25 research outputs found
Pengunaan Metode Irap Dalam Penentuan Prioritas Program Pembangunan Infrastruktur Perdesaan (Study Kasus Desa Kalimas Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya)
Kriris ekonomi yang telah lama dirasakan oleh masyarakat ditambah membawa dampak semakinsulitnya masyarakat miskin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Untuk mengurangi bebanmasyarakat miskin pemerintah semakin memfokuskan pembangunan infrastruktur perdesaan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode IRAP, yang merupakan prosedur perencanaan yang telahterekomendasi yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan akses riil penduduk desa. Ada 4 (empat) tahapanalisis yang dilakukan yaitu : (1) penetapan indikator aksesibilitas, (2) penetapan bobotindikator, (3) perhitungan nilai aksesibilitas, dan (4) penentuan dusun dan sektor prioritas. Metodesurvei yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode home interview. Instrumen yangdigunakan dalam home interview adalah kuisioner penentuan nilai indikator dan kuisionerpenentuan bobot indikator.Ada enam sektor yang dianggap sangat penting oleh penduduk dalam rangka upaya peningkatanaksesibilitas yaitu : sektor pertanian, air, pasar, kesehatan, pendidikan dan sektor perikanan Semuadusun di Desa Kalimas, prioritas utama perlu penanganan aksesibilitas adalah pada sektorpertanian. Sektor pertanian di Dusun Melati merupakan sektor dan dusun prioritas panangananaksesibilitas di Desa Kalimas karena memiliki nilai aksesibilitas terbesar yaitu 15,223. Intervensiyang harus dilakukan pada dusun dan sektor prioritas (Dusun Melati pada sektor pertanian) adalahpenanganan prasarana transportasi berupa peningkatan jaringan jalan dan perbaikan jembatan yangada sehingga kondisi jalan dan jembatan lebih baik dan dapat digunakan pada setiap musimdengan demikian akan memperlancar kegiatan pertanian penduduk
Efektivitas Beberapa Jenis Pupuk N Pada Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit / Effectiveness of Several Types of N Fertilizer on Palm Oil Nursery
Formula pupuk N lepas lambat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi N. Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari pengaruh beberapa jenis pupuk N terhadap pembibitan kelapa sawit menggunakan tanah Inceptisols Bogor. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca dan Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah (1) Kontrol lengkap, (2) Kontrol tanpa Urea, (3) Urea pril (standar), (4) N + Zeolit 50%, (5) N + Zeolit 75%, (6) N + Zeolit 100%, (7) N+ Zeolit + Kitosan 50%, (8) N + Zeolit + Kitosan 75%, (9) N + Zeolit + Kitosan 100%, (10) N + Zeolit + Humat 50%, (11) N + Zeolit + Humat 75%, (12) N + Zeolit + Humat 100%, (13) N-Humat 50%, dan (14) N-Humat 100%. Analisis tanah dilakukan sebelum tanam dan sesudah panen biomas dengan parameter: N-total (metode Kjeldahl), P-tersedia (Bray I), Kation dapat ditukar (Ca, Mg, K) dan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) (ekstrak NH4Ac pH 7), kejenuhan basa (KB). Pengamatan agronomis tinggi tanaman umur 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 9 bulan, bobot biomas basah dan kering, serapan hara N, P dan K. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan N + Zeolit + Kitosan 75% nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman kelapa sawit umur 9 bulan sebesar 146,7 cm, bobot biomas kering sebesar 701,2 g pot-1 dengan nilai RAE 140% dan serapan hara N, P, dan K masing-masing sebesar 2,82; 0,25 dan 2,17 g pot-1. Peningkatan bobot biomas kering sebesar 22% dibanding Urea standar. Formulasi pupuk N dengan Zeolit dan penyalutan dengan Kitosan mampu mengefisienkan pupuk Urea hingga 25%
Quality Control Analysis Into Decrease the Level Defects on Coffee Product
Many local companies were that engaged in the manufacturing of coffee beans into semi-finished carelessly ready for export. To maintain the product to fit customer demand, it is very necessary quality control. The problems are the following: (1) The destruction of coffee still within the limits of control or not. (2) Any type of damage that occurs in coffee product were produced. (3) The factors that cause damage to the coffee product. (4) Application of statistical tools in controlling product quality coffee and pressing the occurrence of damage to the product. This study aims to determine how the implementation of quality control using statistical tools useful in efforts to control the level of damage to the product in the company. P control chart analysis results indicate that the process is in a state of uncontrolled or still experiencing irregularities. Based on Pareto diagram, priority repairs that need to be done is for the dominant type of damage that the black seed (25.68%), broken seeds (19.23%), brown seeds (17.60%) and more than a hollow seeds (15.99%). the causal diagram analysis can be seen from the factors that cause damage to human factors/workers, machine production, work methods, materials/raw materials and the work environment, so the company can take precautions and repair the damage
Detection of Insecticide Resistance in Aedes Aegypti to Organophosphate in Pulogadung, East Jakarta
