74 research outputs found

    Possibility to study a two-proton halo in 17^{17}Ne

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    The nuclide 17^{17}Ne is studied theoretically in a three-body 15^{15}O+pp+pp model. We demonstrate that the experimental condition for existence of a proton halo in 17^{17}Ne can be reasonably quantified in terms of s/ds/d configuration mixing. We discuss experimental evidences for a proton halo in 17^{17}Ne. We define which kind of experimental data could elucidate this issue.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    From Coulomb excitation cross sections to non-resonant astrophysical rates in three-body systems: 17^{17}Ne case

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    Coulomb and nuclear dissociation of 17^{17}Ne on light and heavy targets are studied theoretically. The dipole E1 strength function is determined in a broad energy range including energies of astrophysical interest. Dependence of the strength function on different parameters of the 17^{17}Ne ground state structure and continuum dynamics is analyzed in a three-body model. The discovered dependence plays an important role for studies of the strength functions for the three-body E1 dissociation and radiative capture. The constraints on the [s2]/[d2][s^2]/[d^2] configuration mixing in 17^{17}Ne and on pp-wave interaction in the 15^{15}O+pp channel are imposed based on experimental data for 17^{17}Ne Coulomb dissociation on heavy target.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Asymptotic normalization coefficient method for two-proton radiative capture

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    The method of asymptotic normalization coefficients is a standard approach for studies of two-body non-resonant radiative capture processes in nuclear astrophysics. This method suggests a fully analytical description of the radiative capture cross section in the low-energy region of the astrophysical interest. We demonstrate how this method can be generalized to the case of three-body 2p2p radiative captures. It was found that an essential feature of this process is the highly correlated nature of the capture. This reflects the complexity of three-body Coulomb continuum problem. Radiative capture 15^{15}O+pp+p17p \rightarrow ^{\,17}Ne+γ\gamma is considered as an illustration.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Three-body correlations in direct reactions: Example of 6^{6}Be populated in (p,n)(p,n) reaction

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    The 6^{6}Be continuum states were populated in the charge-exchange reaction 1^1H(6^{6}Li,6^{6}Be)nn collecting very high statistics data (5×106\sim 5 \times 10^6 events) on the three-body α\alpha+pp+pp correlations. The 6^{6}Be excitation energy region below 3\sim 3 MeV is considered, where the data are dominated by contributions from the 0+0^+ and 2+2^+ states. It is demonstrated how the high-statistics few-body correlation data can be used to extract detailed information on the reaction mechanism. Such a derivation is based on the fact that highly spin-aligned states are typically populated in the direct reactions.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    The observation of long-range three-body Coloumb effects in the decay of 16Ne

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    The interaction of an E/AE/A=57.6-MeV 17^{17}Ne beam with a Be target was used to populate levels in 16^{16}Ne following neutron knockout reactions. The decay of 16^{16}Ne states into the three-body 14^{14}O+pp+pp continuum was observed in the High Resolution Array (HiRA). For the first time for a 2p emitter, correlations between the momenta of the three decay products were measured with sufficient resolution and statistics to allow for an unambiguous demonstration of their dependence on the long-range nature of the Coulomb interaction. Contrary to previous experiments, the intrinsic decay width of the 16^{16}Ne ground state was found to be narrow (Γ<60\Gamma<60~keV), consistent with theoretical estimates.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Experience in Utilization of Phylogenetic Analysis for Epidemiological Investigation of HIV Infection Case

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    Objective of the study was to investigate a criminal case of infection with HIV, applying molecular-genetic analysis of blood plasma samples from an estimated source of an infection and the recipient for evaluation of probability of epidemiological connection between them. Materials and methods. The study involved genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of HIV-1 variants, isolated from patients in the investigated group and the control one (19 nucleotide sequences of the HIV-1 from the patients living in the Saratov region, and 15 nucleotide sequences from GenBank). Genotyping was performed using the commercial ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System. The sub-typing of HIV-1 strains was carried out on-line, through the COMET HIV-1/2 and HCV and REGA HIV-1 Sybtyping Tool programs. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences was carried out by Mega software, version 5.2. Phylogenetic trees were constructed; nucleotide distances were calculated by Kimura method (bootstrap level 1000). Results and conclusions. Virus variants, isolated from the studied samples, were defined as HIV-1 A subtype. Performed phylogenetic analysis showed that nucleotide sequences of the studied samples authentically grouped on the phylogenetic tree, forming a common cluster, which mismatched that of control group. Calculation of the genetic distance testifies that the genetic relation between the samples within the investigated group is higher, than between the same samples and those of the control group. Thus, by means of phylogenetic analysis it is shown that the strains received from an estimated source of infection and the recipient are genetically closer to each other, than to the strains from the group of comparison. In this regard, it is possible to claim with a big share of confidence that probability of epidemiological connection between them exists

