9,436 research outputs found
Development and testing of a fully adaptable membrane bioreactor fouling model for a sidestream configuration system
This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright © 2013 MDPI AGA dead-end filtration model that includes the three main fouling mechanisms mentioned in Hermia (i.e., cake build-up, complete pore blocking, and pore constriction) and that was based on a constant trans-membrane pressure (TMP) operation was extensively modified so it could be used for a sidestream configuration membrane bioreactor (MBR) situation. Modifications and add-ons to this basic model included: alteration so that it could be used for varying flux and varying TMP operations; inclusion of a backwash mode; it described pore constriction (i.e., irreversible fouling) in relation to the concentration of soluble microbial products (SMP) in the liquor; and, it could be used in a cross flow scenario by the addition of scouring terms in the model formulation. The additional terms in this modified model were checked against an already published model to see if they made sense, physically speaking. Next this modified model was calibrated and validated in Matlab© using data collected by carrying out flux stepping tests on both a pilot sidestream MBR plant, and then a pilot membrane filtration unit. The model fit proved good, especially for the pilot filtration unit data. In conclusion, this model formulation is of the right level of complexity to be used for most practical MBR situations
Twisted atrioventricular connections in double inlet right ventricle: evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging
Twisted atrioventricular connections occur almost exclusively in the hearts with biventricular atrioventricular connections. Only one example of double inlet left ventricle has been illustrated in which the axes of the two atrioventricular valves crossed each other. We describe herein three patients, and one autopsied specimen, with double inlet right ventricle in which magnetic resonance imaging clearly demonstrated twisted atrioventricular connections
Conflict on the Korean Peninsula? An Analysis of Inter-Korean Relations
The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Ho Yeol Yoo is a visiting scholar this year at the Mershon
Center. He is currently a professor of Political Science at
Korea University. After receiving his Ph.D from Ohio State,
he worked for several years at the Korea Institute for
National Unification (KINU), where he worked extensively
on the relationship between North and South Korea.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent webpage, phot
Single inorganic–organic hybrid nanowires with ambipolar photoresponse
We report for the first time single nanowires (NWs) with ambipolar (positive/negative) photoresponse that changes sign depending on the illumination wavelength. The single NWs were grown by the meniscus-guided method using inorganic (ZnO nanoparticles)–organic (PEDOT:PSS) hybrid materials. The ambipolar photoresponse of the single NWs enabled us to develop an unprecedented spectrum-discriminating NW photodetector array
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