30 research outputs found

    Image-guided transcranial focused ultrasound stimulates human primary somatosensory cortex

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    Focused ultrasound (FUS) has recently been investigated as a new mode of non-invasive brain stimulation, which offers exquisite spatial resolution and depth control. We report on the elicitation of explicit somatosensory sensations as well as accompanying evoked electroencephalographic (EEG) potentials induced by FUS stimulation of the human somatosensory cortex. As guided by individual-specific neuroimage data, FUS was transcranially delivered to the hand somatosensory cortex among healthy volunteers. The sonication elicited transient tactile sensations on the hand area contralateral to the sonicated hemisphere, with anatomical specificity of up to a finger, while EEG recordings revealed the elicitation of sonication-specific evoked potentials. Retrospective numerical simulation of the acoustic propagation through the skull showed that a threshold of acoustic intensity may exist for successful cortical stimulation. The neurological and neuroradiological assessment before and after the sonication, along with strict safety considerations through the individual-specific estimation of effective acoustic intensity in situ and thermal effects, showed promising initial safety profile; however, equal/more rigorous precautionary procedures are advised for future studies. The transient and localized stimulation of the brain using image-guided transcranial FUS may serve as a novel tool for the non-invasive assessment and modification of region-specific brain functionopen43

    FUS-mediated Functional Neuromodulation for Neurophysiologic Assessment in a Large Animal Model

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    The goal of the proposed research is to investigate the method of using MR imageguided transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) to reversibly modulate (i.e. elicit and suppress) the activity of a region-specific brain area in large animals (sheep). Electrophysiological representations resulting from the modulation will be assessed in terms of visual, somatosensory, and motor function. After the sonication, the safety profiles of the sonication will be examined through anatomical MRIs and histological analysis. The non-invasive neuromodulation of deep brain function and concurrent neurophysiologic assessment will be essential for mapping and confirmation of the treatment areas prior to FUS-mediated functional neurosurger

    FUS-mediated Neuromodulation from Unanesthetized Freely-moving Animals

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    The goal of the proposed research is to implement and apply non-thermal transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) to the somatomotor area (SM1) of unanesthetized, freely- moving, awake small animals (rats). We will examine the neuromodulatory outcome based on electrophysiological signals and motor behavioral responses to the sonication. The safety profile of the sonication will also be evaluated through immunohistological analysis and behavioral monitoring. The investigation of FUS neuromodulatory effects in awake animals will be essential for assessing the success rate and reproducibility of stimulation, without the confounding effects of anesthesia

    Pulsed application of focused ultrasound to the LI4 elicits deqi sensations: Pilot study

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    Objectives: Focused ultrasound (FUS) techniques enable the delivery of acoustic pressure waves to a localized, specific region of anatomy, and mechanically stimulate the sonicated region when given in a train of pulses. The present pilot study examines if the pulsed application of acoustic waves focused to an acupuncture point ( LI4, Hegu), i.e. FUS acupuncture, can elicit deqi sensations. Design and setting: The FUS was generated by a single-element ultrasound transducer, and delivered to the LI4 of acupuncture-naive participants (n =10) for a duration of 1s using 2ms tone-burst-duration and 50Hz pulse repetition frequency. The subjective ratings of deqi descriptors were obtained across different conditions, i.e. FUS acupuncture using acoustic intensities of 1 and 3W/cm2 (spatial-peak temporal-averaged intensity, I spta), sham sonication condition, tactile stimulation using a von Frey monofilament, and needle-based real and sham acupuncture. We also measured the presence of sharp pain, unpleasantness, and anxiety level during each condition. Results: The FUS acupuncture given at 3W/cm2 elicited deqi sensation ratings similar to those acquired during the needle-based acupuncture condition across the subjects, with significantly reduced levels of non-deqi related sensations, such as sharp pain, anxiety and unpleasantness. The lower acoustic intensity also generated deqi sensations, but at a lesser degree than the ones acquired using the higher acoustic intensity. Neither the sham conditions nor the tactile stimulation elicited deqi sensations. Conclusions: The present data on acoustic acupuncture, with its exquisite spatial and depth control, along with the ability to electronically adjust its intensity, may suggest its potential utilization as an alternative mode of acupuncture, although further study is needed to probe its clinical efficacy.close0

