123 research outputs found

    Ga3+^{3+}-substitution effects in the weak ferromagnetic oxide LaCo0.8_{0.8}Rh0.2_{0.2}O3_{3}

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    Magnetization and x-ray diffraction have been measured on polycrystalline samples of LaCo0.8βˆ’y_{0.8-y}Rh0.2_{0.2}Gay_{y}O3_{3} for 0≀y≀0.150 \leq y \leq 0.15 in order to understand the spin state of Co3+^{3+} through the Ga3+^{3+} substitution effect. The ferromagnetic order in LaCo0.8_{0.8}Rh0.2_{0.2}O3_{3} below 15 K is dramatically suppressed by the Ga3+^{3+} substitution, where the ferromagnetic volume fraction is linearly decreased. The normal state susceptibility also systematically decreases with the Ga content, from which we find that one Ga3+^{3+} ion reduces 4.6 ΞΌB\mu_{\rm B} per formula unit. We have evaluated how the concentration of the high-spin state Co3+^{3+} changes with temperature by using an extended Curie-Weiss law, and have found that the substituted Rh3+^{3+} ion stabilizes the high-spin state Co3+^{3+} ion down to low temperatures. We find that Ga3+^{3+} preferentially replaces the high-spin state Co3+^{3+}, which makes a remarkable contrast to our previous finding that Rh3+^{3+} preferentially replaces the low-spin state Co3+^{3+}. These results strongly suggest that the magnetically excited state of LaCoO3_{3} at room temperature is a mixed state of high-spin state Co3+^{3+} and low-spin state Co3+^{3+}.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Static magnetic moments revealed by muon spin relaxation and thermodynamic measurements in quantum spin ice Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7

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    We present muon spin relaxation (ΞΌ\muSR) and specific-heat versus temperature C(T)C(T) measurements on polycrystalline and single-crystal samples of the pyrochlore magnet Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7. C(T)C(T) exhibits a sharp peak at a TCT_\mathrm{C} of 0.21 and 0.26~K for the single-crystal and polycrystalline samples respectively. For both samples, the magnetic entropy released between 50~mK and 30~K amounts to Rln⁑2R\ln2 per Yb. At temperatures below TCT_\mathrm{C} we observe a steep drop in the asymmetry of the zero-field ΞΌ\muSR time spectra at short time scales, as well as a decoupling of the muon spins from the internal field in longitudinal magnetic fields of ≀0.25\leq0.25~T for both the polycrystalline and single-crystal samples. These muon data are indicative of static magnetic moments. Our results are consistent with the onset of long-range magnetic order in both forms of Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to PR
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