9 research outputs found

    A functional perspective on post-communist civil society: contentious activities and internet activism in Latvia

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    Post-communist civil society is generally depicted to be rather weak. However, the existing academic literature is outdated and reveals conceptual issues. The incorporation of normative assumptions, focus on formal activities and establishment of universally applicable indicators has resulted in rigid operational concepts of civil society that do not sufficiently account for contentious activities and internet activism. Yet, these forms of public participation are becoming increasingly important. By adopting a functional perspective, this dissertation develops a revised operational concept of civil society that allows for assessing alternative forms of public participation in terms of their quantity and quality structure. The framework is applied to the case of Latvia, where quantitative aspects of contentious activities and internet activism as well as the quality structure of the online CSOs ManaBalss.lv and Politika.lv are investigated. The analysis yields remarkable results. Latvian civil society is not weak. The extent of both contentious activities and internet activism militate for a rather strong civil society in the country. However, the organizational infrastructure of ManaBalss.lv and Politika.lv shows that financial strains serve to illustrate huge constraints on the working capacities of the organizations and, thus, need to be addressed if civil society is to be maintained and further strengthened.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2681626~S1*es

    E-expression in a comparative perspective: contextual drivers and constraints of online political expression

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    As the opportunities for online political expression grow exponentially, aggregate levels of e-expression vary strongly across countries worldwide. The paper explores contextual factors enabling or restraining e-expression, particularly media dependence, democratic experience and civil society robustness and combines them with micro-level demographics, capacities, and motivations. Based on multilevel logistic modelling of 2014 ISSP 'Citizenship II' data [ISSP Research Group. 2016. "International Social Survey Programme: Citizenship II - ISSP 2014 (Version 2.0.0) [Data file]." GESIS Data Archive.], it shows that e-expression is not dependent on a robust civil society, but on the years spent under democratic rule and the level of media dependence. The latter mediates the predictive effect of political trust, which is negative but ceases in countries with dependent and unfree media. The findings challenge assumptions on the mobilizing potential of digital tools in less free countries, particularly for critical citizens who wish to express grievances outside the circuit of official but closed or monitored channels. In contrast, a reinforcement effect is not only found on the individual-level but also in terms of a democratic digital divide between free and consolidated as well as dependent and young/no democratic regimes. Thereby, the paper contributes to our theoretical understanding of the institutional factors shaping e-expression

    Numerical Analysis of a Time-Simultaneous Multigrid Solver for Stabilized Convection-Dominated Transport Problems in 1D

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    The work to be presented focuses on the convection-diffusion equation, especially in the regime of small diffusion coefficients, which is solved using a time-simultaneous multigrid algorithm closely related to multigrid waveform relaxation. For spatial discretization we use linear finite elements, while the time integrator is given by e.g. the Crank-Nicolson scheme. Blocking all time steps into a global linear system of equations and rearranging the degrees of freedom leads to a space-only problem with vector-valued unknowns for each spatial node. Then, common iterative solution techniques, such as the GMRES method with block Jacobi preconditioning, can be used for the numerical solution of the (spatial) problem and allow a higher degree of parallelization in space. We consider a time-simultaneous multigrid algorithm, which exploits space-only coarsening and the solution techniques mentioned above for smoothing purposes. By treating more time steps simultaneously, the dimension of the system of equations increases significantly and, hence, results in a larger number of degrees of freedom per spatial unknown. This can be used to employ parallel processes more efficiently. In numerical studies, the iterative multigrid solution of a problem with up to thousands of blocked time steps is analyzed in 1D. For the special case of the heat equation, it is well known that the number of iterations is bounded above independently of the number of blocked time steps, the time step size, and the spatial resolution. Unfortunately, convergence issues arise for the multigrid solver in convection-dominated regimes. In the context of the standard Galerkin method if the diffusion coefficient is small compared to the grid size and the magnitude of the velocity field, stabilization techniques are typically used to remove artificial oscillations in the solution. However, in our setting, special higher-order variational multiscale-type stabilization methods are discussed, which simultaneously improve the convergence behavior of the iterative solver as well as the smoothness of the numerical solution without significantly perturbing the accuracy

    Improving Convergence of Time-Simultaneous Multigrid Methods for Convection-Dominated Problems using VMS Stabilization Techniques

