2,504 research outputs found
Quantum Coherence via Skew Information and Its Polygamy
Quantifying coherence is a key task in both quantum mechanical theory and
practical applications. Here, a reliable quantum coherence measure is presented
by utilizing the quantum skew information of the state of interest subject to a
certain broken observable. This coherence measure is proven to fulfill all the
criteria (especially the strong monotonicity) recently introduced in the
resource theories of quantum coherence. The coherence measure has an analytic
expression and an obvious operational meaning related to quantum metrology. In
terms of this coherence measure, the distribution of the quantum coherence,
i.e., how the quantum coherence is distributed among the multiple parties is
studied and a corresponding polygamy relation is proposed. As a further
application, it is found that the coherence measure forms the natural upper
bounds for quantum correlations prepared by incoherent operations. The
experimental measurement of our coherence measure as well as the
relative-entropy coherence, -norm coherence is studied finally.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; accepted by PR
Non-Markovianity in a collision model with environmental block
We present an extended collision model to simulate the dynamics of an open
quantum system. In our model, the unit to represent the environment is, instead
of a single particle, a block which consists of a number of environment
particles. The introduced blocks enable us to study the effects of different
strategies of system-environment interactions and states of the blocks on the
non-Markovianities. We demonstrate our idea in the Gaussian channels of an
all-optical system and derive a necessary and sufficient condition of
non-Markovianity for such channels. Moreover, we show the equivalence of our
criterion to the non-Markovian quantum jump in the simulation of the pure
damping process of a single-mode field. We also show that the non-Markovianity
of the channel working in the strategy that the system collides with
environmental particles in each block in a certain order will be affected by
the size of the block and the embedded entanglement and the effects of heating
and squeezing the vacuum environmental state will quantitatively enhance the
non-Markovianity.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted versio
A Class of Infinite Dimensional Diffusion Processes with Connection to Population Genetics
Starting from a sequence of independent Wright-Fisher diffusion processes on
, we construct a class of reversible infinite dimensional diffusion
processes on \DD_\infty:= \{{\bf x}\in [0,1]^\N: \sum_{i\ge 1} x_i=1\} with
GEM distribution as the reversible measure. Log-Sobolev inequalities are
established for these diffusions, which lead to the exponential convergence to
the corresponding reversible measures in the entropy. Extensions are made to a
class of measure-valued processes over an abstract space . This provides a
reasonable alternative to the Fleming-Viot process which does not satisfy the
log-Sobolev inequality when is infinite as observed by W. Stannat \cite{S}.Comment: 14 page
Direct Measure of Quantum Correlation
The quantumness of the correlation known as quantum correlation is usually
measured by quantum discord. So far various quantum discords can be roughly
understood as indirect measure by some special discrepancy of two quantities.
We present a direct measure of quantum correlation by revealing the difference
between the structures of classically and quantum correlated states. Our
measure explicitly includes the contributions of the inseparability and local
non-orthogonality of the eigenvectors of a density. Besides its relatively easy
computability, our measure can provide a unified understanding of quantum
correlation of all the present versions
Remedying the strong monotonicity of the coherence measure in terms of the Tsallis relative entropy
Coherence is the most fundamental quantum feature of the nonclassical
systems. The understanding of coherence within the resource theory has been
attracting increasing interest among which the quantification of coherence is
an essential ingredient. A satisfactory measure should meet certain standard
criteria. It seems that the most crucial criterion should be the strong
monotonicity, that is, average coherence doesn't increase under the
(sub-selective) incoherent operations. Recently, the Tsallis relative
entropy [A. E. Rastegin, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{93}, 032136 (2016)] has been
tried to quantify the coherence. But it was shown to violate the strong
monotonicity, even though it can unambiguously distinguish the coherent and the
incoherent states with the monotonicity. Here we establish a family of
coherence quantifiers which are closely related to the Tsallis relative entropy. It proves that this family of quantifiers satisfy all the standard
criteria and particularly cover several typical coherence measures.Comment: 6 page
The Roles of a Quantum Channel on a Quantum State
When a quantum state undergoes a quantum channel, the state will be
inevitably influenced. In general, the fidelity of the state is reduced, so is
the entanglement if the sub- systems go through the channel. However, the
influence on the coherence of the state is quite different. Here we present
some state-independent quantities to describe to what degree the fidelity, the
entanglement and the coherence of the state are influenced. As applications, we
consider some quantum channels on a qubit and find that the infidelity ability
monotonically depends on the decay rate, but in usual the decoherence ability
is not the case and strongly depends on the channel.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
Incentivizing Users of Data Centers Participate in The Demand Response Programs via Time-Varying Monetary Rewards
Demand response is widely employed by today's data centers to reduce energy
consumption in response to the increasing of electricity cost. To incentivize
users of data centers participate in the demand response programs, i.e.,
breaking the "split incentive" hurdle, some prior researches propose
market-based mechanisms such as dynamic pricing and static monetary rewards.
However, these mechanisms are either intrusive or unfair. In this paper, we use
time-varying rewards to incentivize users, who have flexible deadlines and are
willing to trading performance degradation for monetary rewards, grant
time-shifting of their requests. With a game-theoretic framework, we model the
game between a single data center and its users. Further, we extend our design
via integrating it with two other emerging practical demand response
strategies: server shutdown and local renewable energy generation. With
real-world data traces, we show that a DC with our design can effectively shed
its peak electricity load and overall electricity cost without reducing its
profit, when comparing it with the current practice where no incentive
mechanism is established
Bipartite concurrence and localized coherence
Based on a proposed coherence measure, we show that the local coherence of a
bipartite quantum pure state (coherence of its reduced density matrix) is
exactly the same as the minimal average co- herence with all potential
pure-state realizations under consideration. In particular, it is shown that
bipartite concurrence of pure states just captures the maximal difference
between local coherence and the average coherence of one subsystem induced by
local operations on the other subsystem with the assistance of classical
communications, which provides an alternative operational meaning for bipartite
concurrence of pure states. The relation between concurrence and the proposed
coherence measure can also be extended to bipartite mixed states.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figure
Separability Criteria For Arbitrary Quantum Systems
The purpose of this paper is to obtain a sufficient and necessary condition
as a criteria to test whether an arbitrary multipartite state is entangled or
not. Based on the tensor expression of a multipartite pure state, the paper
shows that a state is separable iff =0 for pure states
and iff vanishes for mixed states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure
Generalized Bell inequality for mixed states with variable constraints
In this paper, we present a generalized Bell inequality for mixed states. The
distinct characteristic is that the inequality has variable bound depending on
the decomposition of the density matrix. The inequality has been shown to be
more refined than the previous Bell inequality. It is possible that a separable
mixed state can violate the Bell inequality.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figures, Comments and suggestion are expected and
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