110,828 research outputs found
Exact black hole formation in three dimensions
We consider three dimensional Einstein gravity non-minimally coupled to a
real scalar field with a self-interacting scalar potential and present the
exact black hole formation in three dimensions. Firstly we obtain an exact
time-dependent spherically symmetric solution describing the gravitational
collapse to a scalar black hole at the infinite time, i.e. in the static limit.
The solution can only be asymptotically AdS because of the No-Go theorem in
three dimensions which is resulted from the existence of a smooth black hole
horizon. Then we analyze their geometric properties and properties of the time
evolution. We also get the exact time-dependent solution in the minimal
coupling model after taking a conformal transformation.Comment: 11 page
Extended phase space thermodynamics for third order Lovelock black holes in diverse dimensions
Treating the cosmological constant as thermodynamic pressure and its
conjugate as thermodynamic volume, we investigate the critical behavior of the
third order Lovelock black holes in diverse dimensions. For black hole horizons
with different normalized sectional curvature , the corresponding
critical behaviors differ drastically. For , there is no critical point in
the extended thermodynamic phase space. For , there is a single critical
point in any dimension , and for , there is a single critical
point in dimension and two critical points in dimensions. We
studied the corresponding phase structures in all possible cases.Comment: pdflatex, 22 pages, 36 eps figures included. V2: minor corrections
and new reference
Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant as a free thermodynamical variable and the associated criticality
The thermodynamic phase space of Gauss-Bonnet (GB) AdS black holes is
extended, taking the inverse of the GB coupling constant as a new thermodynamic
pressure . We studied the critical behavior associated with
in the extended thermodynamic phase space at fixed
cosmological constant and electric charge. The result shows that when the black
holes are neutral, the associated critical points can only exist in five
dimensional GB-AdS black holes with spherical topology, and the corresponding
critical exponents are identical to those for Van der Waals system. For charged
GB-AdS black holes, it is shown that there can be only one critical point in
five dimensions (for black holes with either spherical or hyperbolic
topologies), which also requires the electric charge to be bounded within some
appropriate range; while in dimensions, there can be up to two different
critical points at the same electric charge, and the phase transition can occur
only at temperatures which are not in between the two critical values.Comment: 23 pages. V2: modified all P_{GB}-r_+ plots using dimensionless
variables, added comments on the relationship to Einstein limi
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