13,864 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling of helix-coil transitions in poly-alanine studied by multicanonical simulations

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    We report results from multicanonical simulations of poly-alanine. Homopolymers of up to 30 amino acids were considered and various thermodynamic quantities as a function of temperature calculated. We study the nature of the observed helix-coil transition and present estimates for critical exponents.Comment: to appear in J.Chem.Phys. (Jan 99

    Equivalent hyperon-nucleon interactions in low-momentum space

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    Equivalent interactions in a low-momentum space for the ΛN\Lambda N, ΣN\Sigma N and ΞN\Xi N interactions are calculated, using the SU6_6 quark model potential as well as the Nijmegen OBEP model as the input bare interaction. Because the two-body scattering data has not been accumulated sufficiently to determine the hyperon-nucleon interactions unambiguously, the construction of the potential even in low-energy regions has to rely on a theoretical model. The equivalent interaction after removing high-momentum components is still model dependent. Because this model dependence reflects the character of the underlying potential model, it is instructive for better understanding of baryon-baryon interactions in the strangeness sector to study the low-momentum space YNYN interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Irregular conformal blocks, with an application to the fifth and fourth Painlev\'e equations

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    We develop the theory of irregular conformal blocks of the Virasoro algebra. In previous studies, expansions of irregular conformal blocks at regular singular points were obtained as degeneration limits of regular conformal blocks; however, such expansions at irregular singular points were not clearly understood. This is because precise definitions of irregular vertex operators had not been provided previously. In this paper, we present precise definitions of irregular vertex operators of two types and we prove that one of our vertex operators exists uniquely. Then, we define irregular conformal blocks with at most two irregular singular points as expectation values of given irregular vertex operators. Our definitions provide an understanding of expansions of irregular conformal blocks and enable us to obtain expansions at irregular singular points. As an application, we propose conjectural formulas of series expansions of the tau functions of the fifth and fourth Painlev\'e equations, using expansions of irregular conformal blocks at an irregular singular point.Comment: 26 page

    Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies and Large Scale Structure of Universe under Generalized Einstein Action

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    We consider an addition of the term which is a square of the scalar curvature to the Einstein-Hilbert action. Under this generalized action, we attempt to explain i) the flat rotation curves observed in spiral galaxies, which is usually attributed to the existence of dark matter, and ii) the contradicting observations of uniform cosmic microwave background and non-uniform galaxy distributions against redshift. For the former, we attain the flatness of velocities, although the magnitudes remain about half of the observations. For the latter, we obtain a solution with oscillating Hubble parameter under uniform mass distributions. This solution leads to several peaks of galaxy number counts as a function of redshift with the first peak corresponding to the Great Wall.Comment: 16 page

    Metal-Insulator Transition and Spin Degree of Freedom in Silicon 2D Electron Systems

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    Magnetotransport in 2DES's formed in Si-MOSFET's and Si/SiGe quantum wells at low temperatures is reported. Metallic temperature dependence of resistivity is observed for the n-Si/SiGe sample even in a parallel magnetic field of 9T, where the spins of electrons are expected to be polarized completely. Correlation between the spin polarization and minima in the diagonal resistivity observed by rotating the samples for various total strength of the magnetic field is also investigated.Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps-figures, conference paper (EP2DS-13
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