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    We present the application of a time-simultaneous multigrid algorithm closely related to multigrid waveform relaxation for stabilized convection-diffusion equations in the regime of small diffusion coefficients. We use Galerkin finite elements and the Crank-Nicolson scheme for discretization in space and time. The multigrid method blocks all time steps for each spatial unknown, enhancing parallelization in space. While the number of iterations of the solver is bounded above for the 1D heat equation, convergence issues arise in convection-dominated cases. In singularly perturbed advection-diffusion scenarios, Galerkin FE discretizations are known to show instabilities in the numerical solution.We explore a higher-order variational multiscale stabilization, aiming to enhance solution smoothness and improve convergence without compromising accuracy

    Krisen- und Risikokommunikation bei Hochwasser- und Unwetterereignissen

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    Experience with flooding, helper, crisis management and crisis communication. Preventive behavior and structural protection measures, risk communication and communal concerns. Political participation and attitudes.Betroffenheit von Hochwasser oder Überschwemmungen, Helfer bzw. Helferin, Krisenbewältigung und Krisenkommunikation. Vorsorgeverhalten und bauliche Schutzmaßnahmen, Risikokommunikation und kommunale Belange. Politische Partizipation und Einstellungen. 1. Betroffenheit von Hochwasser oder Überschwemmungen, Helfer / Helferin, Krisenbewältigung und Krisenkommunikation: Einschätzung der Wahrscheinlichkeit für persönliche Betroffenheit von Unwetter / Hochwasser in den nächsten 5 Jahren; Ortsgröße; persönliche Betroffenheit von Unwetter / Überschwemmung seit dem Jahr 2000; Ereignis am derzeitigen Wohnort; Art des Ereignisses; Betroffenheit naher Familienangehöriger oder enger Freunde von einem extremen Unwetter oder einer Überschwemmung seit dem Jahr 2000; Jahr des Ereignisses; Einschätzung des Schadenumfangs; Versicherung des Schadens; finanzielle Unterstützung vom Staat im Schadensfall; Einsatz als freiwilliger Helfer / freiwillige Helferin seit dem Jahr 2000; Einsatz als freiwilliger Helfer / freiwillige Helferin als ehrenamtliches Mitglied einer Hilfsorganisation; Einsatz als freiwilliger Helfer / freiwillige Helferin spontan vor Ort; Art des spontanen Hilfseinsatzes; Geldspenden bzw. Sachspenden für Betroffene von Unwettern / Überschwemmungen; Anteilnahme für Betroffene von Unwettern / Überschwemmungen; Zufriedenheit mit der Bewältigung der akuten Krise; Beteiligung externer Organisationen oder staatlicher Einrichtungen an der Krisenbewältigung und Zufriedenheit mit deren Arbeit; Nennung einzelner Organisation oder staatlicher Einrichtungen, mit deren Einsatz man besonders zufrieden bzw. besonders unzufrieden war; genutzte Informationsmöglichkeiten in der Krise (Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Fernsehen, Radio, persönliche Gespräche, Informationsmöglichkeiten vor Ort, Soziale Medien, andere Internetangebote, keine); wichtigste Informationsquelle in der Krise. 2. Vorsorgeverhalten und bauliche Schutzmaßnahmen, Risikokommunikation und kommunale Belange: Machtlosigkeit des einzelnen Bürgers gegenüber Unwettern und Überschwemmungen; Schutz vor Unwettern oder Überschwemmungen ist eher eine staatliche Aufgabe; Selbsteinschätzung der Risikobereitschaft; genutzte Informationsmöglichkeiten für den präventiven Schutz vor Unwettern oder Überschwemmungen (Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Fernsehen, Radio, Soziale Medien, andere Internetangebote, persönliche Gespräche, Informationsveranstaltungen vor Ort, Versicherungen, Behörden); wichtigste Informationsquelle bei Suche nach Schutzmöglichkeiten vor Unwettern oder