31 research outputs found
Effect of initial ion positions on the interactions of monovalent and divalent ions with a DNA duplex as revealed with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations
<div><p>Monovalent (Na<sup>+</sup>) and divalent (Mg<sup>2+</sup>) ion distributions around the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer were studied by atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with AMBER molecular modeling software. Different initial placements of ions were tried and the resulting effects on the ion distributions around DNA were investigated. For monovalent ions, results were found to be nearly independent of initial cation coordinates. However, Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions demonstrated a strong initial coordinate dependent behavior. While some divalent ions initially placed near the DNA formed essentially permanent direct coordination complexes with electronegative DNA atoms, Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions initially placed further away from the duplex formed a full, nonexchanging, octahedral first solvation shell. These fully solvated cations were still capable of binding with DNA with events lasting up to 20 ns, and in comparison were bound much longer than Na<sup>+</sup> ions. Force field parameters were also investigated with modest and little differences arising from ion (ions94 and ions08) and nucleic acid description (ff99, ff99bsc0, and ff10), respectively. Based on known Mg<sup>2+</sup> ion solvation structure, we conclude that in most cases Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions retain their first solvation shell, making only solvent-mediated contacts with DNA duplex. The proper way to simulate Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions around DNA duplex, therefore, should begin with ions placed in the bulk water.</p>
Acid hydrolysis of crude tannins from infructescence of <i>Platycarya strobilacea</i> Sieb. et Zucc to produce ellagic acid
<div><p>The infructescence of <i>Platycarya strobilacea</i> Sieb. et Zucc is a well-known traditional medicine in China, Japan and Korea. The infructescence of <i>P. strobilacea</i> Sieb. et Zucc is a rich source of ellagitannins that are composed of ellagic acid (EA) and gallic acid, linked to a sugar moiety. The aim of this study was to prepare EA by acid hydrolysis of crude tannins from the infructescence of <i>P. strobilacea</i> Sieb. et Zucc, and establish a new technological processing method for EA. The natural antioxidant EA was prepared by using the water extraction of infructescence of <i>P. strobilacea</i> Sieb. et Zucc, evaporation, condensation, acid hydrolysis and prepared by the process of crystallisation. The yield percentage of EA from crude EA was more than 20% and the purity of the product was more than 98%, as identified by using HPLC. The structure was identified on the basis of spectroscopic analysis and comparison with authentic compound.</p></div
Predictive Models and Impact of Interfacial Contacts and Amino Acids on Protein–Protein Binding Affinity
interactions (PPIs) play a central role
in nearly all cellular processes. The strength of the binding in a
PPI is characterized by the binding affinity (BA) and is a key factor
in controlling protein–protein complex formation and defining
the structure–function relationship. Despite advancements in
understanding protein–protein binding, much remains unknown
about the interfacial region and its association with BA. New models
are needed to predict BA with improved accuracy for therapeutic design.
Here, we use machine learning approaches to examine how well different
types of interfacial contacts can be used to predict experimentally
determined BA and to reveal the impact of the specific amino acids
at the binding interface on BA. We create a series of multivariate
linear regression models incorporating different contact features
at both residue and atomic levels and examine how different methods
of identifying and characterizing these properties impact the performance
of these models. Particularly, we introduce a new and simple approach
to predict BA based on the quantities of specific amino acids at the
protein–protein interface. We found that the numbers of specific
amino acids at the protein–protein interface were correlated
with BA. We show that the interfacial numbers of amino acids can be
used to produce models with consistently good performance across different
data sets, indicating the importance of the identities of interfacial
amino acids in underlying BA. When trained on a diverse set of complexes
from two benchmark data sets, the best performing BA model was generated
with an explicit linear equation involving six amino acids. Tyrosine,
in particular, was identified as the key amino acid in controlling
BA, as it had the strongest correlation with BA and was consistently
identified as the most important amino acid in feature importance
studies. Glycine and serine were identified as the next two most important
amino acids in predicting BA. The results from this study further
our understanding of PPIs and can be used to make improved predictions
of BA, giving them implications for drug design and screening in the
pharmaceutical industry
Predictive Models and Impact of Interfacial Contacts and Amino Acids on Protein–Protein Binding Affinity
interactions (PPIs) play a central role
in nearly all cellular processes. The strength of the binding in a
PPI is characterized by the binding affinity (BA) and is a key factor
in controlling protein–protein complex formation and defining
the structure–function relationship. Despite advancements in
understanding protein–protein binding, much remains unknown
about the interfacial region and its association with BA. New models
are needed to predict BA with improved accuracy for therapeutic design.