    10He low-lying states structure uncovered by correlations

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    The 0+ ground state of the 10He nucleus produced in the 3H(8He,p)10He reaction was found at about 2.1±0.22.1\pm0.2 MeV (\Gamma ~ 2 MeV) above the three-body 8He+n+n breakup threshold. Angular correlations observed for 10He decay products show prominent interference patterns allowing to draw conclusions about the structure of low-energy excited states. We interpret the observed correlations as a coherent superposition of the broad 1- state having a maximum at energy 4-6 MeV and the 2+ state above 6 MeV, setting both on top of the 0+ state "tail". This anomalous level ordering indicates that the breakdown of the N=8 shell known in 12Be thus extends also to the 10He system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Search for 2p Decay of the First Excited State of 17 Ne

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    Structure of nuclei located near and beyond the drip-lines plays important role in the explosive astrophysical processes. The problem of two-proton decay of the 17Ne first excited state is a good example of such situation. The two-proton radiative capture is a possible bypass of the 15O waiting point in the rp-process. The rate of this process drastically depends on the value of the weak

    Core excitation in Coulomb breakup reactions

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    Within the pure Coulomb breakup mechanism, we investigate the one-neutron removal reaction of the type A(a,bγ\gamma)X with 11^{11}Be and 19^{19}C projectiles on a heavy target nucleus 208^{208}Pb at the beam energy of 60 MeV/nucleon. Our intention is to examine the prospective of using these reactions to study the structure of neutron rich nuclei. Integrated partial cross sections and momentum distributions for the ground as well as excited bound states of core nuclei are calculated within the finite range distorted wave Born approximation as well as within the adiabatic model of the Coulomb breakup. Our results are compared with those obtained in the studies of the reactions on a light target where the breakup proceeds via the pure nuclear mechanism. We find that the transitions to excited states of the core are quite weak in the Coulomb dominated process as compared to the pure nuclear breakup.Comment: Revtex format, five postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Study of Proton and Deuteron Pickup Reactions 2H(10Be,3He)9Li an 2H(10Be,4He)8Li with 44 A MeV 10Be Radioactive Beam at ACCULINNA-2 Fragment Separator

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    The proton and deuteron pickup reactions 2H(10Be,3He)9Li and\\ 2H(10Be,4He)8Li radioactive beam produced by the new fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 at FLNR, JINR\@. These measurements were initially motivated as test reactions intended for the elucidation of results obtained in the study of the extremely neutron-rich 7H and 6H systems created in the 2H(10Be,3He)9Li and 2H(10Be,4He)8Li reactions using the same setup. In the 2H(10Be,3He)9Li reaction the 9Li ground-state (3/23/2^-) and its first excited state (2.69~MeV, 1/21/2^-) were identified in the low-energy region of its excitation spectrum. The differential cross sections for the 9Li g.~s.) population were extracted at forward center-of-mass angles (3133^\circ-13^\circ) and compared with the FRESCO calculations. Spectroscopic factor of 1.7\sim 1.7, derived by a model for the 10Be=p+ = p +9Li(g.s.) clustering was found in accord with the experimental data. The energy spectrum of 8Li populated in the 2H(10Be,4He)8Li reaction shows the strong peak which corresponds to excitation of the second excited state of 8Li (2.25 MeV, 3+3^+). The fact that the ground and the first excited states of 8Li were not observed is fully consistent with Shell-Model calculations carried out for the 10Be g.\,s. and 8Li level structure applying momentum selection rules