25 research outputs found
Magnetization Measurement of a Possible High-Temperature Superconducting State in Amorphous Carbon Doped with Sulfur
Magnetization M(T,H) measurements performed on thoroughly characterized
commercial amorphous carbon powder doped with sulfur (AC-S), revealed the
occurrence of an inhomogeneous superconductivity (SC) below T_c = 38 K. The
constructed magnetic field-temperature (H-T) phase diagram resembles that of
type-II superconductors. However, AC-S demonstrates a number of anomalies. In
particular, we observed (1) a non-monotonic behavior of the lower critical
field H_c1(T); (2) a pronounced positive curvature of the "upper critical field
boundary" that we associated with the flux lattice melting line Hm(T); (3) a
spontaneous ferromagnetic-like magnetization M0 coexisting with SC. Based on
the analysis of experimental results we propose a nonstandard SC state in AC-S.Comment: 18 pages including 5 figure
Phase analysis of quantum oscillations in graphite
The quantum de Haas van Alphen (dHvA) and Shubnikov de Haas (SdH)
oscillations measured in graphite were decomposed by pass-band filtering onto
contributions from three different groups of carriers. We develop the
two-dimensional phase analysis method which allows to identify these carriers
as (i) minority holes having two-dimensional (2D) parabolic massive spectrum,
(ii) majority electrons, also massive but with intermediate 2D-3D spectrum, and
(iii) majority holes with 2D Dirac-like spectrum which seems to be responsible
for the unusual strongly-correlated electronic phenomena in graphite.Comment: latest version as was published in PR
Comment on "Consistent Interpretation of the Low-Temperature Magnetotransport in Graphite Using the Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure 3D Band-Structure Calculations" (arXiv:0902.1925)
In 2004 we have shown that substantial part of conductivity in graphite is
provided by holes with massless linear spectrum - Dirac Fermions that coexist
with massive normal carriers - electrons. In a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett.
102, 166403 (2009), arXiv:0902.1925] Schneider et al. revised our conclusion
pointed that both types of carriers are massive. Since both groups use the same
method of phase determination of Shubnikov de Haas oscillation we comment here
that the controversy originates from the improper treatment of experimental
results in Schneider2009 et al
Signatures of Electron Fractionalization in Ultraquantum Bismuth
Because of the long Fermi wavelength of itinerant electrons, the quantum
limit of elemental bismuth (unlike most metals) can be attained with a moderate
magnetic field. The quantized orbits of electrons shrink with increasing
magnetic field. Beyond the quantum limit, the circumference of these orbits
becomes shorter than the Fermi wavelength. We studied transport coefficients of
a single crystal of bismuth up to 33 tesla, which is deep in this ultraquantum
limit. The Nernst coefficient presents three unexpected maxima that are
concomitant with quasi-plateaus in the Hall coefficient. The results suggest
that this bulk element may host an exotic quantum fluid reminiscent of the one
associated with the fractional quantum Hall effect and raise the issue of
electron fractionalization in a three-dimensional metal.Comment: 9 pages, four figures and supposrting online materia
Dirac and Normal Fermions in Graphite and Graphene: Implications to the Quantum Hall Effect
Spectral analysis of Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations of
magnetoresistance and of Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) measured in quasi-2D highly
oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 156402 (2003)] reveals
two types of carriers: normal (massive) electrons with Berry phase 0 and
Dirac-like (massless) holes with Berry phase pi. We demonstrate that recently
reported integer- and semi-integer QHE for bi-layer and single-layer graphenes
take place simultaneously in HOPG samples.Comment: 4 page
Unstable and elusive superconductors
We briefly review earlier and report original experimental results in the
context of metastable or possible superconducting materials. We show that
applied electric field induces conducting state in Copper Chloride (CuCl) whose
characteristics resemble behavior of sliding charge-density-wave(s) (CDW). We
discuss whether the sliding CDW or collective transport of similar ordered
charge phase(s) may account for the problem of "high-temperature
superconductivity" observed in this and other materials, including Cadmium
Sulfide (CdS), metal-ammonia solutions, polymers, amorphous carbon and tungsten
oxides. We also discuss a local superconductivity that occurs at the surface of
graphite and amorphous carbon under deposition of foreign atoms/molecules.Comment: Invited review article published in a special edition on
Superconducting Materials in honor of the 95th birthday year of Ted Geballe,
edited by M. B. Maple, J. Hirsch, and F. Marsigli
Nernst effect and dimensionality in the quantum limit
Nernst effect, the transverse voltage generated by a longitudinal thermal
gradient in presence of magnetic field has recently emerged as a very
sensitive, yet poorly understood, probe of electron organization in solids.
Here we report on an experiment on graphite, a macroscopic stack of graphene
layers, which establishes a fundamental link between dimensionality of an
electronic system and its Nernst response. In sharp contrast with single-layer
graphene, the Nernst signal sharply peaks whenever a Landau level meets the
Fermi level. This points to the degrees of freedom provided by finite
interlayer coupling as a source of enhanced thermoelectric response in the
vicinity of the quantum limit. Since Landau quantization slices a
three-dimensional Fermi surface, each intersection of a Landau level with the
Fermi level modifies the Fermi surface topology. According to our results, the
most prominent signature of such a topological phase transition emerges in the
transverse thermoelectric response.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures and supplementary information; To appear in
Nature Physic