215 research outputs found

    Quantum Metrology with Cold Atoms

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    Quantum metrology is the science that aims to achieve precision measurements by making use of quantum principles. Attribute to the well-developed techniques of manipulating and detecting cold atoms, cold atomic systems provide an excellent platform for implementing precision quantum metrology. In this chapter, we review the general procedures of quantum metrology and some experimental progresses in quantum metrology with cold atoms. Firstly, we give the general framework of quantum metrology and the calculation of quantum Fisher information, which is the core of quantum parameter estimation. Then, we introduce the quantum interferometry with single and multiparticle states. In particular, for some typical multiparticle states, we analyze their ultimate precision limits and show how quantum entanglement could enhance the measurement precision beyond the standard quantum limit. Further, we review some experimental progresses in quantum metrology with cold atomic systems.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, revised versio

    Higher superconducting transition temperature by breaking the universal pressure relation

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    By investigating the bulk superconducting state via dc magnetization measurements, we have discovered a common resurgence of the superconductive transition temperatures (Tcs) of the monolayer Bi2Sr2CuO6+{\delta} (Bi2201) and bilayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} (Bi2212) to beyond the maximum Tcs (Tc-maxs) predicted by the universal relation between Tc and doping (p) or pressure (P) at higher pressures. The Tc of under-doped Bi2201 initially increases from 9.6 K at ambient to a peak at ~ 23 K at ~ 26 GPa and then drops as expected from the universal Tc-P relation. However, at pressures above ~ 40 GPa, Tc rises rapidly without any sign of saturation up to ~ 30 K at ~ 51 GPa. Similarly, the Tc for the slightly overdoped Bi2212 increases after passing a broad valley between 20-36 GPa and reaches ~ 90 K without any sign of saturation at ~ 56 GPa. We have therefore attributed this Tc-resurgence to a possible pressure-induced electronic transition in the cuprate compounds due to a charge transfer between the Cu 3d_(x^2-y^2 ) and the O 2p bands projected from a hybrid bonding state, leading to an increase of the density of states at the Fermi level, in agreement with our density functional theory calculations. Similar Tc-P behavior has also been reported in the trilayer Br2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+{\delta} (Bi2223). These observations suggest that higher Tcs than those previously reported for the layered cuprate high temperature superconductors can be achieved by breaking away from the universal Tc-P relation through the application of higher pressures.Comment: 13 pages, including 5 figure

    Subsampling and Jackknifing: A Practically Convenient Solution for Large Data Analysis with Limited Computational Resources

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    Modern statistical analysis often encounters datasets with large sizes. For these datasets, conventional estimation methods can hardly be used immediately because practitioners often suffer from limited computational resources. In most cases, they do not have powerful computational resources (e.g., Hadoop or Spark). How to practically analyze large datasets with limited computational resources then becomes a problem of great importance. To solve this problem, we propose here a novel subsampling-based method with jackknifing. The key idea is to treat the whole sample data as if they were the population. Then, multiple subsamples with greatly reduced sizes are obtained by the method of simple random sampling with replacement. It is remarkable that we do not recommend sampling methods without replacement because this would incur a significant cost for data processing on the hard drive. Such cost does not exist if the data are processed in memory. Because subsampled data have relatively small sizes, they can be comfortably read into computer memory as a whole and then processed easily. Based on subsampled datasets, jackknife-debiased estimators can be obtained for the target parameter. The resulting estimators are statistically consistent, with an extremely small bias. Finally, the jackknife-debiased estimators from different subsamples are averaged together to form the final estimator. We theoretically show that the final estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. Its asymptotic statistical efficiency can be as good as that of the whole sample estimator under very mild conditions. The proposed method is simple enough to be easily implemented on most practical computer systems and thus should have very wide applicability

    Kibble-Zurek dynamics in an array of coupled binary Bose condensates

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    Universal dynamics of spontaneous symmetry breaking is central to understanding the universal behavior of spontaneous defect formation in various system from the early universe, condensed-matter systems to ultracold atomic systems. We explore the universal real-time dynamics in an array of coupled binary atomic Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, which undergo a spontaneous symmetry breaking from the symmetric Rabi oscillation to the broken-symmetry self-trapping. In addition to Goldstone modes, there exist gapped Higgs mode whose excitation gap vanishes at the critical point. In the slow passage through the critical point, we analytically find that the symmetry-breaking dynamics obeys the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. From the scalings of bifurcation delay and domain formation, we numerically extract two Kibble-Zurek exponents b1=ν/(1+νz)b_{1}=\nu/(1+\nu z) and b2=1/(1+νz)b_{2}=1/(1+\nu z), which give the static correlation-length critical exponent ν\nu and the dynamic critical exponent zz. Our approach provides an efficient way to simultaneous determination of the critical exponents ν\nu and zz for a continuous phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in EPL (Europhysics Letters

    High-efficient optical frequency mixing in all-dielectric metasurface empowered by multiple bound states in the continuum

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    We present nonlinear optical four-wave mixing in a silicon nanodisk dimer metasurface. Under the oblique incident plane waves, the designed metasurface exhibits a multi-resonant feature with simultaneous excitations of three quasi-bound states in the continuum (BIC). Through employing these quasi-BIC with maximizing electric field energy at the input bump wavelengths, significant enhancements of third-order nonlinear processes including third-harmonic generation, degenerate and non-degenerate four-wave mixing are demonstrated, giving rise to ten new frequencies in the visible wavelengths. This work may lead to a new frontier of ultracompact optical mixer for applications in optical circuitry, ultrasensitive sensing, and quantum nanophotonics

    The Role of Espoused National Cultural Values in Cross-National Cultural IS Studies

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    Hofstede’s work on national culture has been extensively used in cross-national studies in the information systems discipline. In particular, many cross-national cultural researchers have used Hofstede’s cultural index. This study argues that espoused national cultural values should be measured when the unit of analysis of the cross-national cultural study is the individual. This study reviews cross-national studies published in eight IS journals and examines both cross-national studies and cross-national cultural studies. After that, this work provides rationales of why espoused national cultural values should be measured. Finally, we conclude that espoused national culture is more appropriate for individual behavior research

    Sum-frequency generation from etchless lithium niobate empowered by dual quasi-bound states in the continuum

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    The miniaturization of nonlinear light sources is central to the integrated photonic platform, driving a quest for high-efficiency frequency generation and mixing at the nanoscale. In this quest, the high-quality (QQ) resonant dielectric nanostructures hold great promise, as they enhance nonlinear effects through the resonantly local electromagnetic fields overlapping the chosen nonlinear materials. Here, we propose a method for the enhanced sum-frequency generation (SFG) from etcheless lithium niobate (LiNbO3_{3}) by utilizing the dual quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs) in a one-dimensional resonant grating waveguide structure. Two high-QQ guided mode resonances corresponding to the dual quasi-BICs are respectively excited by two near-infrared input beams, generating a strong visible SFG signal with a remarkably high conversion efficiency of 3.66×10−23.66\times10^{-2} (which is five orders of magnitude higher than that of LiNbO3_{3} films of the same thickness) and a small full-width at half-maximum less than 0.2 nm. The SFG efficiency can be tuned via adjusting the grating geometry parameter or choosing the input beam polarization combination. Furthermore, the generated SFG signal can be maintained at a fixed wavelength without the appreciable loss of efficiency by selectively exciting the angular-dependent quasi-BICs, even if the wavelengths of input beams are tuned within a broad spectral range. Our results provide a simple but robust paradigm of high-efficiency frequency conversion on an easy-fabricated platform, which may find applications in nonlinear light sources and quantum photonics
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