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. Jakarta is a capital city with the highest number of dengue patients. Among sporadic endemic areas in Jakarta, Pulogadung, a district of East Jakarta, is one of endemic areas of this disease. The primary strategy for the control of DHF is based on reducing population densities of the main mosquito vector Aedes aegypti. Organophosphate is an insecticide that has been used for more than 25 years in dengue vector control program. The long term used and sublethal dosage of this insecticide can induce resistance. This laboratory study used microplate test and ELISA reader to determine the increase of alfa- esterase activity in Aedes aegypti larvae for detecting the resistance to organophosphate. Resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung was shown to be: 23% high resistant, 33% medium resistant and 44% sensitive. This result was highly related to local community behavior where we found that the use of insecticide spray by the people was very low (8.8% of the sample). We found that the people who used insecticide spray were only 8.8% of the sample. Therefore, organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future. Based on resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung, we can conclude that organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future
Economic Dispatch untuk Sistem Kelistrikan Microgrid dengan Energy Storage Berbasis Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi membawa pengaruh akan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan daya listrik, namun ketersediaan sumber energi konvensional (fossil) semakin menipis yang tentunya akan berdampak pada tingkat ketahanan listrik. Oleh karenanya diperlukan pembangkit-pembangkit tersebar berskala kecil (microgrid). Pembangkit tersebar ini diupayakan bersumber pada energi terbarukan dengan meminimalkan pemakaian dari sumber energi konvensional serta digunakan energy storage untuk power balance. Oleh karena adanya microgrid ini maka penting untuk menentukan besarnya pembangkitan daya listrik yang optimal dari masing-masing pembangkit dan kapasitas optimal energy storage sehingga kebutuhan daya listrik dapat dipenuhi dengan biaya yang optimal. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mengenai economic dispatch di dalam pengoperasian sistem kelistrikan microgrid dengan energy storage. Algoritma APSO digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah minimalisasi total biaya sistem. Simulasi komputer menggunakan Matlab dilakukan untuk menunjukkan efektivitas dari metodologi yang diusulkan dan dampak dari harga dan sistem penyimpanan pada economic dispatch. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode APSO untuk ED pada sistem kelistrikan microgrid memiliki performa kecepatan konvergensi yang lebih baik dibanding metode PSO dan dengan pemanfaatan energy storage pada sistem memberikan dampak penghematan biaya operasi
Water Productivity of Newly Developed Lowland Rice Field
. Newly developed wetland rice fields require more water because plough pan layer are not developed. Plough pan is established several years after the field development and its formation depends on the intensity of rice cultivation and the soil properties. Plot scale study was conducted on newly developed wetland rice field originated from upland in Pati village, North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia in 2013. The aim of this experiment was to study the water productivity of the newly developed wet land rice fields. Different water ponding treatments including water ponding layer of 5 cm as control (T0), ponding layer of 3 cm (T1) intermittent with two weeks wetting and one week drying (T2), and saturated condition with water layer of 0.5 cm (T3) were tested. Rice growth, rice grains yield and water productivity were evaluated. Water productivity was computed according to the ratio between rice grains yield and water input. Water input was predicted based on the difference between incoming and outgoing water. In this study water balance was not taken into account in calculating the water input. The results indicated that under saturated condition (T3), plant height and tiller number were significantly lower than the 5 cm ponding and also significantly lower than other treatments. Water productivity between 0.78 and 0.40 gram liter-1 were recorded under ponding water depth of 0.5 cm and intermittent ponding of 5 cm in the wet period
Optimalisasi Waktu Dan Biaya Proyek Dengan Analisa Crash Program
Optimization of time and cost is effort to use short time with minimum cost for reaching a job with good results and profits while still concern with quality of project. Crash Program analysis using addition of working hours, is intended to decrease working hours but it is still keeping the productivity number. The direct cost of the project will increase with the addition of working hours, but inversely proportional to the indirect cost of the project. Therefore, the purpose of this final project is to get optimization point between time and cost of the project, in order to get minimum cost to shorten project implementation time. Crash Program is one of scheduling method to shorten project implemention time. By using this program, earned critical path of a project to decide an acitivity that the implementation time can be shortened
Ag Doped ZnO Thin Films Synthesized by Spray Coating Technique for Methylene Blue Photodegradation under UV Irradiation
Silver (Ag) substituted ZnO thin films were successfully deposited onto glass substrates by spray coating technique. Structure, morphology, and optical properties were evaluated by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and UV-Vis spectrophotometer, respectively. XRD spectra had polycrystalline wurtzite structure; SEM images showed that thin films had different surface morphology at different Ag doping concentration. From transmittance spectra, thin films transparency decreased as well as band gap energy along with increase of Ag doping concentration. Methylene blue (MB) solution was used as a pollutant in the photodegradation studies. Under UV light irradiation, the optimal Ag doping is 25%, with 83% of the decolorizing efficiencies after 3 h irradiation time and apparent constant (kapp) about 9.69 × 10−3 min−1