13 research outputs found

    The schematic diagram of Hsp90 protein motifs of all Hsp90 genes and each species from MEME.

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    <p>The schematic diagram of Hsp90 protein motifs of all Hsp90 genes and each species from MEME.</p

    Introns and the corresponding exon sequences within individual Hsp90 gene paralog listed in Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree.

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    <p>Hsp90 genes of B. distachyon are indicated by filled purple dots. Hsp90 genes of A. thaliana are indicated by filled purple dots. Colorbar indicates the number of introns contained in Hsp90 genes.</p

    Chromosome distribution of Hsp90 genes in B. distachyon, A. thaliana and O. sativa.

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    <p>(A). The chromosome distribution of Hsp90 genes in B. distachyon. (B). The chromosome distribution of Hsp90 genes in A. thaliana. (C) The chromosome distribution of Hsp90 genes in Oryza sativa. The chromosome numbers are indicated at the top of each bar and size of a chromosome is indicated by its relative length.</p

    Subcellular localization of each subgroup and species by TargetP1.1, WoLF PSORT and Predotar v. 1.03 on-line tools.

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    <p>Subcellular localization of each subgroup and species by TargetP1.1, WoLF PSORT and Predotar v. 1.03 on-line tools.</p

    Genome-wide analysis of the <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i> (L.) P. Beauv. <i>Hsp90</i> gene family reveals molecular evolution and expression profiling under drought and salt stresses

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    <div><p>The structure, evolution, and function of heat shock proteins 90 (Hsp90s) have been investigated in great detail in fungi and animals. However, studies on the <i>Hsp90</i> genes in plants are generally limited. <i>Brachypodium distachyo</i>n (L.) P. Beauv., as a model plant for cereal crops, has become a potential biofuel grass. During its long evolution, the <i>Hsp90</i> gene family in <i>Brachypodium</i> has developed some strategies to cope with adverse environments. How the <i>Hsp90</i> gene family in <i>Brachypodium</i> evolved in different plant lineages and what its role is in plant responses to drought and salt stresses remains to be elucidated. We used a set of different bioinformatics tools to identify 94 <i>Hsp90</i> genes from 10 species representing four plant lineages and classified into three subgroups. Eight <i>BdHsp90</i> genes were detected from <i>B</i>. <i>distachyo</i>n. The number of exon-intron structures differed in each subgroup, and the motif analysis revealed that these genes were relatively conservative in each group. The fragments duplication and tandem duplication, which are the prime powers for functional diversity, generally occurred during the duplication of the whole plant genome. Transcriptional analysis of the <i>BdHsp90</i> genes under salt and drought stress conditions indicated that the expression of these genes was delayed or increased at different stress time points; The expression was more affected in that of <i>Bradi3g39630</i>, <i>Bradi4g06370</i>, and <i>Bradi1g30130</i>. Our findings suggest the involvement of BdHsp90s in plant abiotic stress response, and further consolidate our views on the stress response mechanism of Hsp90 in general.</p></div

    Three-Dimensional Macroporous Graphene Foam Filled with Mesoporous Polyaniline Network for High Areal Capacitance

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    Bicontinuous macroporous graphene foam composed of few-layered graphene sheets provides a highly conductive platform on which to deposit mesoporous polyaniline via incorporation of electrodeposition and inkjet techniques. The experimental results exhibit that the coating polyaniline thin layer on the surface of three-dimensional graphene foam via electrodeposition is of importance for changing the hydrophobic surface to a hydrophilic one and for the subsequent filling of the mesoporous polyaniline network into the macroporous graphene foam. The porous polyaniline network with high pseudocapacitance is highly efficient for adjusting the pore structure and capacitive properties of graphene foam. When used as electrode materials for supercapacitors, the resulted graphene foam–polyaniline network with high porosity renders a large areal capacitance of over 1700 mF cm<sup>–2</sup>, which is over two times the enhancement in comparison with the pure graphene foam and polyaniline thin layer coated one. The ultrahigh areal capacitance benefits from the synergistic effect of the good conductive graphene backbone and high pseudocapacitive polyaniline

    Phylogenetic relationships of Hsp90 gene family.

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    <p>A total of 94 protein sequences of Hsp90 gene family identified from ten species vary from unicellular green algae to multicellular plants were aligned with MUSCLE program, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Bayesian inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The red arcs indicate different subgroups of Hsp90 genes. Hsp90 genes of B. distachyon are indicated by filled purple dots.</p

    High Interlaminar Shear Strength Enhancement of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite through Fiber- and Matrix-Anchored Carbon Nanotube Networks

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    To improve the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite, networks of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were grown on micron-sized carbon fibers and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were dispersed into the epoxy matrix so that these two types of carbon nanotubes entangle at the carbon fiber (CF)/epoxy matrix interface. The MWNTs on the CF fiber (CF-MWNTs) were grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), while the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were finely dispersed in the epoxy matrix precursor with the aid of a dispersing agent polyimide-<i>graft</i>-bisphenol A diglyceryl acrylate (PI-BDA) copolymer. Using vacuum assisted resin transfer molding, the SWNT-laden epoxy matrix precursor was forced into intimate contact with the “hairy” surface of the CF-MWNT fiber. The tube density and the average tube length of the MWNT layer on CF was controlled by the CVD growth time. The ILSS of the CF-MWNT/epoxy resin composite was examined using the short beam shear test. With addition of MWNTs onto the CF surface as well as SWNTs into the epoxy matrix, the ILSS of CF/epoxy resin composite was 47.59 ± 2.26 MPa, which represented a ∼103% increase compared with the composite made with pristine CF and pristine epoxy matrix (without any SWNT filler). FESEM established that the enhanced composite did not fail at the CF/epoxy matrix interface