630 research outputs found

    Modern technologies production of cheese enriched with Omega - 3 fatty acids

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    Thermochromic films of MgxV1-xO2 were made by reactive dc magnetron   sputtering onto heated glass. The metal-insulator transition   temperature decreased by similar to 3 K/at. %Mg, while the optical   transmittance increased concomitantly. Specifically, the transmittance   of visible light and of solar radiation was enhanced by similar to 10%   when the Mg content was similar to 7 at. %. Our results point at the   usefulness of these films for energy efficient fenestration

    Multidimensional scaling reveals a color dimension unique to 'color-deficient' observers

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    Normal color vision depends on the relative rates at which photons are absorbed in three types of retinal cone:short-wave (S), middle-wave (M) and long-wave (L) cones, maximally sensitive near 430, 530 and 560nm, respectively. But 6% of men exhibit an X-linked variant form of color vision called deuteranomaly [1]. Their color vision is thought to depend on S cones and two forms of long-wave cone (L, L′) [2,3]. The two types of L cone contain photopigments that are maximally sensitive near 560nm, but their spectral sensitivities are different enough that the ratio of their activations gives a useful chromatic signal

    Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring Effects of Visual Distractions on Completion of Security Tasks

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    Human errors in performing security-critical tasks are typically blamed on the complexity of those tasks. However, such errors can also occur because of (possibly unexpected) sensory distractions. A sensory distraction that produces negative effects can be abused by the adversary that controls the environment. Meanwhile, a distraction with positive effects can be artificially introduced to improve user performance. The goal of this work is to explore the effects of visual stimuli on the performance of security-critical tasks. To this end, we experimented with a large number of subjects who were exposed to a range of unexpected visual stimuli while attempting to perform Bluetooth Pairing. Our results clearly demonstrate substantially increased task completion times and markedly lower task success rates. These negative effects are noteworthy, especially, when contrasted with prior results on audio distractions which had positive effects on performance of similar tasks. Experiments were conducted in a novel (fully automated and completely unattended) experimental environment. This yielded more uniform experiments, better scalability and significantly lower financial and logistical burdens. We discuss this experience, including benefits and limitations of the unattended automated experiment paradigm

    Macroscopic Invisibility Cloak for Visible Light

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    Invisibility cloaks, a subject that usually occurs in science fiction and myths, have attracted wide interest recently because of their possible realization. The biggest challenge to true invisibility is known to be the cloaking of a macroscopic object in the broad range of wavelengths visible to the human eye. Here we experimentally solve this problem by incorporating the principle of transformation optics into a conventional optical lens fabrication with low-cost materials and simple manufacturing techniques. A transparent cloak made of two pieces of calcite is created. This cloak is able to conceal a macroscopic object with a maximum height of 2 mm, larger than 3500 free-space-wavelength, inside a transparent liquid environment. Its working bandwidth encompassing red, green and blue light is also demonstrated

    Object knowledge modulates colour appearance

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    We investigated the memory colour effect for colour diagnostic artificial objects. Since knowledge about these objects and their colours has been learned in everyday life, these stimuli allow the investigation of the influence of acquired object knowledge on colour appearance. These investigations are relevant for questions about how object and colour information in high-level vision interact as well as for research about the influence of learning and experience on perception in general. In order to identify suitable artificial objects, we developed a reaction time paradigm that measures (subjective) colour diagnosticity. In the main experiment, participants adjusted sixteen such objects to their typical colour as well as to grey. If the achromatic object appears in its typical colour, then participants should adjust it to the opponent colour in order to subjectively perceive it as grey. We found that knowledge about the typical colour influences the colour appearance of artificial objects. This effect was particularly strong along the daylight axis

    Prospek Jawawut (Pennisetum Spp. ) sebagai Tanaman Pangan Serealia Alternatif

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    Untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan diversifikasi pangan, Indonesia dapatmemanfaatkan lahan kering yang cukup luas jumlahnya. Jawawut (Pennisetumspp.) memiliki potensi yang sangat baik sebagai tanaman pangan alternatifditinjau dari aspek kandungan gizi, dan kemampuan tumbuhnya di daerahberiklim kering. Dilihat dari segi kandungan gizinya, jawawut berpotensi sebagaisumber energi, protein, kalsium, vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B2), sedangkannutrisi lainnya setara dengan beras. Potensi hasil yang dapat dicapai di Indonesiaadalah 4 ton per ha pada kondisi agroekologi yang marginal, dimanapertumbuhan serealia lainnya kurang berhasil. Jawawut dipanen sebagai tanamanpangan semusim

    Affine Illumination compensation on hyperspectral/multiangular remote sensing images

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    The huge amount of information some of the new optical satellites developed nowadays will create demands to quickly and reliably compensate for changes in the atmospheric transmittance and varying solar illumination conditions. In this paper three different forms of affine transformation models (general, particular and diagonal) are considered as candidates for rapid compensation of illumination variations. They are tested on a group of three pairs of CHRIS-PROBA radiance images obtained in a test field in Barrax (Spain), and where there is a difference in the atmospheric as well as in the geometrical acquisition conditions. Results indicate that the proposed methodology is satisfactory for practical normalization of varying illumination and atmospheric conditions in remotely sensed images required for operational applicationsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007 − 00018, EODIX AYA2008 − 05965 − C04 − 04/ESP and ALFI3D TIN2009 − 14103 − C03 − 01, by the Generalitat Valenciana through the project PROMETEO/2010/028 and by Fundació Caixa-Castellóthrough the project P1 1B2007 − 4

    Color image registration under illumination changes

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    The estimation of parametric global motion has had a significant attention during the last two decades, but despite the great efforts invested, there are still open issues. One of the most important ones is related to the ability to recover large deformation between images in the presence of illumination changes while kipping accurate estimates. Illumination changes in color images are another important open issue. In this paper, a Generalized least squared-based motion estimator is used in combination with color image model to allow accurate estimates of global motion between two color images under the presence of large geometric transformation and illumination changes. Experiments using challenging images have been performed showing that the presented technique is feasible and provides accurate estimates of the motion and illumination parameter