Überschwemmungen; Immobilienbesitz; Wohnsituation (Wohnstatus); Etage der Wohnung; Lage des Hauses bzw. der Wohnung in einem überschwemmungsgefährdeten Gebiet; Wohndauer; bauliche Schutzmaßnahmen am Haus / an der Wohnung bzw. am Immobilieneigentum durchgeführt; Grund gegen Schutzmaßnahmen am Eigentum; generelle Bereitschaft in Schutzmaßnahmen am Eigentum zu investieren; Durchführung von Schutzmaßnahmen unmittelbar nach einem Unwetter oder einer Überschwemmung; Kosten für Schutzmaßnahmen; Abschluss von Versicherungen (Hausratsversicherung, Gebäudeversicherung, Elementarschadensversicherung, personenbezogene Haftpflichtversicherung, Rechtsschutzversicherung, Unfallversicherung); staatliche Vorsorgemaßnahmen: politische Ebene, die am ehesten verantwortlich für Vorsorge vor Unwettern und Überschwemmungen sein soll; Maßnahmen der Gemeinde / Stadt zum Schutz vor Unwettern oder Überschwemmungen und Art der Maßnahmen; Bereitschaft zu höheren Abgaben für einen besseren Schutz gegen Unwetter und Überschwemmungen; Informationsverhalten über Angelegenheiten der Gemeinde / Stadt (Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Fernsehen, Radio, persönliche Gespräche, Soziale Medien, andere Internetangebote); allgemeine Informationsangebote der Gemeinde / Stadt im Internet; Selbsteinschätzung der Informiertheit über Angelegenheiten in der eigenen Gemeinde / Stadt; Gemeinde / Stadt nimmt die Anliegen ihrer Bürger ernst. 3. Politische Partizipation und Einstellungen: Teilnahme an einer Bürgerversammlung oder einer Bürgersprechstunde im Jahr 2014; Politikinteresse; Teilnahme an der letzten Bundestagswahl; Parteineigung; Rangfolge persönlich wichtigster politischer Ziele; Mitgliedschaft in einer politischen Gruppierung, einer Partei oder einer Gewerkschaft; Teilnahme an einer politischen Demonstration, einer Protestaktion oder einem Streik; Beteiligung an einer Unterschriftensammlung; Geldspende an eine politische Organisation oder Gruppe; Nutzung einer anderen Möglichkeit politischer Beteiligung; ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit im Jahr 2014; Ehrenamt mit Bezug zu Unwetter oder Überschwemmungen; privater Internetanschluss; Art des Internetanschlusses; Nutzungshäufigkeit von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Fernsehen, Radio, Internet und persönlichen Gesprächen; Nutzung von Sozialen Medien und Nutzungshäufigkeit; Zufriedenheit mit ausgewählten Lebensbereichen (eigene Gesundheit, Wohnsituation, finanzielle Situation, eigener Lebensstandard). Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsmonat; Geburtsjahr; Alter; Alter kategorisiert; deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit; Familienstand; höchster allgemeinbildender Schulabschluss; höchster Ausbildungsabschluss oder Hochschulabschluss; Erwerbssituation (Vollzeit, Teilzeit, Altersteilzeit, geringfügig erwerbstätig, ´Ein-Euro-Jobber´, gelegentlich oder unregelmäßig beschäftigt, in einer beruflichen Ausbildung / Lehre, Umschulung, Wehrdienst / Bundesfreiwilligendienst, Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, Mutterschutz, Elternzeit o. sonstige Beurlaubung, nicht erwerbstätig); befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis; Tätigkeit als Beamter, Richter oder selbständig oder freiberuflich tätig; im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit mit Fragen zu Unwettern und Überschwemmungen befasst; genaue berufliche Tätigkeit im Bereich Unwetter und Überschwemmungen (offen); Anzahl der Personen unter 16 Jahren im Haushalt; Haushaltsgröße; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner im gemeinsamen Haushalt; Höhe des persönlichen Nettoeinkommens und des Haushaltsnettoeinkommens. Zusätzlich verkodet wurden: Befragten-ID; Projektname; Interviewer-ID; Alter und Geschlecht des Interviewers; Befragungsdatum; Kalenderwoche; Anrufdauer; Anrufhäufigkeit; BIK; Bundesland; Gewichtungsfaktoren

