33 research outputs found

    The ClpP Protease Is Required for the Stress Tolerance and Biofilm Formation in <em>Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae</em>

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    <div><p>In the respiratory tract and lung tissue, a balanced physiological response is essential for <em>Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae</em> to survive various types of challenges. ClpP, the catalytic core of the Clp proteolytic complex, is involved in various stresses response and regulation of biofilm formation in many pathogenic bacteria. To investigate the role of ClpP in the virulence of <em>A. pleuropneumoniae</em>, the <em>clpP</em> gene was deleted by homologous recombination, resulting in the mutant strain S8<em>ΔclpP</em>. The reduced growth of S8<em>ΔclpP</em> mutant at high temperatures and under several other stress conditions suggests that the ClpP protein is required for the stress tolerance of <em>A. pleuropneumoniae</em>. Interestingly, we observed that the S8<em>ΔclpP</em> mutant exhibited an increased ability to take up iron in vitro compared to the wild-type strain. We also found that the cells without ClpP displayed rough and irregular surfaces and increased cell volume relative to the wild-type strain using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) revealed that the S8<em>ΔclpP</em> mutant showed decreased biofilm formation compared to the wild-type strain. We examined the transcriptional profiles of the wild type S8 and the S8<em>ΔclpP</em> mutant strains of <em>A. pleuropneumoniae</em> using RNA sequencing. Our analysis revealed that the expression of 16 genes was changed by the deletion of the <em>clpP</em> gene. The data presented in this study illustrate the important role of ClpP protease in the stress response, iron acquisition, cell morphology and biofilm formation related to <em>A. pleuropneumoniae</em> and further suggest a putative role of ClpP protease in virulence regulation.</p> </div

    Polystyrene microtiter plate biofilm assay.

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    <p>(A) Biofilm formation of the S8, S8<i>ΔclpP</i> and S8HB strains in the wells of 96-well polystyrene microtiter plates. The plates were stained with crystal violet. (B)The quantitative determination of biofilm formation. The S8 (▪), S8<i>ΔclpP</i> (•) and S8HB (⋄) strains were grown in BHI supplemented with NAD. The optical density of the bacterial biofilm formation was monitored by OD<sub>600</sub> after 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 h of incubation. Points indicate the mean values, and error bars indicate standard deviations.</p

    Impaired stress tolerance of the <i>A. pleuropneumoniae</i> S8<i>ΔclpP</i> mutant.

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    <p>Overnight cultures were inoculated into fresh medium and grown to an OD<sub>600</sub> value of approximately 0.6. Cells were then treated with (A) 1 mM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 min, * p<0.01, (B) 52°C heat shock for 20 min, *p<0.01, or (C) 0.3 M KCl for 1 hour, * p<0.05. * denotes <i>P</i> values (<i>t</i> test) for comparison to S8<i>ΔclpP</i>.</p

    The growth curves of the <i>A. pleuropneumoniae</i> in different temperature.

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    <p>Overnight cultures of the S8 (□), S8<i>ΔclpP</i> (○) and S8HB (▵) strains were diluted into fresh medium and then incubated at (A) 25°C, (B) 37°C, and (C) 42°C. Growth was monitored by OD<sub>600</sub> at various time points. Points indicate the mean values, and error bars indicate standard deviations.</p

    The growth curves of the <i>A. pleuropneumoniae</i> in iron-restricted and iron supplemented conditions.

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    <p>Overnight cultures of the S8 (□), S8<i>ΔclpP</i> (○) and S8HB (▵) strains were diluted into fresh medium and then incubated in (A) BHI containing 30 µM of the iron chelator EDDHA or (B) BHI containing 30 µM of the iron chelator EDDHA and 10 µM FeSO4. Growth was monitored by OD<sub>600</sub> at various time points. Points indicate the mean values, and error bars indicate standard deviations.</p

    Scanning electron microscopy.

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    <p>SEM of S8, S8<i>ΔclpP</i> and S8HB in the early log phase, late log phase and stationary phase were carried out. Compared to the wild-type S8 strain and the complemented S8HB strain, cells of the S8<i>ΔclpP</i> mutant show increased cell volume and rougher, more irregular surfaces. Preparation of samples was performed as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0053600#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>.</p

    The S8<i>ΔrelA</i> mutant has a stationary phase survival defect.

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    <p>S8, S8<i>ΔrelA</i> and S8HB strains were grown by shaking under the same conditions at 37°C, and numbers of CFU ml<sup>-1</sup> were determined at different time points indicated. A representative assay of at least three experiments is shown. Error bars indicate the standard deviations of replicate plating.</p

    Confirmation of the differentially expressed of <i>relA</i> gene by real-time RT-PCR.

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    <p>Transcriptional alteration of <i>relA</i> gene was examined by quantitative analysis of corresponding mRNA expression levels in S8 and S8HB. Total RNA were extracted from S8 and S8HB and reverse transcribed into cDNA for subsequent analysis via quantitative PCR. Fold change values were calculated according to the 2<sup>−△△Ct</sup> method, using <i>gyrA</i> and <i>recF</i> as internal reference gene. Error bars represent the standard error of three independent experiments, ** represent p-value<0.01.</p