Here, we use machine learning approaches to examine how well different
types of interfacial contacts can be used to predict experimentally
determined BA and to reveal the impact of the specific amino acids
at the binding interface on BA. We create a series of multivariate
linear regression models incorporating different contact features
at both residue and atomic levels and examine how different methods
of identifying and characterizing these properties impact the performance
of these models. Particularly, we introduce a new and simple approach
to predict BA based on the quantities of specific amino acids at the
protein–protein interface. We found that the numbers of specific
amino acids at the protein–protein interface were correlated
with BA. We show that the interfacial numbers of amino acids can be
used to produce models with consistently good performance across different
data sets, indicating the importance of the identities of interfacial
amino acids in underlying BA. When trained on a diverse set of complexes
from two benchmark data sets, the best performing BA model was generated
with an explicit linear equation involving six amino acids. Tyrosine,
in particular, was identified as the key amino acid in controlling
BA, as it had the strongest correlation with BA and was consistently
identified as the most important amino acid in feature importance
studies. Glycine and serine were identified as the next two most important
amino acids in predicting BA. The results from this study further
our understanding of PPIs and can be used to make improved predictions
of BA, giving them implications for drug design and screening in the
pharmaceutical industry
S20 structural variations during MD simulation.
<p>Backbone snapshots of both proteins are shown in shades of red (<i>E. coli</i> light red; <i>T. thermophilus</i> dark red). Backbone starting structures are in yellow.</p
Comparisons of S15, S17, and S20 proteins from two different species.
<p><i>E. coli</i> proteins are shown in the lighter shade and <i>T. thermophilus</i> in the darker shade. Contact residues are shown as stick representations and some important parts of the proteins, discussed in the text, are labeled.</p
Structural Comparisons of PEI/DNA and PEI/siRNA Complexes Revealed with Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Polyplexes composed
of polyethyleneimine (PEI) and DNA or siRNA have attracted great attention
for their use in gene therapy. Although many physicochemical characteristics
of these polyplexes remain unknown, PEI/DNA complexes have been repeatedly
shown to be more stable than their PEI/siRNA counterparts. Here, we
examine potential causes for this difference using atomistic molecular
dynamics simulations of complexation between linear PEI and DNA or
siRNA duplexes containing the same number of bases. The two types
of polyplexes are stabilized by similar interactions, as PEI amines
primarily interact with nucleic acid phosphate groups but also occasionally
interact with groove atoms of both nucleic acids. However, the number
of interactions in PEI/DNA complexes is greater than in comparable
PEI/siRNA complexes, with interactions between protonated PEI amines
and DNA being particularly enhanced. These results indicate that structural
differences between DNA and siRNA may play a role in the increased
stability of PEI/DNA complexes. In addition, we investigate the binding
of PEI chains to polyplexes that have a net positive charge. The binding
of PEI to these overcharged complexes involves interactions between
PEI and areas on the nucleic acid surface that have maintained a negative
electrostatic potential and is facilitated by the release of water
from the nucleic acid
Contacts between r-proteins and r-RNA in total and for charged residues.
<p>Note: The total number of protein contacts for S15, S17, and S20 above differs from the total number of contact residues presented in Supplementary <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002530#pcbi.1002530.s001" target="_blank">Tables S1</a>, <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002530#pcbi.1002530.s002" target="_blank">S2</a>, <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002530#pcbi.1002530.s003" target="_blank">S3</a> because some protein residues are in contact with more than one nucleotide, which are presented here as multiple contacts.</p
The 30S <i>T. thermophilus</i> subunit (1J5E), interface side.
<p>The 16S rRNA and r-proteins of interested are highlighted: 5′ Domain yellow, Central Domain grey, 3′ Major Domain orange, and 3′ Minor Domain purple; S15 blue, S17 dark green, and S20 dark red. The <i>E. coli</i> structure (2AVY) is nearly identical, but slight structural differences for the proteins of interest are discussed in the text and visualized in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002530#pcbi-1002530-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>. The remaining r-proteins have been removed for better visualization of the 16S rRNA domains.</p
Average MD RMSF values (in Ă…; standard deviations in parentheses) and enrichment factors EF.
<p>Average MD RMSF values (in Ă…; standard deviations in parentheses) and enrichment factors EF.</p