5 research outputs found
Summary of FA values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the good/ poor outcome group of SNHL patients.
<p>Values are presented as mean±SD</p><p>*Statistically significant difference.</p><p>FA values measured at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the good outcome group of SNHL patients were compared with the poor group.</p><p>Summary of FA values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the good/ poor outcome group of SNHL patients.</p
Clinical and audiogram data of patients.
<p>Values are presented as mean±SD.</p><p>*Statistically significant difference.</p><p>CI, cochlear implantation; ABR, auditory brainstem response; CAP, categories of auditory performance.</p><p>Clinical and audiogram data of patients.</p
Summary of MD values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG in the SNHL and control groups.
<p>Values are presented as mean ± SD; MD values measured at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the SNHL group were compared with the control group.</p><p>Summary of MD values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG in the SNHL and control groups.</p
Representative DT imaging of the ROIs.
<p>(a) the trapezoid body, (b) superior olivary nucleus, (c) inferior colliculus, (d) medial geniculate body, (e) the auditory radiation, (f) the white matter of Heschl's gyrus, (square box) the selected ROI.</p
Summary of FA values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG in the SNHL and control groups.
<p>Values are presented as mean ± SD</p><p>*Statistically significant difference.</p><p>FA values measured at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the SNHL group were compared with the control group.</p><p>Summary of FA values at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG in the SNHL and control groups.</p