5 research outputs found

    Chief Justice Cappy - It\u27s all about Case Management

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    The Effectiveness of State and Local Regulation of Handguns: A Statistical Analysis

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    One aspect of the continuing debate over weapons control, apart from Constitutional issues, is whether legislation is inherently capable of reducing crime and deaths by shooting. The opponents of increased control, tacitly admitting that empirical evidence is one means for measuring the effect of weapons regulation, have contended that [e]xpert opinion and compelling evidence seem to indicate that the amount or kind of crime in a community is not substantially affected by the relative ease with which a person can obtain a firearm. National Rifle Association of America, The Gun Law Problem 10. In the following study the authors employ data analysis techniques to examine the efficacy of state and municipal controls on handguns. They conclude that many lives would be saved if all states increased their level of control to that of New Jersey, the state having the most stringent gun control laws

    The Effectiveness of State and Local Regulation of Handguns: A Statistical Analysis

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    One aspect of the continuing debate over weapons control, apart from Constitutional issues, is whether legislation is inherently capable of reducing crime and deaths by shooting. The opponents of increased control, tacitly admitting that empirical evidence is one means for measuring the effect of weapons regulation, have contended that [e]xpert opinion and compelling evidence seem to indicate that the amount or kind of crime in a community is not substantially affected by the relative ease with which a person can obtain a firearm. National Rifle Association of America, The Gun Law Problem 10. In the following study the authors employ data analysis techniques to examine the efficacy of state and municipal controls on handguns. They conclude that many lives would be saved if all states increased their level of control to that of New Jersey, the state having the most stringent gun control laws

    Bail Practices in Allegheny County

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    The administration of bail involves two separate questions: (1) is the defendant eligible for bail; and (2) if he is eligible, what conditions of release should be imposed. The first question is readily answered by reference to federal and state constitutional and statutory provisions. Generally anyone charged with a non-capital offense is eligible for bail. The second question is not as easily resolved. Federal and state statutes set out only general considerations. Typical is Rule 46c of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure which provides that the amount of bail should be such as will insure the presence of the defendant, having regard to the circumstances of the offense charged, the weight of the evidence against him, the financial ability of the defendant to give bail and the character of the defendant. Relevant to the determination of conditions of release is the Eighth Amendment\u27s prohibition against excessive bail. There is, however, almost no case law construing this provision-even its applicability to state proceedings through the Fourteenth Amendment is unsettled