of Ag@Hg nanoalloys was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmit electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and elemental mapping and line scanning. Further analysis of the time-dependent spectral data and morphological change of single nanoparticles during the growth led to the visual identification of the growth mechanism of single Ag@Hg nanoalloys. Three important steps were involved: first, rapid adsorption of Hg atoms onto Ag nanoparticles; second, initial diffusion of Hg atoms into Ag nanoparticles, rounding or shortening the particles; third, further diffusion of Hg atoms leading to the formation of spherical Ag@Hg nanoalloys. On the basis of these results, Ag@Hg nanoalloys with given optical properties can be synthesized. Moreover, dark-field scattering microscopy is expected to be a powerful tool used for real-time monitoring of the <i>in situ</i> growth of other metal nanoparticles

    Regression results of the impact of public environmental concern on environmental pollution.

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    Regression results of the impact of public environmental concern on environmental pollution.</p
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