    Isomagnetophoresis for discrimination of magnetic susceptibility and its application to continuous separation

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    We report an improved magnetophoretic method, isomagnetophoresis, employing the magnetic susceptibility gradient across a microfluidic channel applied by magnetic field, and we have successfully discriminated the polystyrene (PS; 14.78 ?? 0.20 ??m in diameter), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA; 15.00 ?? 0.77 ??m) and borosilicate (BS; 14.01 ?? 1.00 ??m) microspheres, where PS and PMMA particles have similar diamagnetic susceptibility that cannot be distinguished by conventional magnetophoresis. This platform can be applied to label-free discrimination of the biological cells and nanotubes.clos

    Frontiers in Psychology

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    Background: Despite the growing evidence of cognitive impairments in bipolar disorder (BD), little work has evaluated cognitive performances utilizing the latest version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV), which is one of the most widely used neurocognitive assessments in clinical settings. Furthermore, clinical characteristics or demographic features that negatively affect the cognitive functioning of BD were not systematically compared or evaluated. Accordingly, the present study aimed to examine the cognitive profile of bipolar I disorder (BD-I) patients and associated risk factors. Methods: Participants included 45 patients, diagnosed with BD-I, current or most recent episode manic, and matching 46 healthy controls (HC). Cognitive performance was evaluated via WAIS-IV, and clinical characteristics of the BD-I group were examined via multiple self- and clinician-report questionnaires. Results: Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) results indicated that the BD-I group demonstrated significantly poorer performance compared to the HC group in subtests and indexes that reflect working memory and processing speed abilities. Redundancy analysis revealed that overall symptom severity, manic symptom severity, and anxiety were significant predictors of cognitive performance in BD-I, while age of onset, past mood disorder history, depression severity, and impulsiveness showed comparatively smaller predictive values. Conclusion: The current study suggests cognitive deterioration in the cognitive proficiency area while generalized ability, including verbal comprehension and most of the perceptual reasoning skills, remain intact in BD-I. The identified risk factors of cognitive performance provide specific clinical recommendations for intervention and clinical decision-making.Published versio

    Effects of sonication parameters on transcranial focused ultrasound brain stimulation in an ovine model.

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    Low-intensity focused ultrasound (FUS) has significant potential as a non-invasive brain stimulation modality and novel technique for functional brain mapping, particularly with its advantage of greater spatial selectivity and depth penetration compared to existing non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. As previous studies, primarily carried out in small animals, have demonstrated that sonication parameters affect the stimulation efficiency, further investigation in large animals is necessary to translate this technique into clinical practice. In the present study, we examined the effects of sonication parameters on the transient modification of excitability of cortical and thalamic areas in an ovine model. Guided by anatomical and functional neuroimaging data specific to each animal, 250 kHz FUS was transcranially applied to the primary sensorimotor area associated with the right hind limb and its thalamic projection in sheep (n = 10) across multiple sessions using various combinations of sonication parameters. The degree of effect from FUS was assessed through electrophysiological responses, through analysis of electromyogram and electroencephalographic somatosensory evoked potentials for evaluation of excitatory and suppressive effects, respectively. We found that the modulatory effects were transient and reversible, with specific sonication parameters outperforming others in modulating regional brain activity. Magnetic resonance imaging and histological analysis conducted at different time points after the final sonication session, as well as behavioral observations, showed that repeated exposure to FUS did not damage the underlying brain tissue. Our results suggest that FUS-mediated, non-invasive, region-specific bimodal neuromodulation can be safely achieved in an ovine model, indicating its potential for translation into human studies