6,733 research outputs found
Spin melting and refreezing driven by uniaxial compression on a dipolar hexagonal plate
We investigate freezing characteristics of a finite dipolar hexagonal plate
by the Monte Carlo simulation. The hexagonal plate is cut out from a piled
triangular lattice of three layers with FCC-like (ABCABC) stacking structure.
In the present study an annealing simulation is performed for the dipolar plate
uniaxially compressed in the direction of layer-piling. We find spin melting
and refreezing driven by the uniaxial compression. Each of the melting and
refreezing corresponds one-to-one with a change of the ground states induced by
compression. The freezing temperatures of the ground-state orders differ
significantly from each other, which gives rise to the spin melting and
refreezing of the present interest. We argue that these phenomena are
originated by a finite size effect combined with peculiar anisotropic nature of
the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: Proceedings of the Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM2006) conference.
To appear in a special issue of J. Phys. Condens. Matte
Variation of Molecular Cloud Properties across the Spiral Arm in M 51
We present the results of high-resolution 13CO(1-0) mapping observations with
the NRO 45m telescope of the area toward the southern bright arm region of M51,
including the galactic center. The obtained map shows the central depression of
the the circumnuclear ring and the spiral arm structure.The arm-to-interarm
ratio of the 13CO(1-0) integrated intensity is 2-4. We also have found a
feature different from that found in the 12CO results. The 12CO/13CO ratio
spatially varies, and shows high values (~20) for the interarm and the central
region, but low values(~10) for the arm. These indicate that there is a denser
gas in the spiral arm than in the interarm. The distribution of the 13CO shows
a better correspondence with that of the H\alpha emission than with the 12CO in
the disk region, except for the central region. We found that the 13CO emission
is located on the downstream side of the 12CO arm, namely there is an offset
between the 12CO and the 13CO as well as the H\alpha emission. This suggests
that there is a time delay between the accumulation of gas caused by the
density wave and dense gas formation, accordingly star formation. This time
delay is estimated to be ~10^7 yr based on the assumption of galactic rotation
derived by the rotation curve and the pattern speed of M51. It is similar to
the growth timescale of a gravitational instability in the spiral arm of M51,
suggesting that the gravitational instability plays an important role for dense
gas formation.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, PASJ Vol.54, No.2 (2002), in pres
Staggered magnetism in LiVO at low temperatures probed by the muon Knight shift
We report on the muon Knight shift measurement in single crystals of LiV2O4.
Contrary to what is anticipated for the heavy-fermion state based on the Kondo
mechanism, the presence of inhomogeneous local magnetic moments is demonstrated
by the broad distribution of the Knight shift at temperatures well below the
presumed "Kondo temperature" ( K). Moreover, a significant
fraction ( %) of the specimen gives rise to a second component which
is virtually non-magnetic. These observations strongly suggest that the
anomalous properties of LiV2O4 originates from frustration of local magnetic
moments.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, sbmitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Mat
Salvage of a failed valgus osteotomy for non-union of an unstable pertrochanteric fracture
Salvage of a failed valgus osteotomy for nonunion
of an unstable pertrochanteric fracture is reported.
A valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy was performed for a
failed sliding hip screw fixation of an unstable
pertrochanteric fracture at another institution. Four months
following osteotomy, the fracture was still un-united with
two distal screws of the hip plate broken and a coxa vara
deformity. Reconstruction was performed with a nine-hole
95° angle blade plate and cancellous bone graft, because the
insufficient fixation of the distal fragment was considered to
be the main reason for failure. The osteotomy was healed at
six months post-surgery and the patient reported complete
resolution of symptoms. Intertrochanteric valgus osteotomy
is an effective procedure for mal-union and non-union of
pertrochanteric fracture but stable fixation is required for a
good result. The blade of the angle plate offers good purchase
of the proximal fragment and secures it under rotational
and bending stresses. We recommend that distal fragments
should be fixed with at least seven cortices for this
type of osteotomy
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