391 research outputs found

    Reply to the Comment on "Enhancement of the Tunneling Density of States in Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids"

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    In their comment Fabrizio and Gogolin dispute our result of the enhancement of the tunneling density of states in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid at the location of a backward scattering defect [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4230(1996); cond-mat/9601020]. They state that the anticommutativity of the fermion operators of the left and right moving electrons was not considered properly in the Letter. We show in the Reply that the result of the Letter can be reproduced following the Comment when its calculations are performed correctly. This clearly indicates that the question about the anticommutation relations was raised by Fabrizio and Gogolin without serious grounds.Comment: Published in PRL as a Reply to the Comment by Fabrizio and Gogolin (cond-mat/9702080

    Pairing and persistent currents - the role of the far levels

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    We calculate the orbital magnetic response to Aharonov Bohm flux of disordered metallic rings with attractive pairing interaction. We consider the reduced BCS model, and obtain the result as an expansion of its exact solution to first order in the interaction. We emphasize the connection between the large magnetic response and the finite occupation of high energy levels in the many-body ground state of the ring.Comment: 10 pages, contribution to MS+S200

    Phase switching in a voltage-biased Aharonov-Bohm interferometer

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    Recent experiment [Sigrist et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 036805 (2007)] reported switches between 0 and π\pi in the phase of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the two-terminal differential conductance through a two-dot ring with increasing voltage bias. Using a simple model, where one of the dots contains multiple interacting levels, these findings are explained as a result of transport through the interferometer being dominated at different biases by quantum dot levels of different "parity" (i.e. the sign of the overlap integral between the dot state and the states in the leads). The redistribution of electron population between different levels with bias leads to the fact that the number of switching events is not necessarily equal to the number of dot levels, in agreement with experiment. For the same reason switching does not always imply that the parity of levels is strictly alternating. Lastly, it is demonstrated that the correlation between the first switching of the phase and the onset of the inelastic cotunneling, as well as the sharp (rather than gradual) change of phase when switching occurs, give reason to think that the present interpretation of the experiment is preferable to the one based on electrostatic AB effect.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Comment on "Theoretical analysis of the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot in the presence of Kondo correlations"

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    Recently, A. Jerez, P. Vitushinsky and M. Lavagna [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 127203 (2005)] claimed that the transmission phase through a quantum fot, as measured via the Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, differs from the phase which determines the corresponding conductance. Here we show that this claim is wrong for the single level Anderson model, which is usually used to describe the quantum dot. So far, there exists no derivation of this claim from any explicit theoretical model.Comment: To appear as a Comment in PR

    A Universal Interacting Crossover Regime in Two-Dimensional Quantum Dots

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    Interacting electrons in quantum dots with large Thouless number gg in the three classical random matrix symmetry classes are well-understood. When a specific type of spin-orbit coupling known to be dominant in two dimensional semiconductor quantum dots is introduced, we show that a new interacting quantum critical crossover energy scale emerges and low-energy quasiparticles generically have a decay width proportional to their energy. The low-energy physics of this system is an example of a universal interacting crossover regime.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Effects of spin and exchange interaction on the Coulomb-blockade peak statistics in quantum dots

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    We derive a closed expression for the linear conductance through a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime in the presence of a constant exchange interaction. With this expression we calculate the temperature dependence of the conductance peak-height and peak-spacing statistics. Using a realistic value of the exchange interaction, we find significantly better agreement with experimental data as compared with the statistics obtained in the absence of an exchange interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex4, typos correcte

    Mesoscopic to universal crossover of transmission phase of multi-level quantum dots

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    Transmission phase \alpha measurements of many-electron quantum dots (small mean level spacing \delta) revealed universal phase lapses by \pi between consecutive resonances. In contrast, for dots with only a few electrons (large \delta), the appearance or not of a phase lapse depends on the dot parameters. We show that a model of a multi-level quantum dot with local Coulomb interactions and arbitrary level-lead couplings reproduces the generic features of the observed behavior. The universal behavior of \alpha for small \delta follows from Fano-type antiresonances of the renormalized single-particle levels.Comment: 4 pages, version accepted for publication in PR
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