    Twitter accounts of the candidates in the 2023 German state election of Berlin

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    The research project SPARTA (Society, Politics and Risk with Twitter Analysis; funded by dtec.bw; dtec.bw is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU) collected tweets to analyse the 2023 state election campaign in Berlin. German-language tweets and retweets related to the election and its central actors were collected for training purposes of a NLP-model. The Dataset contains the Twitter handles and additional information about the candidates of six parties: CDU, SPD, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, FDP, AfD und Die Linke.The research project SPARTA (Society, Politics and Risk with Twitter Analysis; funded by dtec.bw; dtec.bw is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU) collected tweets to analyse the 2023 state election campaign in Berlin. German-language tweets and retweets related to the election and its central actors were collected for training purposes of a NLP-model. The Dataset contains the Twitter handles and additional information about the candidates of six parties: CDU, SPD, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, FDP, AfD und Die Linke

    A class for itself? On the worldviews of the new tech elite.

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    The emergence of a new tech elite in Silicon Valley and beyond raises questions about the economic reach, political influence, and social importance of this group. How do these inordinately influential people think about the world and about our common future? In this paper, we test a) whether members of the tech elite share a common, meritocratic view of the world, b) whether they have a "mission" for the future, and c) how they view democracy as a political system. Our data set consists of information about the 100 richest people in the tech world, according to Forbes, and rests on their published pronouncements on Twitter, as well as on their statements on the websites of their philanthropic endeavors. Automated "bag-of-words" text and sentiment analyses reveal that the tech elite has a more meritocratic view of the world than the general US Twitter-using population. The tech elite also frequently promise to "make the world a better place," but they do not differ from other extremely wealthy people in this respect. However, their relationship to democracy is contradictory. Based on these results, we conclude that the tech elite may be thought of as a "class for itself" in Marx's sense-a social group that shares particular views of the world, which in this case means meritocratic, missionary, and inconsistent democratic ideology

    Twitter accounts of the candidates in the 2022 German state election of North Rhine-Westphalia

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    The research project SPARTA (Society, Politics and Risk with Twitter Analysis; funded by dtec.bw) monitored the 2022 state election campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia live as it unfolded on Twitter. From April 4 to election day on May 15, 2022, all German-language tweets and retweets related to the election and its central actors were collected and analyzed in real time. The results were published in a nowcasting fashion on the project’s WebApp (https://dtecbw.de/sparta/). Among others, we presented the stances expressed toward the main parties and their leading candidates. We also illustrated the salient issues discussed as well as the most frequently used hashtags by the election Twittersphere (e.g., all tweets addressing the election and its central actors), political parties, leading candidates, and candidates for a mandate in the state parliament. To enable real-time analyses of the election campaign, we created a dataset with the Twitter handles of all candidates for a mandate in the state parliament in March 2022. The dataset contains the Twitter handles and additional information about the candidates of six parties: CDU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, FDP, AfD and Die Linke.The research project SPARTA (Society, Politics and Risk with Twitter Analysis; funded by dtec.bw) monitored the 2022 state election campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia live as it unfolded on Twitter. From April 4 to election day on May 15, 2022, all German-language tweets and retweets related to the election and its central actors were collected and analyzed in real time. The results were published in a nowcasting fashion on the project’s WebApp (https://dtecbw.de/sparta/). Among others, we presented the stances expressed toward the main parties and their leading candidates. We also illustrated the salient issues discussed as well as the most frequently used hashtags by the election Twittersphere (e.g., all tweets addressing the election and its central actors), political parties, leading candidates, and candidates for a mandate in the state parliament. To enable real-time analyses of the election campaign, we created a dataset with the Twitter handles of all candidates for a mandate in the state parliament in March 2022. The dataset contains the Twitter handles and additional information about the candidates of six parties: CDU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, FDP, AfD and Die Linke

    Twitter/X accounts ot the candidates in the 2023 German state election of Bavaria

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    The research project, SPARTA (Society, Politics, and Risk with Twitter Analysis), funded by dtec.bw (which is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU), monitors the 2023 state election campaign in Bavaria live as it unfolds on Twitter/X. From September 4 to the election day on October 8, 2023, we collect and analyze all German-language posts and reposts related to the election and its central actors in real time. We publish the results in a nowcasting fashion on the project’s WebApp (https://dtecbw.de/sparta/). Among other findings, we present the stances expressed toward the main parties and their leading candidates. We also illustrate the salient issues discussed as well as the most frequently used hashtags by the election Twittersphere (for example, all tweets addressing the election and its central actors), political parties, leading candidates, and candidates for a mandate in the state parliament. We also measure the extent of negative campaigning and personalization. To enable real-time analyses of the election campaign, we created a dataset with the Twitter/X handles of all candidates for a mandate in the state parliament in August 2023. The dataset contains the Twitter/X handles and additional information about the candidates from six parties: CSU, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Freie Wähler, AfD, SPD, and FDP.The research project, SPARTA (Society, Politics, and Risk with Twitter Analysis), funded by dtec.bw (which is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU), monitors the 2023 state election campaign in Bavaria live as it unfolds on Twitter/X. From September 4 to the election day on October 8, 2023, we collect and analyze all German-language posts and reposts related to the election and its central actors in real time. We publish the results in a nowcasting fashion on the project’s WebApp (https://dtecbw.de/sparta/). Among other findings, we present the stances expressed toward the main parties and their leading candidates. We also illustrate the salient issues discussed as well as the most frequently used hashtags by the election Twittersphere (for example, all tweets addressing the election and its central actors), political parties, leading candidates, and candidates for a mandate in the state parliament. We also measure the extent of negative campaigning and personalization. To enable real-time analyses of the election campaign, we created a dataset with the Twitter/X handles of all candidates for a mandate in the state parliament in August 2023. The dataset contains the Twitter/X handles and additional information about the candidates from six parties: CSU, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Freie Wähler, AfD, SPD, and FDP