9,424 research outputs found

    Electrophilic dark matter with dark photon: from DAMPE to direct detection

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    The electron-positron excess reported by the DAMPE collaboration recently may be explained by an electrophilic dark matter (DM). A standard model singlet fermion may play the role of such a DM when it is stablized by some symmetries, such as a dark U(1)XU(1)_X^{} gauge symmetry, and dominantly annihilates into the electron-positron pairs through the exchange of a scalar mediator. The model, with appropriate Yukawa couplings, can well interpret the DAMPE excess. Naively one expects that in this type of models the DM-nucleon cross section should be small since there is no tree-level DM-quark interactions. We however find that at one-loop level, a testable DM-nucleon cross section can be induced for providing ways to test the electrophilic model. We also find that a U(1)U(1) kinetic mixing can generate a sizable DM-nucleon cross section although the U(1)XU(1)_X^{} dark photon only has a negligible contribution to the DM annihilation. Depending on the signs of the mixing parameter, the dark photon can enhance/reduce the one-loop induced DM-nucleon cross section.Comment: 4 pages, typos are corrected, references are added as well as more discussions on direct detectio

    Cyclic prefix-based universal filtered multicarrier system and performance analysis

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    Recently proposed universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC) system is not an orthogonal system in multipath channel environments and might cause significant performance loss. In this paper, the authors propose a cyclic prefix (CP) based UFMC system and first analyze the conditions for interference-free one-tap equalization in the absence of transceiver imperfections. Then the corresponding signal model and output signal-to-noise ratio expression are derived. In the presence of carrier frequency offset, timing offset, and insufficient CP length, the authors establish an analytical system model as a summation of desired signal, intersymbol interference, intercarrier interference, and noise. New channel equalization algorithms are proposed based on the derived analytical signal model. Numerical results show that the derived model matches the simulation results precisely, and the proposed equalization algorithms improve the UFMC system performance in terms of bit error rate

    Leptogenesis parametrized by lepton mass matrices

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    The conventional seesaw-leptogenesis can simultaneously explain the suppression of neutrino masses and the generation of cosmic baryon asymmetry, but usually cannot predict an unambiguous relation between these two sectors. In this work we shall demonstrate a novel left-right symmetric scenario, motivated to solve the strong CP problem by parity symmetry, where the present baryon asymmetry is determined by three charged lepton masses and a seesaw-suppressed hermitian Dirac neutrino mass matrix up to an overall scale factor. To produce the observed baryon asymmetry, this scenario requires that the neutrinos must have a normal hierarchical mass spectrum and their mixing matrix must contain a sizable Dirac CP phase. Our model can be tested in neutrino oscillation and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Typos are correcte

    Memory-full context-aware predictive mobility management in dual connectivity 5G networks

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    Network densification with small cell deployment is being considered as one of the dominant themes in the fifth generation (5G) cellular system. Despite the capacity gains, such deployment scenarios raise several challenges from mobility management perspective. The small cell size, which implies a small cell residence time, will increase the handover (HO) rate dramatically. Consequently, the HO latency will become a critical consideration in the 5G era. The latter requires an intelligent, fast and light-weight HO procedure with minimal signalling overhead. In this direction, we propose a memory-full context-aware HO scheme with mobility prediction to achieve the aforementioned objectives. We consider a dual connectivity radio access network architecture with logical separation between control and data planes because it offers relaxed constraints in implementing the predictive approaches. The proposed scheme predicts future HO events along with the expected HO time by combining radio frequency performance to physical proximity along with the user context in terms of speed, direction and HO history. To minimise the processing and the storage requirements whilst improving the prediction performance, a user-specific prediction triggering threshold is proposed. The prediction outcome is utilised to perform advance HO signalling whilst suspending the periodic transmission of measurement reports. Analytical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides promising gains over the conventional approach

    Channel equalization and interference analysis for uplink Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)

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    We derive the uplink system model for In-band and Guard-band narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). The results reveal that the actual channel frequency response (CFR) is not a simple Fourier transform of the channel impulse response, due to sampling rate mismatch between the NB-IoT user and Long Term Evolution (LTE) base station. Consequently, a new channel equalization algorithm is proposed based on the derived effective CFR. In addition, the interference is derived analytically to facilitate the co-existence of NB-IoT and LTE signals. This work provides an example and guidance to support network slicing and service multiplexing in the physical layer

    Efficient implementation of filter bank multicarrier systems using circular fast convolution

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    In this paper, filter bank-based multicarrier systems using a fast convolution approach are investigated. We show that exploiting offset quadrature amplitude modulation enables us to perform FFT/IFFT-based convolution without overlapped processing, and the circular distortion can be discarded as a part of orthogonal interference terms. This property has two advantages. First, it leads to spectral efficiency enhancement in the system by removing the prototype filter transients. Second, the complexity of the system is significantly reduced as the result of using efficient FFT algorithms for convolution. The new scheme is compared with the conventional waveforms in terms of out-of-band radiation, orthogonality, spectral efficiency, and complexity. The performance of the receiver and the equalization methods are investigated and compared with other waveforms through simulations. Moreover, based on the time variant nature of the filter response of the proposed scheme, a pilot-based channel estimation technique with controlled transmit power is developed and analyzed through lower-bound derivations. The proposed transceiver is shown to be a competitive solution for future wireless networks

    Multi-service systems: an enabler of flexible 5G air-interface

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    Multi-service system is an enabler to flexibly support diverse communication requirements for the next generation wireless communications. In such a system, multiple types of services co-exist in one baseband system with each service having its optimal frame structure and low out of band emission (OoBE) waveforms operating on the service frequency band to reduce the inter-service-band-interference (ISvcBI). In this article, a framework for multi-service system is established and the challenges and possible solutions are studied. The multi-service system implementation in both time and frequency domain is discussed. Two representative subband filtered multicarrier (SFMC) waveforms: filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) and universal filtered multi-carrier (UFMC) are considered in this article. Specifically, the design methodology, criteria, orthogonality conditions and prospective application scenarios in the context of 5G are discussed. We consider both single-rate (SR) and multi-rate (MR) signal processing methods. Compared with the SR system, the MR system has significantly reduced computational complexity at the expense of performance loss due to inter-subband-interference (ISubBI) in MR systems. The ISvcBI and ISubBI in MR systems are investigated with proposed low-complexity interference cancelation algorithms to enable the multi-service operation in low interference level conditions
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