28 research outputs found

    On directed zero-divisor graphs of finite rings

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    For an artinian ring RR, the directed zero-divisor graph Ξ“(R)\Gamma(R) is connected if and only if there is no proper one-sided identity element in RR. Sinks and sources are characterized and clarified for finite ring RR, especially, it is proved that for {\it any} ring RR, if there exists a source bb in Ξ“(R)\Gamma(R) with b2=0b^2=0, then ∣R∣=4|R|=4 and R={0,a,b,c}R=\{0,a,b,c\}, where aa and cc are left identity elements and ba=0=bcba=0=bc. Such a ring RR is also the only ring such that Ξ“(R)\Gamma (R) has exactly one source. This shows that Ξ“(R)\Gamma(R) can not be a network for any ring RR.Comment: 13 pages; with some minor improvement

    Monomial ideals under ideal operations

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    In this paper, we show for a monomial ideal II of K[x1,x2,…,xn]K[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n] that the integral closure \ol{I} is a monomial ideal of Borel type (Borel-fixed, strongly stable, lexsegment, or universal lexsegment respectively), if II has the same property. We also show that the kthk^{th} symbolic power I(k)I^{(k)} of II preserves the properties of Borel type, Borel-fixed and strongly stable, and I(k)I^{(k)} is lexsegment if II is stably lexsegment. For a monomial ideal II and a monomial prime ideal PP, a new ideal J(I,P)J(I, P) is studied, which also gives a clear description of the primary decomposition of I(k)I^{(k)}. Then a new simplicial complex Jβ–³_J\bigtriangleup of a monomial ideal JJ is defined, and it is shown that IJβ–³βˆ¨=JI_{_J\bigtriangleup^{\vee}} = \sqrt{J}. Finally, we show under an additional weak assumption that a monomial ideal is universal lexsegment if and only if its polarization is a squarefree strongly stable ideal.Comment: 18 page

    Perfect Sets and ff-Ideals

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    A square-free monomial ideal II is called an {\it ff-ideal}, if both Ξ΄F(I)\delta_{\mathcal{F}}(I) and Ξ΄N(I)\delta_{\mathcal{N}}(I) have the same ff-vector, where Ξ΄F(I)\delta_{\mathcal{F}}(I) (Ξ΄N(I)\delta_{\mathcal{N}}(I), respectively) is the facet (Stanley-Reisner, respectively) complex related to II. In this paper, we introduce and study perfect subsets of 2[n]2^{[n]} and use them to characterize the ff-ideals of degree dd. We give a decomposition of V(n,2)V(n, 2) by taking advantage of a correspondence between graphs and sets of square-free monomials of degree 22, and then give a formula for counting the number of ff-ideals of degree 22, where V(n,2)V(n, 2) is the set of ff-ideals of degree 2 in K[x1,…,xn]K[x_1,\ldots,x_n]. We also consider the relation between an ff-ideal and an unmixed monomial ideal.Comment: 15 page