936 research outputs found
Complexity Analysis of Reed-Solomon Decoding over GF(2^m) Without Using Syndromes
For the majority of the applications of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, hard
decision decoding is based on syndromes. Recently, there has been renewed
interest in decoding RS codes without using syndromes. In this paper, we
investigate the complexity of syndromeless decoding for RS codes, and compare
it to that of syndrome-based decoding. Aiming to provide guidelines to
practical applications, our complexity analysis differs in several aspects from
existing asymptotic complexity analysis, which is typically based on
multiplicative fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques and is usually in big O
notation. First, we focus on RS codes over characteristic-2 fields, over which
some multiplicative FFT techniques are not applicable. Secondly, due to
moderate block lengths of RS codes in practice, our analysis is complete since
all terms in the complexities are accounted for. Finally, in addition to fast
implementation using additive FFT techniques, we also consider direct
implementation, which is still relevant for RS codes with moderate lengths.
Comparing the complexities of both syndromeless and syndrome-based decoding
algorithms based on direct and fast implementations, we show that syndromeless
decoding algorithms have higher complexities than syndrome-based ones for high
rate RS codes regardless of the implementation. Both errors-only and
errors-and-erasures decoding are considered in this paper. We also derive
tighter bounds on the complexities of fast polynomial multiplications based on
Cantor's approach and the fast extended Euclidean algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
Two-layer Locally Repairable Codes for Distributed Storage Systems
In this paper, we propose locally repairable codes (LRCs) with optimal
minimum distance for distributed storage systems (DSS). A two-layer encoding
structure is employed to ensure data reconstruction and the designated repair
locality. The data is first encoded in the first layer by any existing maximum
distance separable (MDS) codes, and then the encoded symbols are divided into
non-overlapping groups and encoded by an MDS array code in the second layer.
The encoding in the second layer provides enough redundancy for local repair,
while the overall code performs recovery of the data based on redundancy from
both layers. Our codes can be constructed over a finite field with size growing
linearly with the total number of nodes in the DSS, and facilitate efficient
degraded reads.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to inaccuracy of
Fading-Resilient Super-Orthogonal Space-Time Signal Sets: Can Good Constellations Survive in Fading?
In this correspondence, first-tier indirect (direct) discernible
constellation expansions are defined for generalized orthogonal designs. The
expanded signal constellation, leading to so-called super-orthogonal codes,
allows the achievement of coding gains in addition to diversity gains enabled
by orthogonal designs. Conditions that allow the shape of an expanded
multidimensional constellation to be preserved at the channel output, on an
instantaneous basis, are derived. It is further shown that, for such
constellations, the channel alters neither the relative distances nor the
angles between signal points in the expanded signal constellation.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figures, 2 tables, uses IEEEtran.cls, submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Information Theor
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