4 research outputs found

    Tourism Diplomation as Indonesia’s Nation Branding in Global Level

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    Indonesia has the potential of natural and cultural resources that stretch from Sabang to Merauke. This potential can be used as the biggest economic source for Indonesia from the tourism sector. Tourism is now one of the industries that have potential at the global level. Indonesia has the potential to take the attention of foreign tourists. The state has a role to take steps in supporting the progress of the tourism industry in Indonesia. Tourism diplomacy can be done through the government, private sector and community groups who have concerns about the tourism industry at the global level. The synergies of several parties are able to give a significant impact for the development of tourism in Indonesia. The purpose of diplomacy is to strengthen Indonesia's nation branding in the international world and Indonesia is able to compete in the global level


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    Paguyuban Surya Tani yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Gunungkidul merupakan kelompok binaan MPM PWM DIY. Paguyuban ini memproduksi dan mengelola berbagai jenis palawija yang kemudian dijual dalam bentuk aslinya, produk setengah jadi, dan produk olahan. Salah satu tanaman yang dikelola dan menjadi mata pencaharian yang mumpuni bagi masyarakat Gunungkidul adalah singkong. Singkong ini mereka olah menjadi tepung serbaguna yang Bernama tepung Mocaf. Pemasaran produk Mocaf dilakukan baik secara offline dan online oleh Paguyuban Surya Tani. Saat ini pemasaran produk Mocaf ini hanya terbatas pada pasar domestik saja, belum menjangkau pasar internasional. Padahal pasar internasional akan lebih banyak peminatnya terhadap produk Mocaf yang merupakan gluten free. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya dorongan supaya Paguyuban Surya Tani dapat melakukan pemasaran produk untuk dapat menjangkau pasar internasional. Kata kunci: pemasaran, pasar internasional, Mocaf ABSTRACT Paguyuban Surya Tani located in Gunungkidul Regency is a group assisted by MPM PWM DIY. This association produces and manages various types of palawija which are then sold in their original form, semi-finished products, and processed products. One of the plants that is managed and becomes a qualified livelihood for the people of Gunungkidul is cassava. They process cassava into a multi-purpose flour called Mocaf flour. Marketing of Mocaf products is carried out both offline and online by Paguyuban Surya Tani. Currently the marketing of Mocaf products is only limited to the domestic market, not yet reaching the international market. Even though the international market will be more interested in Mocaf products, which are gluten free. Therefore, there needs to be encouragement so that the Surya Tani Association can carry out product marketing to be able to reach international markets. Keywords: marketing, international market, Moca

    Pembangunan Pariwisata Kulon Progo Melalui Konsep Green Economy dan Blue Economy

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    The development of the tourism sector is carried out massively, because this sector is one of the biggest foreign exchange earners after oil palm in Indonesia. Each local government competes one another to improve in the competitiveness of its tourism sector, like Kulon Progo district. The massive development in this sector is feared to have environmental impacts. Environmental support in tourism development also needs concern. Green Economy and Blue Economy concept is expected to provide solutions both in terms of tourism industry or sustainable development for the tourism sector, because the environment becomes part of tourism development

    Kebijakan Pembebasan Visa Kunjungan Wisata Indonesia dan Ancaman Keamanan

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    Abstract The government policy contained in Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2016 contains the exemption of tourist visit visas for foreign tourists in an effort to increase state revenue through the tourism sector. Through several cases, the policy decision gave freedom to 169 countries wishing to make tourist visits to Indonesia. In the course of implementing the policy, there are several things that make this policy necessary to be reviewed. The exemption of tourist visas, which is expected to contribute the largest foreign exchange to the country, has not only succeeded in increasing state revenue but also has increased the threat to state security in several sectors. Given that Indonesia provides opportunities for foreign tourists to enter Indonesian territory easily, the government should carry out socialization and coordination with all national sectors as a form of preparation for the surge in foreign tourists. This study aims to explore information regarding the extent to which the security threats obtained as an implication of the visa exemption policy are divided into transnational crimes, ecological and economic damage. Keywords: Policy, Visa, Tourism, Implications, Security   Abstrak Kebijakan pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 21 Tahun 2016 berisi tentang pembebasan visa kunjungan wisata untuk turis manacanegara dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan negara mellaui sektor pariwisata. Melalui beberapa klai putusan kebijakan tersebut memberikan kebebasan pada 169 negara yang ingin melakukan kunjungan wisata ke Indonesia. Dalam perjalanan implementasi dari kebijakan tersebut terdapat bebrapa hal yang membuat kebijakan tersebut perlu untuk untuk dikaji kembali. Pembebasan visa wisata yang diharapkan dapat menyumbang devisa negara terbesar tidak hanya berhasil menambah pendapatan negara namun juga menambah ancaman keamanan negara pada beberapa sektor.  Mengingat bahwa Indonesia memberikan kesempatan wisatawan asing untuk dapat masuk ke wilayah Indonesia dengan mudah maka seharusnya pemerintah melakukan sosialisasi dan koordinasi dengan seluruh sektor nasional sebagai bentuk persiapan menghadapi lonjakan wisatawan asing. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informais mengenai seberapa jauh ancaman keamanan yang diperoleh sebagai implikasi dari kebijakan pembebasan visa tersebut terbagi dalam kejahatan transnasional, kerusakan ekologi dan ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Visa, Wisata, Implikasi, Keamana