970 research outputs found

    Orbital selective crossover and Mott transitions in an asymmetric Hubbard model of cold atoms in optical lattices

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    We study the asymmetric Hubbard model at half-filling as a generic model to describe the physics of two species of repulsively interacting fermionic cold atoms in optical lattices. We use Dynamical Mean Field Theory to obtain the paramagnetic phase diagram of the model as function of temperature, interaction strength and hopping asymmetry. A Mott transition with a region of two coexistent solutions is found for all nonzero values of the hopping asymmetry. At low temperatures the metallic phase is a heavy Fermi-liquid, qualitatively analogous to the Fermi liquid state of the symmetric Hubbard model. Above a coherence temperature, an orbital-selective crossover takes place, wherein one fermionic species effectively localizes, and the resulting bad metallic state resembles the non-Fermi liquid state of the Falicov-Kimball model. We compute observables relevant to cold atom systems such as the double occupation, the specific heat and entropy and characterize their behavior in the different phases

    Weak coupling study of decoherence of a qubit in disordered magnetic environments

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    We study the decoherence of a qubit weakly coupled to frustrated spin baths. We focus on spin-baths described by the classical Ising spin glass and the quantum random transverse Ising model which are known to have complex thermodynamic phase diagrams as a function of an external magnetic field and temperature. Using a combination of numerical and analytical methods, we show that for baths initally in thermal equilibrium, the resulting decoherence is highly sensitive to the nature of the coupling to the environment and is qualitatively different in different parts of the phase diagram. We find an unexpected strong non-Markovian decay of the coherence when the random transverse Ising model bath is prepared in an initial state characterized by a finite temperature paramagnet. This is contrary to the usual case of exponential decay (Markovian) expected for spin baths in finite temperature paramagnetic phases, thereby illustrating the importance of the underlying non-trivial dynamics of interacting quantum spinbaths.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figure

    Phase diagram of the asymmetric Hubbard model and an entropic chromatographic method for cooling cold fermions in optical lattices

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    We study the phase diagram of the asymmetric Hubbard model (AHM), which is characterized by different values of the hopping for the two spin projections of a fermion or equivalently, two different orbitals. This model is expected to provide a good description of a mass-imbalanced cold fermionic mixture in a 3D optical lattice. We use the dynamical mean field theory to study various physical properties of this system. In particular, we show how orbital-selective physics, observed in multi-orbital strongly correlated electron systems, can be realized in such a simple model. We find that the density distribution is a good probe of this orbital selective crossover from a Fermi liquid to a non-Fermi liquid state. Below an ordering temperature ToT_o, which is a function of both the interaction and hopping asymmetry, the system exhibits staggered long range orbital order. Apart from the special case of the symmetric limit, i.e., Hubbard model, where there is no hopping asymmetry, this orbital order is accompanied by a true charge density wave order for all values of the hopping asymmetry. We calculate the order parameters and various physical quantities including the thermodynamics in both the ordered and disordered phases. We find that the formation of the charge density wave is signaled by an abrupt increase in the sublattice double occupancies. Finally, we propose a new method, entropic chromatography, for cooling fermionic atoms in optical lattices, by exploiting the properties of the AHM. To establish this cooling strategy on a firmer basis, we also discuss the variations in temperature induced by the adiabatic tuning of interactions and hopping parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 19 fig

    Methane Flow through Organic-Rich Nanopores : The Key Role of Atomic-Scale Roughness

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    We perform a detailed study of methane flow through nanoporous kerogen. Using molecular dynamics and modeling the kerogen pore with an amorphous carbon nanotube (a-CNT), we show that the reported flow enhancement over Hagen−Poisseuile flow is mainly due to the smoothness, on an atomic scale, of the CNTs. It acts in two ways: first, it helps the mobility of the adsorbed layer; second, and even more important for the flow enhancement, it prevents the dependency on the inverse of the channel length (L) from developing. While the former can incrementally contribute to the flow, the latter effect can explain the orders of magnitude found in comparison to macroscopic results.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Assessing vulnerability for climate adaptation

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    Polynomial evaluation over finite fields: new algorithms and complexity bounds

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    An efficient evaluation method is described for polynomials in finite fields. Its complexity is shown to be lower than that of standard techniques when the degree of the polynomial is large enough. Applications to the syndrome computation in the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes are highlighted.Comment: accepted for publication in Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. The final publication will be available at springerlink.com. DOI: 10.1007/s00200-011-0160-

    Properties of continuous Fourier extension of the discrete cosine transform and its multidimensional generalization

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    A versatile method is described for the practical computation of the discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) of a continuous function g(t)g(t) given by its values gjg_{j} at the points of a uniform grid FNF_{N} generated by conjugacy classes of elements of finite adjoint order NN in the fundamental region FF of compact semisimple Lie groups. The present implementation of the method is for the groups SU(2), when FF is reduced to a one-dimensional segment, and for SU(2)×...×SU(2)SU(2)\times ... \times SU(2) in multidimensional cases. This simplest case turns out to result in a transform known as discrete cosine transform (DCT), which is often considered to be simply a specific type of the standard DFT. Here we show that the DCT is very different from the standard DFT when the properties of the continuous extensions of these two discrete transforms from the discrete grid points tj;j=0,1,...Nt_j; j=0,1, ... N to all points tFt \in F are considered. (A) Unlike the continuous extension of the DFT, the continuous extension of (the inverse) DCT, called CEDCT, closely approximates g(t)g(t) between the grid points tjt_j. (B) For increasing NN, the derivative of CEDCT converges to the derivative of g(t)g(t). And (C), for CEDCT the principle of locality is valid. Finally, we use the continuous extension of 2-dimensional DCT to illustrate its potential for interpolation, as well as for the data compression of 2D images.Comment: submitted to JMP on April 3, 2003; still waiting for the referee's Repor