2,748 research outputs found
Fermions in an anisotropic random magnetic field
We study the localization of fermions in an anisotropic random magnetic field
in two dimensions. It is assumed that the randomness in a particular direction
is stronger than those in the other directions. We consider a network model of
zero field contours, where there are two types of randomness - the random
tunneling matrix element at the saddle points and unidirectional random
variation of the number of fermionic states following zero field contours.
After averaging over the random complex tunneling amplitude, the problem is
mapped to an SU(2N) random exchange quantum spin chain in the limit.
We suggest that the fermionic state becomes critical in an anisotropic fashion.Comment: 5 pages, replaced by revised version, accepted for publication in
Europhysics Letter
A Simple Mechanism for Unconventional Superconductivity in a Repulsive Fermion Model
Motivated by a scarcity of simple and analytically tractable models of
superconductivity from strong repulsive interactions, we introduce a simple
tight-binding lattice model of fermions with repulsive interactions that
exhibits unconventional superconductivity (beyond BCS theory). The model
resembles an idealized conductor-dielectric-conductor trilayer. The Cooper pair
consists of electrons on opposite sides of the dielectric, which mediates the
attraction. In the strong coupling limit, we use degenerate perturbation theory
to show that the model reduces to a superconducting hard-core Bose-Hubbard
model. Above the superconducting critical temperature, an analog of pseudo-gap
physics results where the fermions remain Cooper paired with a large
single-particle energy gap.Comment: 12+12 pages; 3 figures; v5 is a major revision with new additions: a
conductor-dielectric-conductor trilayer interpretation, an elaborated
introduction, figures 1 and 2, and sections 4.3.1 and 5.
One-dimensional itinerant ferromagnets with Heisenberg symmetry and the ferromagnetic quantum critical point
We study one-dimensional itinerant ferromagnets with Heisenberg symmetry near
a ferromagnetic quantum critical point. It is shown that the Berry phase term
arises in the effective action of itinerant ferromagnets when the full SU(2)
symmetry is present. We explicitly demonstrate that dynamical critical exponent
of the theory with the Berry term is in the sense of
expansion, as previously discovered in the Ising limit. It appears,
however, that the universality class at the interacting fixed point is not the
same. We point out that even though the critical theory in the Ising limit can
be obtained by the standard Hertz-Millis approach, the Heisenberg limit is
expected to be different. We also calculate the exact electron Green functions
and near the transition in a range of temperature, which
can be used for experimental signatures of the associated critical points.Comment: Replaced with final version accepted in PRB; minor changes from the
previous versio
Halperin-Saslow modes as the origin of the low temperature anomaly in
The absence of magnetic long range order in the triangular lattice spin-1
antiferromagnet _2_4_2_4$ can naturally be
explained by the formulation developed by Halperin and Saslow where the
linearly dispersing Halperin-Saslow mode may exist in the background of frozen
spin moments and zero net magnetization. We provide highly non-trivial
consistency checks on the existing experimental data and suggest future
experiments that can further confirm the existence of the Halperin-Saslow mode.
Our results place strong constraints on any microscopic theory of this
material.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
Spin-orbit coupling in the metallic and spin-liquid phases of Na4Ir3O8
It has recently been proposed that Na4Ir3O8 is a weak Mott insulator at
ambient pressure, supporting a three-dimensional spin liquid phase with a
spinon Fermi surface. This proposal is consistent with recent experimental
findings that the material becomes a metal upon increasing pressure or doping.
In this work, we investigate the effect of the spin-orbit coupling arising from
5d Ir moments both in the metallic and spin liquid phases of Na4Ir3O8. The
effective Hubbard model in terms of pseudospin j=1/2 Ir states is derived and
its consequences to both metallic and spin liquid phases are studied. In
particular, the model leads to enhanced Wilson ratio and strong temperature
dependence of the Hall coefficient.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
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