70,106 research outputs found

    Present status of coupled-channels calculations for heavy-ion subbarrier fusion reactions

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    The coupled-channels method has been a standard tool in analyzing heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. We investigate three simplifications usually adopted in the coupled-channels calculations. These are i) the exclusion of non-collective excitations, ii) the assumption of coordinate independent coupling strengths, and iii) the harmonic oscillator approximation for multi-phonon excitations. In connection to the last point, we propose a novel microscopic method based on the beyond-mean-field approach in order to take into account the anharmonic effects of collective vibrations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. A talk given at the 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2015), June 21-26, Catania, Ital

    Tandemly repeated C-C-C-C-A-A hexanucleotide of Tetrahymena rDNA is present elsewhere in the genome and may be related to the alteration of the somatic genome.

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    The ribosomal RNA genes of the Tetrahymena macronucleus exist as extrachromosomal, linear molecules. The termini of these molecules have been shown to contain the tandemly repeated hexanucleotide (C-C-C-C-A-A)n. In this study the same or related sequences were found in other locations of the genome. Using the depurination method, we showed that macronuclear DNA contained this sequence even after rDNA had been removed. The sequence was found mainly in the repetitive fraction of the DNA. The presence of this sequence in both the macronucleus and the micronucleus was also shown by Southern hybridization using C-C-C-C-A-A repeat as a probe. Comparison between the hybridization patterns of macronuclei and micronuclei reveals interesting differences. Whereas the two nuclei share the same genetic origin, the majority of the restriction enzyme digestion sites flanking the C-C-C-C-A-A repeat appear to be different. Such a difference was found to be specific for this sequence, because it was not detected when other sequences were used for hybridization. These results suggest that some kind of alteration has occurred in the genome during the formation of the macronucleus, and that the C-C-C-C-A-A repeat may be related to this process

    One-pion exchange current corrections for nuclear magnetic moments in relativistic mean field theory

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    The one-pion exchange current corrections to isoscalar and isovector magnetic moments of double-closed shell nuclei plus and minus one nucleon with A=15,17,39A=15,17,39 and 41 have been studied in the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory and compared with previous relativistic and non-relativistic results. It has been found that the one-pion exchange current gives a negligible contribution to the isoscalar magnetic moments but a significant correction to the isovector ones. However, the one-pion exchange current doesn't improve the description of nuclear isovector magnetic moments for the concerned nuclei.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Etching-dependent reproducible memory switching in vertical SiO2 structures

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    Vertical structures of SiO2_{2} sandwiched between a top tungsten electrode and conducting non-metal substrate were fabricated by dry and wet etching methods. Both structures exhibit similar voltage-controlled memory behaviors, in which short voltage pulses (1 μ\mus) can switch the devices between high- and low-impedance states. Through the comparison of current-voltage characteristics in structures made by different methods, filamentary conduction at the etched oxide edges is most consistent with the results, providing insights into similar behaviors in metal/SiO/metal systems. High ON/OFF ratios of over 104^{4} were demonstrated.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 2 suppl. figure
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